"Hmph. "

Tu Shanqing turned around and stopped talking.

Gu Bai walked up to her and gently bumped her shoulder, "You haven't said how you came out of Tu Mountain?"

"Why did I get out? I'm idle! Come out and look at the flowers and plants, and see if someone is still alive. "

Tu Shanqing is still working hard.

In the end, it is a great beauty who captivates the country and the city, and when she speaks angrily, she still has a unique charm that is pleasing to the eye, and it is charming and charming.

Gu Bai kissed her on the face, and said with a smile: "Give the queen a kiss, can you flatten it?"

Tu Shanqing raised her little fist and chased after him:

"Still poor! still poor!"

"Do you know how worried Luoluo and I are about you?"

The two of them played around in the garden for a while.

Gu Bai took the opportunity to grab Tu Shanqing's wrist and pulled her into his arms.

Puff of it,

Warm fragrant nephrite in the arms,

Gu Bai never let go anymore.

Tu Shanqing struggled for a while, but didn't break free, so he let him go, but those amber-like magnificent eyes gradually covered with a thin layer of mist.

"Come with me to Tushan. 14 Tu Shanqing said in a low voice.

Gu Bai gently stroked her hair, "Trust me, I can solve it." "

Tu Shanqing: "Then I want to stay." "

Gu Bai: "Yes, but if it's really dangerous, I'll still send you away." "

Tu Shanqing raised her chin, and there was a hint of stubbornness in her beautiful eyes: "Have you forgotten, I am your family protector!"

"Yes, yes, you are a Baojia Immortal, this family has to be dispersed without you, you can do whatever you say. "

Gu Bai smiled and pinched her face.

"That's pretty much it. "

The corners of Tu Shanqing's mouth subconsciously curled up in a charming arc,

But as soon as she thought that she was still angry, she immediately managed her expression, suppressed the smile on the corner of her mouth, and turned her head away.

But at this moment.

Not far away, there was a "click" sound of items falling.

The two of them followed the prestige.

I saw a beautiful girl wearing a black battle suit, dirty, and slightly scarred, standing there with a somewhat stunned gaze.

The girl's eyes.

In just an instant, Tu Shanqing understood.

She bit Gu Bai's shoulder hard, leaving two rows of red tooth marks.

"It's not enough for you to have me and Luoluo, you dare to mess with flowers outside!"


Tu Shanqing's eyebrows were upside down, very angry.

Gu Bai grinned slightly, "Where did you learn this word?"

"Luoluo taught me!"

Tu Shanqing said indignantly.

In fact, Luoluo also told her about that girl.

But now that she saw the other party with her own eyes, and then thought of the appearance of Gu Bai and that girl during this time, she was still very angry.

Tu Shanqing warned fiercely: "Just the three of us, we can't have more in the future! And I won't admit her so easily!"

After speaking, Tu Shanqing broke free from Gu Bai's embrace, turned around and left.

Gu Bai still wanted to hold her, but he didn't expect Tu Shanqing's body to directly turn into a wisp of light smoke and disappear.


Gu Bai sighed, really a little helpless.

But it's okay.

Tu Shanqing is the eldest lady of the fox fairy clan in the end, although she is unforgiving, she still saves enough face for herself as a man, and she does not open a Shura field.

Chen Luoluo's side is also done.

Now, just coax the current one.

"You... You're fine, I'll take a look, I'm leaving. "

An Tang tried hard to squeeze out a smile, but tears immediately fell without a fight.

The girl wiped her eyes, picked up the box of small cakes on the ground, and silently turned away.

This box of small cakes was made by herself at home, in order to meet him.

Now, this small box of delicate cakes has fallen to the ground and broken, carved with Gu Bai's cartoon image of a chocolate card, lying crookedly in the out of shape cream, like a girl's heart shattered by reality.

Gu Bai didn't speak, just followed,

When he walked side by side with An Tang, Gu Bai directly reached out and took the cake, and said unceremoniously: "Thank you, I like it very much." "

"You... How are you..."

An Tang obviously didn't expect Gu Bai's action, she was still crying, this time she was a little flustered, her tears stopped, Qiong's nose was slightly red, and she looked very cute and cute.

Gu Bai opened the transparent cover and tasted it directly, "It's delicious, you're very powerful, An Tang." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hmm. "

An Tang didn't know how to deal with it, so he just lowered his head and hummed softly.

"Don't you have anything else to say?"

Gu Bai said while eating the cake.

"You should forget all the messages I sent you before..."

"Just... That sister was beautiful just now, I'll bless you..."

An Tang didn't know how she said this, she felt sour in her heart, and she was very uncomfortable.

After holding back the tears for a while, they fell again.

Gu Bai: "Then it's too early for you to bless, and there is another one." "

This sudden remark interrupted the sadness in An Tang's heart to 623.

She asked confusedly, "What?"

Gu Bai fully revealed:

"What you saw just now is Tu Shanqing, who is my eldest wife. "

"There is also a man named Chen Luoluo, who is the little assistant I used to be, and is my second wife. "

An Tang was dumbfounded: "Why do you have two wives!!"

"Plus you, it's three. "

Gu Bai spread his hands.

"Hu... I'm not!"

An Tang was very confused, she didn't know whether to be shy or angry, snatched the cake from Gu Bai's hand, and then ran away.

"I haven't finished eating yet..."

Gu Bai sighed helplessly,

But he didn't chase it either.

It's not a good thing to push too hard, so you have to give her time to get used to it.

When you have time later, you can grind it slowly.

"However, what did this little girl just say about the message she sent?"

Gu Bai was a little curious, his mobile phone hadn't been charged yet, and he couldn't see the information.

Back to the luxurious villa that the bureau arranged for himself,

Gu Bai plugged in the phone to charge, then took a comfortable shower, and then opened the phone to take a look.

This look,

It's numb to look at others.

"Gu Bai, you're really damn you!".

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