I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 196: : I, Sandro, the **** of agriculture

The cold water poured on her body, and the lady woke up in a daze.

Soon, she recalled what had happened before she went into a coma, and said bitterly and hardly in her voice: "I remember... We finally met the Succubus Queen and the Lord of Dawn?"

"They came after me." Jiang Hao did not conceal it.

"When you decide to become a god, it means that your enemies have been determined, and they will desperately prevent your promotion." The lady read a sentence recorded in Bartholomew Augustus's notes, slightly in a trance. Asked, "Your enemies are the Lord of the Dawn and the Queen of Succubus?"

"Yes." Jiang Hao nodded. They are indeed his enemies. Only the Lord of Dawn is caused by the struggle for authority. Strictly speaking, he is not his enemy on the way to God, because He wants to be promoted to'agriculture' instead of'sun'.

"Your authority is not'rich'!" The quick-minded Sierra immediately understood something.

Sandro’s authority cannot be ‘rich’, otherwise his enemies cannot be the Lord of the Dawn and the Queen of Succubus.


After getting an accurate answer, the lady took a breath and said bitterly: "Fortunately, I persuaded Arnold, otherwise he will be killed by you."

Jiang Hao looked at her and smiled softly, "If he hasn't thought of cheating me, he won't be cheated by me."

"you're right."

"Will we be friends in the future?"

What she asked was whether he would treat her as a friend when he became a god?

"Yes." Jiang Hao nodded gently.

"Thank you."

Serra laughed, and immediately the brilliance of the magical arts on her body surged, and her clothes changed to cover some parts of her. Although her body was still cold, she was very happy in her heart.


The morning sun shone on Arnold Augustus. He rode on the dragon Gold and slowly landed on a golden wheat field.

In the bright sun, rows of golden and heavy wheat formed an endless golden wave.

When the wind blew, the golden waves rolled.

Seeing these results, the joy that could not be described in words overflowed his chest.

This is the foundation for his promotion to the God of Abundance.

That idiot Serra, what did the Augustus family's credibility say to him, that he can't offend the other party, kidding, what is credibility? Credit is used to cheat. It used to be because the benefits were not big enough, but now the benefits are already big.

As long as I am promoted to a true god, the blood flowing in their bodies will be automatically blessed by divine power, completing the transformation from mortal blood to **** blood, and the Augustus family will become a true **** family.

At that time, even if Augustus broke his faith once, what would happen? The Protoss family has no credibility, and it is still the Protoss family at the apex of the entire main plane.

As for offending the other party...a demigod who is not a true god, what can he do if he offends him?

Thinking about it, a bright smile appeared on his face.

Seeing Arnold Augustus descending, the butler came up and said:

"His Royal Highness Arnold, Bishop Christian has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Let him wait." Arnold Augustus said casually, then got off the dragon and walked into the wheat field.

"..." The butler was stunned for a moment, then smiled a little, and left to reply to the bishop Christian.

Although Bishop Christian is the archbishop of the Forest Church and a strong contender for the next pope, what about it? His Royal Highness Arnold is about to become a true His Royal Highness, and the Augustus family does not need to care about a little archbishop.

Standing in the center of the wheat field, Arnold Augustus looked around sharply and said:

"Nobles, churches, and kings from all parts of the mainland, I believe you have already seen that the wheat I, Arnold Augustus brought to you is a brand-new, high-yield crop. About 800 to 1,000 kilograms, which is one hundred and seventy-six times the yield of the dense grains you are currently planting."

"It is a real crop that can save countless people from starvation throughout the main plane."

"And I promise you that once I become a true **** and become a **** of fertility, I will triple the output of the entire field of the main plane in ten years."

Driven by the authority of ‘rich’, rows of wheat leaves turned yellow, and the golden grains inside fell off and matured.

The pile of grains caused a commotion among the nobles, churches and kings who were watching here through magic.

The output of wheat moved them, and the promise of Arnold Augustus moved them even more.

Arnold Augustus said that it is not that the yield of wheat has tripled, but that all the output in the field, the magic plant, is also the output in the field, and its value is not comparable to that of wheat.

"Dawn is here. Once wheat becomes popular, those poor people will not starve to death. At that time, the number of believers in our Lord will explode. The order will be passed down so that all the land belonging to the church will be planted with wheat."

"It's a pity, the Augustus family's arrangement is almost complete, otherwise the **** of fertility may not be born in their family."

"Even if you don’t need to care about a new **** who is not more than 15 even if he is a god, there is no need to offend him, Amed, plant wheat on one-third of our land, just As a gift from us, to celebrate the Augustus family becoming a member of the Godborn family."

The seeds produced by the engraving were distributed to all parts of the main plane through the teleportation array. Countless nobles began to plant the seeds in their fields, and this action made the authority of'richness' closely related to Arnold Augustus. Combined.

The Augustus family, who had been prepared, immediately urged the believers to pray in unison, and the surging faith gathered on Arnold.

Invisible threads began to connect to him, and the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of the believers were all sensed by him. The demigods who occupied the authority of'richness' began to lose their authority, and all these authority gathered in his body. On the body, increase his power ~www.NovelMTL.com~ The entire main plane began to reject him, and the void outside the endless realm opened the door to him.

At this moment, he sublimated.

"Although the mastery of'bundance' is still reluctant, although the beliefs contributed by the believers are still insufficient, although preparations will be more complete a year later, although the family has paid countless prices and promises to clear the road to promotion. Several great beings protect themselves and stop those gods who are hostile to me. As a price, my family and I must serve them for three thousand years, but these are all worthwhile."

He was about to speak, proclaim his **** to the entire main plane, and complete the final step of promotion to the true god, when he suddenly heard a voice resounding throughout the main plane,

"I, Sandro, the **** of agriculture!"

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