
All the fairy foxes disappeared from view.

Tu Shanqing's sea of consciousness also appeared in an ever-expanding perceptual realm, and all the information within a hundred miles of the surroundings was under her control.

Gu Bai asked, "How long will it take?" ~"

Tu Shanqing made a rough estimate: "If you want to cover the entire Central Plains, it will probably take another hour." "

"Okay, you stay here, I'll give you the Dharma protector, and if you find any clues, notify me immediately."

Gu Bai instructed.


Tu Shanqing nodded.

The next moment, Gu Bai used dozens of high-grade talismans.

Super Rank Golden Gang Talisman!

Super Iron Curtain Talisman!

Super Rank Town Mountain Talisman!


This heaven and earth were completely illuminated by the light of the spell at this moment.

All the ghost qi that was eroding the space around was swept away in an instant, turning into a clear realm.

These dozens of super-level talismans, each taken out individually, have a powerful defense that can resist the origin level.

Now superimposed,

It has turned into an impregnable and absolute defensive field.


Tu Shanqing's eyes lit up.

She was in this defensive realm, and she was stunned as she looked at the divine barrier of light flowing around her.

That's too much of an exaggeration, isn't it?

She didn't know how many layers of barriers Gu Bai had cast, but she could clearly feel the power of mysterious order contained in those barriers.

This is almost equivalent to the superposition of dozens of immortal methods.

And it's the kind that complements each other.

But that's not all.

After activating these talismans,

Gu Bai also used the Beginningless Skill to differentiate a supreme aura and inject it into the entire defense realm.

For a time, the brilliance of the entire field was more prosperous.

It was as if half a brilliant dawn appeared on the earth, and the aura of Haoran swept in all directions.

Not to mention the Doom Level, even the weaker existences in the Havoc Rank would be directly vaporized the first moment they came into contact with those Haoran Qi.

"How's it going, it's safe enough?"

Gu Bai said with some smugness, making these talismans would waste a lot of effort on his part.

"Awesome! you! "

Tu Shanqing snorted, but the corners of her mouth still curled up slightly.

"Stay here, let me know what's going on, I'll meet those guys outside."

Gu Bai patted her head and prepared to leave.

Tu Shanqing hurriedly shouted: "Wait! "

Gu Bai turned around: "What's wrong?" "

Tu Shanqing pursed her red lips, with a worried look in her eyes, "You must come back well, I'll wait for you." "

"Don't worry."

Gu Bai smiled.

When he turned around, the figure was gone.

When it reappears.

Gu Bai had already come outside the realm.

He stood in the air, his whole body was covered with a layer of golden glow by the realm light, and a pair of deep starry eyes quietly looked at the pitch-black chaos in the distant sky.

"! It's out!! "

"These are all charms???

"Damn... How much weight is this spell stacked on top of each other? "

"Did you see it? Who is that fairy lady who suddenly appeared just now? I'm not the only one noticing, am I? "

"I saw it too!"

There was a shock on the public screen of the barrage.

So much has happened in the short time just now.

First, the beautiful woman with fox ears and fox tail who suddenly appeared next to Gu Bai, and then the blessings of various divine power runes, the people who watched were dazzled for a while.

"I remembered!! Do you still remember that when Gu Ye was fighting ghosts on Skull Island, he used a similar immortal spell, which was the giant fox fairy phantom! "

"? In that case, that big beauty just now is a fairy family? "

Only then did everyone suddenly realize.

No wonder everyone sees those light foxes jumping in the air, and they have an inexplicable familiar feeling, which has a long history. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Gu Ye asked the Immortal Family to help this time!

Knowing this,

The audience in front of the screen suddenly cheered up a lot, and they all stared at the screen nervously.

Gu Bai didn't plan to move directly, but closed his eyes in mid-air and slowly breathed.

Wisps of pale golden aura emerged from under his feet, showing an upward spiral motion, lingering around him.

Subsequently, these auras quickly expanded again, forming a spiderweb-like pale golden formation, which began to flow in a certain pattern.

This is the power of order that he realized in the beginningless Tao.

After a little transformation, it became a technique.

This Dao technique can act on space.

Named -

"Fight the stars!"

At this moment, Gu Bai opened his eyes.

In his pupils, there was a rhythm of the power of the dark spatial order. []

The next second.

In the space where he was standing, a black collapsed space suddenly appeared.

It's like the whole person is stuck in a swamp of space.

And at the same time,

Thousands of miles away.

There is also a space collapse.

These two collapsed spaces are connected by some mysterious force at this moment.

It's like two dots on a flat sheet of paper, overlapping each other because of the curvature of the paper.

Gu Bai took a step.


With Gu Bai's movements, the two high-speed rhythmic spaces continuously released twisted vertical lines.

It was a picture scroll made of countless mountains, rivers and seas, condensed in a picture that was fast-forwarded countless times at the moment, constantly flying backwards.


All the high-speed flowing images around finally froze.

Gu Bai's step seemed to have only spanned a distance of less than half a meter.

But when the footsteps fall,

But he had already reached the depths of the Central Plains, thousands of miles away.

The shock of this process is no less than witnessing a person travel through time and space in the flesh.

Every audience in front of the screen was almost stunned by this trick.



"This ???????"

"Am I not mistaken?? It was a wormhole shuttle????? "

"This is a special space ??? leap"

The barrage erupted with a question mark.

Gu Bai's hand was completely beyond everyone's comprehension.

Not to mention ordinary people, even super saint powerhouses like Old Heavenly Master and Li Dongxuan stared at each other, a little unable to believe what they were seeing.

Leaping into space in the flesh?

And still at such a distance?

This is far more exaggerated than Gu Bai's realm teleportation, countless times more exaggerated.

Although teleportation is also a bug-level ability, it can only be used within the scope of the domain, and the distance is very limited.

This hand now is a real space folding!

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