I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 166: : Redemption

Without the heavenly vision, without the shining light, the saint son was born from the belly of Sister Angelika, not only like countless ordinary babies, but also different from countless ordinary babies.

Sister Angelica first instinctively covered her belly. When she saw the Son landing, she immediately endured the severe pain, and carefully hugged the Son in her arms, wrapped him in the nun’s clothes, for fear that he would have a trace. Of freezing and cold.

A group of believers happily went up to see the born Son. They surrounded the Virgin and looked at the baby, with tears of excitement on their faces because they had seen their Lord.

The baby’s cry of “wow” not only awakened the believers who were kneeling outside the church, but also spread through the live broadcast rooms that have not been closed for unknown reasons, and shocked countless live broadcast rooms still hanging. Follow the people in the live room.

"I heard the cry of the baby, could it be said..."

"It's the Son, the Son is finally born."

"There is no fluctuation in my heart, and I even want to drown him because the universe is about to be destroyed."

"You cannot be hostile to the Son just because God wants to start again. The Son is not the same as God. He is merciful. He is a **** and a human being."

"Isn't it the Holy Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the Trinity?"

"It's the Trinity, but it's like a Hydra. I'm not talking about the Hydra in Marvel, nor the Hydra in the myth. It is the Hydra with nine different consciousnesses in the magical fantasy, although It is a body, but each consciousness has its own thoughts, and even these thoughts conflict with each other."

"You can just claim that he is schizophrenic, it doesn't have to be that complicated."

"You said it yourself, it has nothing to do with me."

"In fact, I really hope that the Son can save us. I don't want to die."

"I, who was blessed by the emperor Wa, said: Don't be surprised, watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court; if you want to leave, look at the sky and the clouds are soothing."

In the apocalyptic atmosphere where the universe is about to collapse and the world is about to die, everyone has different attitudes towards the birth of the Son. Some are extremely hostile, some are elated, some are indifferent, and some are indifferent, but more people have complicated feelings. Watching the live broadcast room in the mood.

In a military airport plane, Hodgson, who had just boarded the plane, received a call from the theologian, and the other party was excited and incoherent.

"President, great, Son... Son He was born."

Covering the microphone of the phone, Hodgson said to the secretary: "Ask the bank and ask if they can make less money, and tell them that I am the president of the United States."

"Mr. President, I said your identity earlier, but the other party said: If you want to use their channels to transfer assets, you must follow their rules, and you can only accept hard currency. Having said that, you must go through their channels, or you will expose your affairs."

"If you ask again, just say that I have hard currency, but I want to lower the rake, otherwise I will definitely not go through their channels. If he likes to be exposed, he will be exposed. I am not afraid."

After the secretary left, Hodgson scolded, "Shit, **** that took advantage of the fire,"

He unscrewed the mineral water, took a fierce sip, then let go of the microphone, and said coldly: "Holy Son is born? Does it have anything to do with me?"

What happened recently made him really have a bad impression of Shengzi.

"...Mr. President, the birth of the Son means that the world may not be destroyed."

"What do you mean?"

Hodgson's heart moved.

The other party quickly said, "Mr. President, don't you know that you have read the books of the Cross? Although those books clearly indicate the Holy Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, there are still subtle differences."

"In the Book of Genesis, God, or our Father in heaven, that is, the Holy Father, He is the omnipotent who does whatever he wants. If he is pleased, he will give him all the glory of the sky. He does not If you are happy, you will destroy it."

"He created the first human Adam with mud in his own image. Because Adam is similar to himself, He requires that all life, including angels, bow to Adam in heaven and on earth."

"While he instructed Adam not to eat the fruit of the tree of good and evil, he created the tempter Satan to lure Adam to eat the fruit of the tree of good and evil, and when Adam was lured by Satan to eat the fruit, he furiously drove Adam out After leaving the Garden of Eden, even because he was unhappy, he sent a great flood to destroy the world."

"The Son is different. Both in the "Gospels" and in the "Acts", it is clearly described that the Son is a kind person. He is being questioned, framed, or even killed. Later they gave forgiveness and forgiveness."

"In the Gospel of Matthew, the Son said: Don’t resist the wicked; if someone slaps your right cheek, you will turn the other side to him; those who are willing to fight with you and take your underwear, even your coat Give it to him too; if someone forces you to take a thousand steps, you will walk with him two thousand steps; if you please, give it to him; if you want to borrow from you, don't refuse!"

"It can be said that the Son is the goodness of all in this world, the embodiment of God's good thoughts."

"So the Son is born, we can go and ask the Son to forgive our sins, and pray that the Son will not destroy us."

After hearing what the other party said, Hodgson asked with a serious face, "What do you think is the chance that the Son will save us?"

"One hundred percent." The other party gritted his teeth. If the Son chooses to forgive, his prediction is successful. If the Son chooses not to forgive, everyone is dead. Who can hold him accountable?

In fact, he didn't think about running away, but the air ticket and ferry ticket were long gone. He couldn't buy it even if he trusted it. Unless he was good water and could swim past, he would definitely not be able to run.

But his family knows his own affairs. He can't do the difficult movement of swimming across the Pacific Ocean. If that's the case, it's better to fool the president back.

Don't think I don't know that you are on the plane now, and everyone is going to die together.

Hodgson asked two sentences and got a definite answer, then hung up the phone and called the secretary to say: "Notify the captain that we are not taking off."

"Don't take off?" The secretary was dazed.

Hodgson said loudly, "I am the president of the United States. Even if I die, I will die on American soil. In addition, I told the intelligence department to investigate the overseas assets of that bank, quietly and quietly."

If the doomsday crisis really disappears, I will let you know that there is a price to blackmail Hodgson.

Outside the church ~www.NovelMTL.com~ With a baby wrapped in a nun's clothes, breathing a breath of air, something strange happened.

In the eyes of everyone, his body is growing.

With every breath, He grew up by one year, and after eighteen breaths, He became a young man.

The long brilliance was vented, and countless angels emerged, singing loudly to the magnificent poems,

"Humble people, blessed are you, because the kingdom of heaven is yours."

"Blessed are you mourners, because you will be comforted."

"Gentle people, blessed are you, because you will inherit the earth."


"Pure-hearted people, blessed are you, because you will see God!"

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