I saw that in the perspective of the eye of the sky,

The entire sky battlefield has completely turned into a constantly distorting rippled space.

Even with the locking of the Heavenly Eye Vision, people can't see the real situation on the battlefield.

I can only barely see that two high-speed flashing figures are constantly colliding.

Boom ——!

Boom ——!

Boom ——! ...

Countless divine rays flickered, reflecting the entire sky and the earth.

In the midst of several rounds of fierce confrontations.

Another ghost-like figure also struck from the far sky and directly joined the battlefield.

It was the wasp Yin Shuai who was knocked away by Gu Bai with the thunder method just now!

The wasp is almost as fast as it gets, and he's completely different from the black and white impermanence and the leopard's tail.

It seems to be a being that is completely unrestricted by nature, and its huge body is sweeping in the air, but it seems to be sneaking, and it doesn't make any movement at all.

It seems that it could appear anywhere at any time and attack out of nowhere.

And the most terrible of all,

None other than His tail pin.

It's a super attack that can be shot through the air.

The speed is almost 20, which is faster than Gu Bai's thunder method, and it has an extremely strong penetrating power.

Several times, Gu Bai couldn't dodge, and he used the Dao Qi barrier to block these attacks.


This top-level battle has already been exchanged for more than hundreds of rounds in less than a dozen seconds.

Not only did the sky appear in a large area of space black domain.

The army of the undead below has also been affected by an unprecedented impact,

Within a radius of a hundred miles, there were only a few ghosts with peak strength of the catastrophe level left, barely surviving, and the others had been completely torn to pieces by the aftermath of the battle.

This is a battle far beyond the limits of this side's world.

The spatial ripples generated by the collision alone occupied the entire Tianyan vision.

All the viewers in front of the screen were staring wide-eyed, and their whole expressions were completely stunned.

Including the Heavenly Master and a column of super-saints, almost no one could see the details of this battle.

It is even more impossible to comment on it.

At this moment, there was only a long-lasting shock in everyone's hearts.

This is a dimensional-level gap.

If it weren't for Gu Bai, a living immortal, I am afraid that with the current level of Kyushu, no matter how many people are a hundred times or a thousand times, they will not be able to resist the invasion of these Yin Shuai at all.

Just when the battle was raging.

Someone suddenly noticed.

The land below was a mess, and suddenly a pitch-black water area appeared.

Like pus oozing from the earth, it quickly converged into a black lake, and huge bubbles kept rising.

And a huge body thousands of meters tall leaped up from this black water.

It was a monster with a fish-headed human body.

His scales are like rocks that are all over his body,

The head of the fish is even larger, the mouth of the fish occupies almost two-thirds of the body, and rows of fangs are arranged in his mouth, like a forest.

One of the ten yin handsomes, the gills in charge of the fish undead of the underworld!


I saw that the gills of the fish opened their mouth like a rift, and a fleshy throat protruded from its mouth, like a huge pitch-black cannon barrel.

Countless black waters surged in the barrels.

Then, aiming at the human figure flashing at high speed in the sky, it was directly bombarded!

Boom ——!

A pitch-black water cannon pierced the sky!

The terrifying kinetic energy generated at this moment caused the surrounding land to set off a kilometer-high wave of earth.

Above the sky.

Gu Bai, who was fighting with the two Yin Marshals, his eyes flickered slightly.

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly used the Beginningless Skill to condense a powerful Dao Qi barrier and completely protect himself.

The water cannon attack of the gills of the fish is coming in an instant.

Boom ——!

This terrifying impact blasted the surrounding space into a black hole-like spatial depression.


The attack of the leopard tail and the wasp also came overwhelmingly.

But that's much more than that.

A roar that shook the heavens and the earth came from far away.

It was the screeching of a falcon.

I saw a figure with a pitch-black body and feathers like steel, fluttering its wings and sweeping sideways.

His torso was a human body, and he also had a human head, but the rest of his body was a bird, and even his beak had a long, pointed beak. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

One of the ten Yin Marshals, the beak of the undead of the birds in the underworld!


The bird's beak flashed,

His two claws, full of a sense of power that tore through everything, bent inward at this moment, directly condensing two black clouds of terrifying energy.

Then, he flapped his wings, aimed in Gu Bai's direction, and threw out the two balls of energy!

A wave has not settled, and a wave has risen!

The participation of another handsome man in the battle made all the viewers in front of the screen at this moment almost nervous and frightened to the extreme.

Gu Bai's strength is undoubtedly above Yin Shuai,

In the face of numerical disadvantage, these threats can only be swept away by breaking them one by one.

But now,

The four yin commanders, wasps, leopard tails, gills, and bird's beaks, actually launched a joint siege against Gu Bai, and the entire battle situation on the scene has begun to take a sharp turn!


With the participation of the four Yin Marshals in the battle, the entire world was violently shaken.

For a while, the scene had entered the most fierce white-hot battle since the appearance of the Ghost Gate Pass.

Thunder Field... []

Sword Breath Realm...

Blade Qi 730 Field...

Dao Qi Domain...

Facing the crazy attack of Yin Shuai.

Gu Bai's powerful means were also unleashed at this moment without any scruples.

The majestic power of divine order filled the entire battlefield.

Even in the midst of such a high-pressure battle.

Gu Bai is still at ease, and he has not reduced his decline in the slightest.

On the contrary, it was the four Yin Shuai, after the initial crazy dumping, the offensive obviously showed signs of weakening.

Among them, the wasp and leopard tail, the two first to participate in the battle, were even more injured.

It's almost impossible to maintain peak combat power.

In fact, with Gu Bai's current strength, as long as he is fully firepowered, he can completely solve these Yin Shuai within a few rounds.

But he couldn't help it.

The spatial barrier of this world is difficult to withstand his full strength.

The origin level is medium, and it is almost at the top.

Just fighting these Yin Shuai now, you can turn the space into a mess.

Once the force used exceeds the limit value that the space can bear, it is not as simple as distorting and collapsing.

It will be the same as when he used the Chaos Pupil, and he will directly tear out the hole.

And in a battle of this scale, once there is a spatial tear, I am afraid it will be difficult to heal on its own.

When the time comes, the whole world will be sucked directly into it.

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