
The terrifying fierce battle is still going on in the sky.

Just a few short rounds after the gills entered the battle.

The battlefield has changed again.

I saw that the whole sky suddenly darkened at this moment.

There seems to be an invisible black film that covers the entire sky, and the starlight and moonlight from the night sky are all cut off from the outside world.


In the moment when the sky darkened.

All the space around it seems to have become extremely viscous.

The power of order from the night overwhelmed everything here with a supreme attitude.

The night ghost has arrived.

And bring the existence of this terrifying ghost.

It was the huge figure that was thousands of meters high above the sky.

His head was enormous, and his limbs were long, narrow.

In his left hand, he held a ghostly fire lantern, and in his right hand, he held a thousand-zhang blood spear.

The pair of round eyes with angry eyes looked down at the small human figure not far away.

He is the Night Wanderer.

A lord of the night from the underworld.

With the advent of Him.

There was also a brief pause on the battlefield.

"What the hell am I going to... That's the Night Wanderer... !! "

"The Night Wanderer is coming!!"

The audience panicked, and the appearance of this scene made them sweat for Gu Bai again, and their nervous hands trembled a little.

The four yin handsomes of leopard tail and wasp haven't been solved yet, and now there is another one!

And it is also a higher existence of the priesthood of the Night Wandering God.


I saw that in the lantern in the hand of the night wandering god, the ghostly fire suddenly burst into flames.


The power of the night order exerted on this airspace instantly increases.

The sky is getting darker.

A massive amount of invisible power surged from all directions, as if it was about to completely crush the human being in the middle into powder.

Gu Bai used the Dao Qi Realm to resist this strong pressure.

At the same time, his gaze turned to another position.

The Night Wandering God is here, how can he lack his partner and sworn enemy, the Day Wandering God?

It was as expected by Gu Bai.

The sky lit up at this moment, as if it had suddenly changed from night to day.

Or rather.

The sky has been split in two.

On the left is night, on the right is day.

I saw that on the right, an equally huge figure stood in the air.

It was a burly and sturdy body like a red-faced Vajra.

He is the most humanoid of all the Yin Commanders.

The whole body is muscular, bare and hairless, and there are two raised fangs in the mouth, and the momentum is extremely majestic.

He held a blood-stained broadsword in his right hand.

He holds a lantern in his right hand.

The fire in the lamp burned like a blazing sun.

The light that illuminates half of the night sky comes from the lamp in His hand.

He is the god who presides over the day in the underworld, and is also one of the ten yin gods.

The power of the surging daytime order shook all directions,

The edges of light, and the power of the order of the night, are in contact with each other, mutually exclusive, and merge with each other.

Just like Yin and Yang Taiji, they are mutually reinforcing and complementing each other.

Gu Bai's location is at the intersection of the two domains of yin and yang.

The pressure is also the greatest in the whole sky.

The gods of day and night, as the two gods of the underworld who are in charge of day and night, their power is obviously higher than that of leopard tails and fish gills.

Just the domain suppression that came with the appearance made Gu Bai bear a little pressure.

"The wandering gods are here day and night, don't you come with bulls and horses?"

Gu Bai asked with a smile.

His eyes were on the horizon below.

Before the gate of the heavens and the earth was closed, the bull head and horse face still did not move.

They stood on both sides of the ghost gate, one on the left and the other on the right, like door gods.

Among the top ten yin handsome. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

The deity of the bull-headed horse face is the highest, a large level above the rest of the Yin Shuai.

It seems that their duty is to guard the entrance to the underworld from being invaded from the opposite side.

As for the matter of leveling the world, it was naturally handed over to other handsome ghosts to do.

Gu Bai retracted his gaze, looked around at the six Yin handsomes who were waiting around, and said with a smile:

"If the bull head and horse don't come, it's not easy to rely on your day and night wandering spirits, small fish and insects."

As soon as the voice fell,

Day and night, he launched a terrible attack.

I saw these two gods of the underworld holding up the black and white lanterns in their hands, and chanting complicated incantations in their mouths at the same time.

The divine flame in their lamp quickly burst into flames at this moment, and the flames continued to rise wildly, burning directly out of the lantern and turning into a huge fireball.


The two ghosts, one bright and one dark, superimposed countless layers of order power at this moment, and began to slowly rotate.


The space collapsed at this moment, and an unprecedented wind swept through the sky, and the earth cracked and collapsed...

In the midst of this earth-shattering tremor.

The whole sky seemed to be beginning to spiral. []

The rotation of one black and one white turned the sky into a round of yin and yang grinding plates.


"This Nima..."

The hundreds of millions of viewers who witnessed this scene were so shocked that they couldn't even speak.

One by one, their eyes widened in a daze, completely unable to comprehend the picture.

This is a divine power far beyond their understanding.

Turn the sky into yin and yang, and carry out the rotation of push.

Even in the movie, you can't make such a shocking picture.

But now, it's directly in the real world.

The strongest forces in the human world that they knew in the past, those transcendents who dominated one side, and even the transcendent saints who could push a country sideways, were in front of this yin and yang millstone.

It's hardly even an ant.

This is the great (king's) power from another dimension.

If it weren't for Gu Bai alone at the forefront of resisting, the existence of the wandering god day and night, if he wanted to destroy all the top forces of the four major base cities, it would probably not take a second.


Gu Bai's position was in the very center of this round of Yin and Yang Great Grinding Plate.

The unimaginable majestic power was all exerted on his Dao Qi realm.

Boom Boom...

Gu Bai's Dao Qi realm was rubbed into a thunderous sound.

The surrounding space, because it could not withstand this unprecedented pressure, even small micro-tears had appeared.

It's just a pity,

Even though the Day and Night Wandering God had used such powerful means, it still failed to break Gu Bai's Dao Qi Realm.

"You're done with your moves? Then it's my turn, man. "

Gu Bai reached out and grabbed the longbow behind his back and slowly took it out.

Then, he twisted the invisible bowstring and slowly pulled a full moon to aim it right in front of him.

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