I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 195: : Escape

The Lord of Dawn is really concerned about me. When I was attacking the abyss, I found out that I had left Ganzros City and never forgot to take the time to give me a fine punishment.

No, this is...

He dropped the clone?

Jiang Hao raised his head and looked at the shining sun in the sky and the looming figure in it.

Compared with the brain blank when the succubus queen Mekanshut appeared suddenly, he had already prepared for the appearance of the Lord of Dawn, and even had his heart if the Lord of Dawn appeared, with his hateful character, When he saw Mekanshut, he thought about whether he would hug Mekanshut like a rabbit, so that he would have a chance to escape.

So instead of being afraid of the coming of the Lord of Dawn at this moment, he looked up very calmly to observe the next move of the Lord of Dawn, so that he could respond in time.

Facing the radiant sun, Mekanshut began to counterattack. She stood up from her throne, and the power from the abyss boiled quickly, and the diffuse black mist rushed up against the sun, some kind of Roaring with a malicious consciousness.

Serra was shocked by the blasphemous power contained in the roar, and she passed out.

The bright and white sun went down, and the diffuse black fog met the brilliant sun, just as the snowflakes in winter met the scorching sun in summer, and quickly melted away.

Mekanshut took a halt, and cracks began to appear on the ground under her feet, and a painful look appeared on her face.


The palace could no longer withstand the approach of the sun, disintegrating inch by inch.

Drops of pitch-black blood flowed down from her body and fell on the ground, blooming beautiful thorns.

"The succubus queen is not an opponent of the Lord of Dawn at all."

The thoughts in Jiang Hao's mind turned slightly. At any rate, he was also the demon lord. At any rate, he appeared here as the real body. She hadn't survived a round in front of the clone of the Lord of Dawn. I really don't know where she came from. Old woman's.

Taking advantage of the gap where the projection of the succubus queen was defeated, Jiang Hao yelled softly.

"Praise the night lady Sara."

As a true god, Sha'er can hear the voice no matter how small he can hear it. If he can't hear his voice, no matter how loud it is, he can't hear it.

The reason why he shouted so loudly before was to shout to Ms. Dark Night. Now that the Lord of Dawn is in front of him, he does not need to shout loudly to attract the attention of this god.

After doing this, he quickly backed up and appeared beside the unconscious Serra, stretched out his hand to catch her, then turned into a ray of light, and fled in the opposite direction.

"Wait for me." Seeing Jiang Hao's movements seemed to be inspired by the black dragon Bamas, he flapped his wings vigorously and followed.

After leaving the shining sun of the Lord of Dawn's incarnation and entering the darkness that exists all year round in the gloomy region, Jiang Hao's figure began to fade.

He is ending Serra's call to himself and preparing to return to Ganzros.

At this moment, the figure in the sun casts its gaze on Jiang Hao, and the gaze projected from the blurred face carries a sharp sharp edge and makes an angry voice.


In an instant, endless light radiated from the sun, bursting out its own brilliance like the sun, dispelling all the darkness in the super-large area of ​​the gloomy region, and covering it with positive energy surging in waves like tides. With everything it can cover, creatures and plants that live in the gloomy area and are accustomed to darkness are instantly burned to ashes by the bright white flames.

Goblins, gray dwarves, benthic magic fish, beholders, humanoids and other creatures are all spared.

Jiang Hao, who was covered by the light, also lit a flame. Jiang Hao immediately cut off his pain, but the next moment, the light stuck to his body. Jiang Hao, who was returning to Ganzros City, was like entering from the water. Like the fish in the glue, they struggled through the space, but they couldn't leave.

Behind him, a new round of energy is gathering.

"Lord of Dawn! Go to death!"

Taking advantage of the time when the Lord of Dawn was distracted to deal with Jiang Hao, Mekanshut decisively rushed up to the sun, and threw the whip in his hand fiercely.

She did not choose to escape, because among the many good gods, the Lord of Dawn hated darkness most and hated evil. He would not let any demons run away from under his nose. If he escaped, he would be like that little chick. Like a man, he was attacked from behind by the Lord of Dawn.


A whip was thrown on the sun, and the brilliance released by the sun was visibly turbulent.

Seizing this opportunity, Jiang Hao struggled to break free from the glory of the Lord of Dawn, and his figure quickly faded and disappeared.

"Queen of Succubus!"

The voice of the Lord of Dawn's rage sounded.

The last scene in Jiang Hao's sight was that endless brilliance swallowed everything.

Jiang Hao, who returned to Ganzros City, calmly took out the silver dragon slayer with the dagger, pierced it into his head, and stirred with his last strength before he died.

His corpse collapsed, and the white brain was mixed with red blood flowing out.

With his death, Longinus, the Spear of God Killing, began to exert its effect, and the white flames entwining him went out little by little. After the flames were completely extinguished, he got up from the ground.

"It's so risky... Even if I was doing such a major event as the attack on the abyss, the Lord of Dawn still did not stop paying attention to me. The moment I left Ganzros, he came, indicating that in his heart, I was released. In a very important position, His hatred of me even surpassed his hatred of darkness and evil."

Jiang Hao muttered to himself, then sat on the chair, and began to think about it, "The heavenly mountain gods are attacking the abyss... From the point of view of time, they should be the spider lady and the double-headed baboon fighting each other some time before their revenge. The slaughter of the gods, but it may also be revenge on the evil gods~www.NovelMTL.com~ Who let their conspiracy make the **** of justice and the **** of good dragon fall? Two true gods have fallen in succession. If the gods of Heavenly Mountain were not Actions will deal a huge blow to their prestige, and maybe more evil beings will extend their black hands to them."

"But no matter what the reason is, the news that the heavenly mountain gods are attacking the abyss is still good news for me. I can use the opportunity that the Lord of Dawn can't take advantage of to promote to the true god... Well, the time must be selected, and the time must be selected. When the Lord of Dawn is at war with the Demon Lord or Cthulhu, otherwise the Lord of Dawn attaches great importance to me. When he perceives me as a true god, he is very likely to leave the battlefield and come back to prevent me from being promoted."

Several thoughts flashed in his mind at the same time. After thinking for a while, he thought about it, manipulating the creeping walker clone that stayed in the void outside the domain to exert the ability to shuttle through the space, and rushed to the abyss.

Immediately, he used the water-making technique to create a large amount of water and poured it on Serra's face.

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