I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 116: :Da Ri Tathagata


The entire Guangming World shook violently, as if a magnitude twelve earthquake was coming.

The mobile phone used for the live broadcast fell to the ground, and the tubing owner ran away with his head in his arms.

The priest's offering to the main gate was not much better, and each one held the godwood and stopped letting go.

Although the Dongying earthquake is a very common thing, it was all minor vibrations. They really hadn't encountered this kind of shaking earthquake.

The whole world of light was ignited.

Trees, streets, houses, cars, and people who were mad and not mad, along with the evil **** Cthulfutan, all burned.

The sky, the earth, the edge of Tokyo, and Saitama Prefecture are full of flames.

The world of light has become a world of flames.

"Fuck, fuck... Hey, it's not hot." After a panic, the tubing master realized that the flame seemed to have no effect on him. He curiously tried his best, and opened his tongue to lick.

It was obvious that the flame was burning on his body, but he just didn't feel it at all.

He suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and immediately ran back to pick up the phone and pointed the camera at himself.

"Hello everyone, I'm Wang Fugui, the leader of the oil pipeline, please take a look at my whole body is on fire and I am still broadcasting to everyone, please subscribe and sponsor it."

"Tubing master, you are stupid X... Fuck, the tubing master is really on fire."

"Do you still want to subscribe and sponsor? Every time you see a critical moment, the live room shakes violently or goes black. You want to subscribe at this level of live broadcast? Go away.

"If I heard correctly, this seems to be the Great Sun Tathagata Purifying World Curse? If this is the Great Sun Tathagata Purifying World Curse? If this is really the Great Sun Tathagata Curse that is used to return the universe to chaos and start again, then the Tuan Master is very dangerous now. what."

The Buddha said that the whirling world is a five-turbid and evil world, with frequent disasters, rampant evils, rampant superstitions, fierce troubles, and short lives.

Want to use the Great Sun Tathagata Purifying World Curse to return the universe to chaos and start again.

Therefore, the Great Sun Tathagata Jingshi Mantra is also called the Great Sun Tathagata Destroying World Mantra.

In the world, thirty-seven Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have their lips and teeth lightly opened, and they chant the sound of Xuanxuan Buddha.

The scene in the flame world began to blur, and time and space flowed slowly in the flame, as if a certain solid glass was refined into a liquid.

Trees, streets, houses, vehicles, human beings, evil gods and other people or things that exist in the light world are refined into some unknown, gray liquid in the flames, flowing slowly.

The flame world gradually became a chaotic world.

Within the world, in a gray area, only the Sanskrit singing of 37 Buddhas and Bodhisattvas came faintly.

In the prime minister's residence, Masamune Tagawa looked at the gray areas on the screen, a little dazed, "What happened?"

"This is the Great Day Tathagata Curse." The expert saw his scalp numb, "It's over, it's over in Saitama Prefecture."

Seeing the confusion on the Prime Minister's face, experts immediately explained to him.

Masamune Tianchuan paled after hearing this, and his body was shaky. When it was over, he was over, it was over.

Although for him, trading Saitama Prefecture and those contaminated by the Cthulhu for the destruction of the Cthulhu and the safety of Tokyo is an uncomfortable but understandable move to survive.

But other people don't think so, especially those who suffer from the loss of their loved ones. For them, understand? Go **** understand.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the chaotic world.


boom! !

The sound stopped in my ears, I only felt that it was a spring thunder in the spring, which caused all things to grow, and it was like the sound of new life after life quacked.


A voice came out again, it seemed to carry endless energy to the entire universe, the fundamental sound of primitive gods, buddhas and bodhisattvas since the birth of the universe.


The chaotic world trembled, and was forcibly broken open by some supreme great power.

A world was born.

Trees, streets, houses, and people in a daze are exactly the same as just now, as if they had just seen the picture of the world being refined into chaos is just an illusion.

But in the new world, the evil **** Cthulfutan disappeared, and everyone who had gone crazy returned to normal.

Wang Fugui looked at the time on the phone. He pointed the camera at himself and asked in a daze, "What just happened? Why did the time suddenly pass for several minutes?"

"You seem to be dead, but I don't know, because the live broadcast just went dark."

"you are dead."

"You just died."

The following series of comments read "You just died" like a repeater.

"Tubing master, what it's like to be dead, come on."

After a comment was posted, it immediately resonated.

"Yes, yes, yes, the tubing master will talk about how it feels after death."

"After you die, will you go to **** or go to the underworld as others said? Will you see many people like you?"

"Is there a reincarnation after death? Is it possible to continue reincarnation?"

Everyone watching the live broadcast felt like a monkey scratching in their hearts~www.NovelMTL.com~ Itching and uncomfortable.


Human beings are the fairest, most unavoidable, and most curious phrase.

In ancient times, human beings imagined the world where souls go after death, such as the underworld, hell, and the underworld. In modern times, with the popularization of science, more and more people have asked: What will happen to us after death?

Countless people have tirelessly tried to prove whether consciousness still exists after death through various experiments, but such experiments have their own shortcomings, and there is no universally accepted answer.

Now that it’s hard to see a person who is'resurrected from the dead', of course we have to ask clearly.

Everyone is asking, of course they have to answer.

Wang Fugui thought for a while, "I suddenly felt black before my eyes, and then brightened again."

"It feels dark in front of you, and then bright in front of you. How does this description seem to be unaware after death?"

"After death, it is impossible to be unconscious. If there is no consciousness after death, how did the tubing master come back to life? Can't the current tubing master be a copy, right? The one copied by Da Ni Tathagata has the same body and memory as him. ."

"You say that, I think it makes sense."

In the live broadcast room, the audience began to discuss ‘what happens when people die’.

"It turns out that the Buddha said,'Use the Great Sun Tathagata to Purify the World Mantra to return the universe to chaos and start again."

Inside the prime minister's residence, the experts suddenly realized, "The Buddha used the supreme mighty power to refine the universe into chaos, and then reopen it to give all living beings a world without five turbidities."

"It's so merciful and compassionate."



Cthulhu's scream came out.

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