I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 117: : East Mi is extraordinary, so cut off

When the scream of the evil **** penetrated the eardrum, everyone felt that they were contaminated by some evil force, and their eyes, ears, and noses had different degrees of auditory and visual hallucinations.

In a trance, they saw the azure ocean, the huge Laley, and countless ugly creatures kneeling in front of the altar, and the huge evil **** Cthulfutan standing in front of the altar with malicious intent. His eyes looked at them.

It opens its mouth.


Everyone heard it at the same time, the endless singing of songs.

It seems that countless mad and depraved men, women, children, children and children are chanting at the same time in a high, shrill voice.

"...In Lalaiye's mansion, Cthulhu Horu who woke up was waiting to dream."

The voice echoed paragraph after paragraph.


Everyone coughed at the same time, and the wet green mud was thrown up by them.

Their ears, their noses, and their eyes all have horribly green tentacles, and one end of the tentacles is like a loach swimming in the water, constantly squirming.

As soon as they lowered their heads, they saw countless seaweeds spreading all the way from under his feet, entwining their legs, hands, and

A mouth is the sea water coming in backwards.


With another terrible scream, the evil **** Cthulfutan moved its terrifying body, walked out from behind the altar, and appeared in reality again.

"It's okay."

In the prime minister's residence, Masamune Tian Chuan had a numb scalp, and the terrible Great Sun Tathagata Purifying World Curse hit the evil god, it turned out to be nothing.

"The Great Priest, this evil **** is not dead?"

"Can the monks continue to fight?"

"Great priest, what should we do?"

The priests and priests under Mishinmu were frightened by the evil god, that is the big day Tathagata.

Although it is only a phantom, not real, it is too exaggerated to be unharmed.

The pity didn't pay attention to them, but looked at the monks and mages with a solemn expression, bending over and bowing: "Thank you."

Seeing the appearance of the pitiful priest, bad thoughts arose in the hearts of these priests and priests at the same time.

"Being able to hold the Heretic God and let the people of future generations avoid a catastrophe, it won't be in vain for us to go through this fate."

Vajra Master Wanzhao smiled and smiled, "It's just a pity that the East Mi's transcendental inheritance has been cut off. It's a pity. It seems that the East Mi's inheritance will only bloom and bear fruit when the Dharma is everywhere."

If you are afraid that the inheritance will be cut off, you will find me, and hand over the inheritance to me, and I will find you a heir.

Some members of my Asakura family are willing to join your tantric sect and pass on your extraordinary power.

Asakura priest just prepared to speak, he saw the Vajra Vajra Master in front of him chanting "Amitabha Buddha" openly, lowered his head, and died of anger.


Hundreds of monks and mages chanted the Buddha's name together, their heads bowed, and they died in anger.

Rainbows lit up from them and flew away.

When I looked again, there was nothing on the ground.

"Huahong and go away......" The priest of Chaocang opened his mouth slightly.

Legend has it that when the eminent monk passes away, his body will turn into a rainbow and go away, and die in the immeasurable palace of the Dakino Pure Land.

When Ke Huahong left, why did the magical artifacts disappear together?

Is there any place where magical artifacts are used in the Pure Land?

"Thanks for your hard work." The pity bowed to the priest and Onmyoji.

Abe Haruaki shook his head slightly, "Serving the Emperor is the duty of our Onmyoji."

"Unfortunately, I didn't help much." A priest said regretfully.

The pity nodded.

She raised her hand, and touched a little on the gods tree, ripples passed by, and the famous Onmyojis and priests with surnames in history, together with the surrounding buildings, slowly disappeared in the ripples.

Seeing the great priest Lizi sending many priests and onmyoji back, Asakura priest respected, "Master Lizi, the great God of Heaven has expelled Yugsothoth, is he about to come?"

"My lord is still outside the timeline and in an unknowable country, and Yugsothoth has not been expelled."

The heart of the Asakura priest instantly lifted up.

"But the other transcendents I invited have already come."

As her voice fell, mysterious words appeared in front of the evil **** Cthulfutan.


A wild voice came, and these words responded with a slight light, confining the evil **** in place.

Cthulhu Futan slammed into the light, and the seemingly weak light did not move at all, firmly trapping the Cthulhu in place.

"The coming person is an extraordinary person in Northern Europe." After hearing the voice, the Asakura priest recognized the person's identity at a glance.

Since the emergence of the extraordinary man in Northern Europe, the extraordinary man has become more popular than the hottest celebrity in the world, and his photos, audios and videos are everywhere on the Internet.

As the priest of Fushimi Inari Shrine, and someone who is slightly involved with the transcendent, he has long remembered the appearance and voice of the other party.

"Is this the almost omnipotent rune character in the legend?" Asakura priest looked at the words imprisoned by the evil **** in awe, then as if thinking of something, he immediately took out his mobile phone and started shooting~www .NovelMTL.com~ This is the rune script, which contains the secret of the universe, the source of magic, and the almost omnipotent script. It is definitely not the so-called rune that has been arched out in the Nordic countries in modern times.

Once you learn it, you can instantly have power comparable to the gods.

He excitedly took out his phone to call up the photo, and when he saw it, he was dumbfounded.

In the photos taken on the mobile phone, there are evil spirits and light, but there is no rune text.

Suddenly, the Asakura priest remembered the words in "The Proverbs of the Supreme": I have eighteen words, and I will never let it down.

Could it be that the runes cannot be recorded?

Pulling two celestial horses, the Nordic extraordinary man who came driving the sun chariot jumped off the chariot. Behind him was an ordinary white old man dressed in a black robe and a weird skeleton mask. A person holding a black staff in one hand and a clay pot in the other.

The knuckles of the black robe man's exposed fingers were thick and withered, as if the bones on the fingers were directly connected to the skin.

Seeing such a distinctive feature, the name of the sect that prevailed in Black Africa came to mind automatically.

Voodoo wizard, servant of the master.

A pair of gray-blue eyes of the Nordic Transcendent were full of fierceness, "Is this the evil god?"

The pity nodded, his face was full of holy brilliance, "I would like to ask you to hold the evil **** temporarily, and wait for my lord to expel Yugsothos and come and expel it."

"First save those who have gone mad."

The white old man in ordinary clothes gave a gentle smile. He took out a book, opened the first page, and read it out with a smile.

"In the beginning, God created heaven and earth."

"The earth is emptiness and chaos, the abyss is dark, and the spirit of God is running on the water."

"God said: Let there be light!"

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