Not being able to get Gu Bai's blood was one of his great regrets.

Not being able to deal with Gu Bai's huge threat was another big regret for him.

Even if the whole major event has been completed by ninety-nine percent, as long as Gu Bai is still alive now, there is still a trace of variables.

This is what the president does not want to see.

Once Gu Bai found out where they were hiding, it would be a consequence that the Corpse God would not be able to bear at all.

Ghost head: "President, you can rest assured at this point, Gu Bai is impossible to defeat the top ten yin handsome, take 10,000 steps back and say, even if he defeats the top ten yin handsome, the ghost gate will definitely react, and it will be far more than that." "


The old man just shook his head:

"If that's the case, then you're underestimating him."

"Gu Bai is undoubtedly the son of the destiny of the ancestral land of the human race, and a genius of the ages who has not been born for thousands of years."

"Since the Yin Soldier borrowed the Dao, he has created too many miracles, and the Skull Island, which we have prepared a foolproof strategy, failed to get rid of him, sacrificed the entire Sakura Island and all the cultists, and attracted the Sakura Evil God, but also failed to get rid of him."

"And after these two desperate encirclements, 643's strength has obviously been greatly improved."

"Even Izanagi's time realm has been cracked, and I don't think there's anything he can't do."

It's been a long time since the old man has said so many things in one breath.

There are too many doubts on Gu Bai's body.

Thunder Law that is clearly beyond the inheritance of this world.

A teleportation realm never seen in this world.

And those three immortal weapons...

Thinking of this, the old man's pupils narrowed slightly, and a faint trace of greed and fanaticism flashed.

This kind of emotion is difficult to appear in his ancient eyes.

Because, he could recognize that the three divine weapons held by Gu Bai were all innate treasures.

That's definitely not a product of this world.

Even if Kyushu is the ancestral land of the human race, it will not be able to naturally give birth to innate treasures in today's era of the end of the law.

The only possibility is from the upper realm.

But why was the innate spiritual object of the upper realm obtained by Gu Bai?

Could it be that there are still remnants in Heavenly Court?

The old man's thoughts drifted away, and he had been thinking about these questions for a long time, but he had never had a definite answer.

Everything can only be explored after the ritual is completed.

"Gu Bai, this time, can you still create a myth?"

The old man's gaze was only staring at the image projected by the ghost's eyes, and he muttered in his mouth.


Gu Bai had already passed through the sky above Longdu Base City.

Thanks to the real-time live broadcast of Tianshentong, all citizens were able to know Gu Bai's movements.

As he flew over the city.

As if to say goodbye,

The streets and tall buildings below are all lit up with bright lights at this moment.

The lights of thousands of homes on the ground only illuminate the way forward for him.

Gu Bai's eyes were calm, and his figure galloped in midair.

Now he is more and more familiar with the use of beginningless power.

At this moment, in the state of exercise, not only can it be consumed at all, but the speed is far beyond the natural energy state of the super-level thunder method.

The little white fox came out of his arms, poked out a furry head, and looked outside.

"Gu Bai, do you really plan to deal with the Ghost Gate Pass alone?"

Tu Shanqing couldn't help but ask again.

She didn't know much about the Ghost Gate Pass, but thousands of kilometers away, she felt the surging aura from the depths of the Central Plains.

It's no wonder that the five major immortal clans are all collectively closed in the secret realm.

The strength of the Ghost Gate Gate is something that these immortal spirits who have cultivated for hundreds of years and thousands of years dare not imagine at all.

The years of the underworld are counted from 10,000 years (BFCI), and they have an orthodox system inheritance, which is enough to match the heavenly soldiers and generals of the Heavenly Court, where can they be compared with these mountain spirits and wild monsters.

It's like a heavily armed special forces, the gap between them and the wild monkeys in the mountains.

Tu Shanqing, as an absolutely gifted existence among the Tu Shan clan, does not dare to say that he can face a handsome man.

That's why I'm worried about Gu Bai's crazy plan.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything."

Gu Bai said, continuing to speed up.

Half an hour later.

Gu Bai had already crossed all the edge cities and officially arrived at the outer Ghost Forbidden Zone.

The present world of the Ghost Gate Pass, the huge ghost blessing brought by it, made these peripheral ghosts all go crazy.

Not only has the strength increased dramatically, but it has also become more bloodthirsty and furious.

is in an extremely crazy posture.,Mighty slaughter towards Kyushu, the last island of mankind.。

Thundered...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Gu Bai slowly fell from mid-air and stood on top of a broken city wall.

As far as the eye can see, the ground in front of them is full of wriggling and surging ghosts, and there is almost no end in sight.

The infiltrating breath that came to the face spread to all directions, making people shudder.

Gu Bai narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance.

It is close to the Central Plains.

As far as he could see, there was a huge black wave rolling up.

There is a ghost gate, and it is rapidly spreading to the outside world.

"It should be possible here, right?"

Gu Bai asked.

"It can be... But are you sure you want to be here? "

Tu Shanqing's expression was a little confused, and she couldn't believe it.

This is a frontal war zone!

In a few hours, it is estimated that he will collide with the top ten Yin Shuai, and there is no way to avoid it.

Gu Bai looked around: "It's okay, that's it, the radiation range here is relatively wide." "

"Ahhh No matter! "[]

Tu Shanqing screamed like crazy, jumped out of Gu Bai's collar, and turned into a human form.

Then, she sat cross-legged on the ground and began to exercise.

Immortal Messenger!

As Tu Shanqing began to operate the Immortal Method, a faint layer of light quickly shrouded her body.

The light flowed like a gauze blanket, outlining a formation around her.


One after another, the fairy foxes of light conjured out of the formation, their steps were light, and they stepped on the glowing footprints in the air, leaping into the air and heading into the distance.

In just a few tens of seconds, hundreds of messengers have been released.

The fairy fox stepped into the air, and the fluorescence was smart.

In this darkness, countless paths of light are drawn.

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