Gu Bai looked at the message on the screen from the girl's true feelings, and couldn't help but feel a little self-blamed.

During this time, I was indeed a little negligent.

This can't be delayed, we have to hurry up and see her.

Gu Bai changed into clothes and hurriedly went out.

Although it was already two o'clock in the morning, it was estimated that she hadn't slept yet.

On the way, Gu Bai also called her.

But the voice prompts the other party to turn off the power when the power is out.

Gu Bai could only log in to the backstage, found the number of An Tang's assistant Chu Xiaoxiao, and dialed it.

"May I ask if it's Assistant Chu? I'm Gu Bai. "

"Oh! it's really you!!"

Chu Xiaoxiao let out a short exclamation in fright, and her phone almost fell off.

Gu Bai's number is No. 00001 specially noted by the General Administration, and it has the highest priority access authority for all bands nationwide.

When she first saw this serial code, Chu Xiaoxiao thought it was dazzling, but she didn't expect it to be true!

The legend who lives in the legend actually called himself.

Recalling the previous incident, Chu Xiaoxiao immediately reacted, he must have come to ask Captain An about it!

Chu Xiaoxiao really guessed correctly.

Gu Bai asked An Tang where he lived, said thank you and hung up the phone, leaving Chu Xiaoxiao, who was a little deer in her heart.

There's got to be something going on here!!

The fire of gossip in the little assistant's heart is burning, and he has already made up a 10,000-word sweet pet article of the boss.

The other side.

The twelfth floor of the State Guesthouse.

This is a special accommodation area arranged by the General Administration for senior leaders, divided into a number of independent suites.

Chu Xiaoxiao said that An Tang lives in Suite 1201 tonight.

Gu Bai walked to the door and rang the doorbell.

No one opened the door.

He simply used his spiritual power, drilled into the crack of the door, and directly opened the combination lock.


The door slowly opened.

The room was so dark that the lights weren't even turned on.

Gu Bai stood at the door and could see the figure curled up on the sofa holding his knees.

I saw Gu Bai coming in.

An Tang sniffed his somewhat reddened nose, and there was a little crying in his voice: "Why are you here..."

Gu Bai walked up to her and squatted down and touched her head.

An Tang's eyes were red, and he was still wearing a miserable combat uniform, with some small scars left by the battle.

His face was dusty, and the hair on his forehead was wet with sweat, stained into strands of sweat, like an embarrassed kitten in distress.

But she still ran over to see her as soon as possible.

Gu Bai was a little distressed, and gently helped her wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, "Don't cry, I'll play games with you." "

An Tang buried his face in the crook of his arm, and said in a somewhat aggrieved voice: "I don't want to play games." "

Gu Bai pretended to be disgusted: "Then you have to take a bath, you are dirty." "

"I don't wash it. "

An Tang still said sullenly, but the small nasal voice after crying made her words sound a little coquettish.

Gu Bai didn't care anymore, and directly picked her up.


"What are you doing?"

was suddenly picked up, An Tang was also startled, and Gu Bai hugged it very casually, she almost lost her balance and fell, so she could only subconsciously hug Gu Bai's neck.

Gu Bai showed a triumphant smile and walked directly into the shower room with her in his arms.

With a hook of the foot, the door slammed shut.

An hour later.

in the bedroom.

Both were wearing bathrobes.

Gu Bai took a towel and carefully helped her wipe her wet hair.

But the flying glow on the girl's face has not retreated for a long time, and even the roots of her ears are red.

Gu Bai didn't go too far this time, at most, he just kissed and hugged.

However, for a girl who is new to menstruation, the first time she does these things in a sober state, her heartbeat is going to be chaotic.

It's all this bastard messing around!

An Tang's willow eyebrows were upside down, and he shaved Gu Bai fiercely.

As a big beauty with a cold appearance and temperament, she is wearing a bathrobe, with a cold and pretty face, and she pretends to be angry and stares at this glance, which can not only be described as amorous.

Gu Bai looked slightly stunned.

This little girl probably doesn't know how lethal the contradictory contrast she has now is. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then, Gu Bai's gaze subconsciously moved down slightly.

The girl's swan-white neck, clear and beautiful collarbones, and the delicate and perfect body silhouette under the bathrobe.

It's really dizzying.


An Tang stretched out his hands to cover Gu Bai's eyes.

"Coincidentally, how do you know I'm a hooligan?"


Gu Bai grabbed the girl's wrist and threw her on the bed.

Two hours later.

The two of them were lying on the large soft bed.

An Tang shyly covered his head with the quilt, not daring to see anyone.

Gu Bai pulled out her quilt and said with a smile: ".~ You were a little cute just now." "

"Don't talk about it!"

An Tang covered his pretty face, and his ears were red. []

Gu Bai continued to tease her for a while, and then said, "Don't you be angry now, right?"

Speaking of which.

An Tang remembered the scene he saw tonight, turned over and turned his back to Gu Bai, and his eyes began to redden.

Gu Bai took her into his arms, "An Tang, I said you are my first woman, do you believe it or not?"

"Nonsense, you have two wives. "

"Though they and I haven't gotten that far. "

Gu Bai was telling the truth, and his eyes were very sincere.

"I don't believe it, that fox fairy sister is so beautiful, and that little assistant of yours is also like a fairy, so I don't believe your nonsense. "

"Believe it or not, you can't run away anyway, wife Wan'an. "

Gu Bai (Wang Hao) kissed her, closed his eyes and began to sleep.

An Tang leaned on Gu Bai's arms like a kitten, his chest was still pounding, looking at the silhouette of his man's side face in front of him.

When Gu Bai fell asleep, An Tang took the initiative to kiss him like a dragonfly, "Ann." "

Early the next morning.

The warm sun shone on the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, dispelling the yin qi of the night and making the land rejuvenate again.

The catastrophe of last night is over.

But the citizens of Kyushu who woke up in the morning sun still have a feeling of being separated from each other.

Don't worry about the destruction of the world, don't worry about ghost attacks.

It was almost everyone's most restful sleep in months.

Draw the curtains and welcome the splash of the morning sun.

The streets are bustling with traffic.

This long-lost atmosphere of peace and tranquility makes people miss Li.

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