I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 165: : Run away

tear--. "

Seeing what the astronomers said in the video, human beings all over the world have exploded. Although most people have expected this ending when the **** said'start again', but in case, in case, Is there any hope? What if this **** is just making a joke to liven up the atmosphere? But now, you send a video to tell me that this God who does what he wants is not joking with us? He made the universe collapse with supreme power?

"Who will tell me that this video is fake, and the person in it is not an astronomer, but a funny host. He is talking nonsense!"

"I also want to tell you that this video is fake, but the person in the video is really an astronomer. He is currently working at the Dongying National Astronomical Observatory, and this video has been reposted by many astronomers and is also posted on the official websites of many government agencies. , So I’m sorry to tell you that it is true."


"It's strange that the universe is so vast, how can the telescope immediately discover the blue shift phenomenon in the universe?"

"We are going to die like this?"

"No, I don’t want to die. I just entered university and just made a girlfriend. My dad just bought me a car and gave me a luxury villa. The female anchor just promised me to eat with me. I don't want to die."

"Upstairs from the cnm."

"~Hehe, the person who does whatever he wants is not terrible, but the scary thing is that this person is omnipotent."

"Burn, kill, rob, robbery."

"Praise you, Arah, ascend to you amazingly! You ascend, shine, and make the heavens roll aside. You are the king of the gods, the lord of all things, we come from you, and we are made sacred by you. Yours The priest came out to welcome him at dawn, washing his heart with laughter..."

"Nanwu Amitabaya. Dotagadoye. Dodiyehe. Amilydupawi. Amiedo. Siddupawi. Amita. Amitabha. Amita. Pijaran. many……"

"Aspirational rituals, tug the soil to create human beings, transform all things; make rituals and marriages, multiply human beings; create celestial springs, entertain all beings... The great saint and great kindness, the great compassion and great wishes, the roots of the ancestors, the mother of heaven and the emperor Empress Saint Tianzun."


Unknowingly, people split up. After being stimulated, some people broke through the bottom line of morality, began to vent their ugly desires directly in their hearts, and walked into the streets, and then these people were directly suppressed by the well-prepared government. However, some people began to go to the spiritual temple of their faith to pray, not for this life, but for the next life.

It seemed to be summoned by the prayers of believers, and it seemed to be agitated by the actions of God, who did what he wanted. Numerous miracles appeared almost simultaneously.

——In the far east, nine huge bronze cauldrons appeared, the rays of light joined together, and in the brilliance, a figure wearing a crown was looming.

And above the island country next to it, there appeared a strange Gao Tianyuan, and countless spirit gods danced in the palace, offering their loyalty to the lord on the highest throne.

Above Egypt, a touch of a river flows from the invisible void at one end to the unknown void at the other. The Egyptian gods are driving the ship of ten thousand years and drifting on the water, slowly being pushed forward by the current.

On the ruins of ancient Greece, the sacred mountain appeared out of thin air, like an illusion. At the beginning and end of time and space, a vague figure flashed by; on the land of black Africa, the voice of the Lord of Prayer sounded inexplicably; in Northern Europe. In the sky, eighteen runes are shining brilliantly, the Uktra Hill World Tree is lush, and the wisdom spring is crystal clear.

Beyond the Blue Star, the palace roared by with crazy drums and nauseating flutes, and countless foreign gods and former rulers made crazy howls; the golden giant Buddha, coming from the sky, one A lotus flower blooms slowly....

Seeing these miracles, many people on the blue star heaved a sigh of relief.

"I'll just say, how could the gods let that fellow do whatever they want to destroy the world, now they appear to protect us."

"I just made a mistake, can I surrender now?"

"Praise my lord, the lord of heaven, you are the supreme, supreme, and supreme god."


"Why didn't our gods deliver miracles?"

"Queen Serpent God did not appear..."


Those who are sheltered by the gods are elated, and those who are not sheltered by the gods give themselves up.

"Even the Egyptian gods are willing to forgive the modern Egyptians, and are willing to bless them regardless of previous complaints. Why is the Quetzalcoatl still hating us? Do you have to let us Anglo-Saxons die before you appear?"

Looking at the miracle on the screen, Hodgson felt a deep malice.

"Didn't we catch the son of the evil **** of Florence? We can try to use her to summon the original chaos core Asathos in the myth of Cthulhu. Maybe it will fight God after it arrives. Then they all die together." Someone suggested.

"This probability is a bit small."

"I know, but it's better than waiting to die."

Listening to the argument, Hodgson suddenly felt exhausted. He waved his hand and said to the consultants; "You can do what you want, don't ask me, I'm tired, I'm going to rest."

Leaving the conference room, Hodgson suddenly became vigorous, "Prepare a plane for me, I'm going to Dongying, no, let's go to the east."

Although both are the creation gods, judging from the last invasion of Cthulhu, the **** in the east seems to be much stronger.

The secretary didn't have any unexpected expressions on his face, because according to the information he received, many powerful people ran away secretly. From the perspective of time, the president was already late.

"Sure enough~www.NovelMTL.com~ Jiang Hao, who played the role of God in person, was secretly relieved, feeling the huge congregation of faith. For this manifestation, he squandered a lot of divine power, even the scroll of prayer I tore several pieces, including deceiving all the instruments on the blue star that can observe the universe, causing the illusion of the collapse of the universe, and making those astronomers ignore the'why can their own instruments observe the collapse of the universe that happened countless light-years away' This is unreasonable.

But these efforts are all worthwhile. The faith he gained in this apparition is much larger than the previous several apparitions combined, and it has catalyzed a large number of devout believers.

"Although there are still some loopholes, but it doesn't matter." Jiang Hao thought about it, then diverted his attention, "Now let's finish it."

His heart moved. Outside the Cathedral of St. Ang, Sister Angelica felt a sharp pain in her stomach. Something fell from her stomach. Before her heart became cold, she heard a ‘wow’.

The baby cries loudly.

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