In the secret realm of Tu Mountain.

A secluded retreat.

The spiritual spring here flows, the mist is thick, and the flowers and plants are all over the field, which is as beautiful as a fairyland.

At this point,

A beautiful figure sat on the shore of the lake, concentrating on cultivation.

Suddenly, Tu Shanqing's body shook a little, opened his eyes suddenly, and woke up from his cultivation state, panting incessantly.

She felt a flustered heart for no reason, she was scared.

I don't know how many times this has happened during this time.

Tu Shanqing flew up from the lake and crossed the surrounding clear spring mountain stream.

There are many fox demons cultivating here, and the clansmen of the Tushan clan and the Qingqiu clan are cultivating here.

Countless caves and quiet and elegant temples are scattered among the mountains of this spiritual realm, dotted with a certain prosperity and tranquility.

This is the secret realm of Tu Mountain, a treasure place of cultivation left by ancestors.

In the past, only clansmen with outstanding talents and qualifications could go to Secret Realm 14 to practice.

But now, this has become the last refuge of the fox demon clan.

Tu Shanqing came all the way to the largest temple on the mountain, bowed respectfully, and asked to see the ancestor again.

"Sister Xiaoqing, the ancestor won't agree, you don't have to come again..."

At the door, the two fox demon girls said hesitantly.

"Tu Shanqing begged to see the ancestor. "

Tu Shanqing was still stubbornly kneeling.

"Come in. "

A hoarse and deep old woman's voice came from the hall.

Only then did Tu Shanqing get up and walked into the Hall of Tranquility.

On the first seat above the main hall.

Sitting sat an old woman wearing a purple and gold streamer robe, holding a wooden pestle stick, with wrinkled fox ears and white hair.

This fox fairy old woman is the ancestor in the mouth of the little fox fairy, the Holy Mother of Tushan.

Once, Tu Shan used the power of heaven to create a mountain, and the speed of the passage of time was countless times that of the human world.

According to the history of the world,

Our Lady of Tushan is now nearly 100,000 years old.

"Qing'er, why did you come to see me again?"

The wise and profound eyes of Our Lady of Tushan had already seen through the mind of the fox fairy girl in front of her, but she still asked.

"Ask the ancestor to let Qing'er out of the mountain. "

Tu Shanqing knelt down and saluted.

"Ugh... Why are you obsessed with this? "

The Tu Shan Ancestor on the seat sighed.

For the first time in the past few months, she still hasn't given up.

"The ghost gate is closed, and the world will suffer from eternal calamity, all this is a certainty, and if you go out now, it is nothing more than seeking death. "

Tu Shanqing's eyes flushed:

"Qing'er has someone in her heart who can't rest assured, and she can't wait any longer. "

"If this is a catastrophe, then it is Qing'er's fate. "

"Ask the ancestor to let Qing'er out of the mountain. "

"If the ancestor still refuses, then Qing'er will kneel down in front of the ancestor. "

Tu Shan Ancestor looked at the fox fairy girl kneeling in front of him, helpless in his heart, and cherished her.

This kid is already desperate.

"That's it, your grandmother's side, the old body will tell her clearly. "

"Thank you for your ancestor!"

Tu Shanqing solemnly kowtowed, got up and left with tears in her eyes.

Just out of the temple gate.

A delicate and pretty girl figure has been waiting here for a long time.

Tu Shanqing stepped forward and gently touched the girl's hair, "Don't worry, leave everything to me." "

"Sister Qing'er, I want to go out. "

Chen Luoluo's heart was anxious, and tears fell.

She was very worried, she wanted to see her parents, she wanted to see her teachers.

"No, it's dangerous out there right now, so stay here. "

Tu Shanqing rejected her.

"But... But..."

Tu Shanqing reached out and hugged her in his arms and comforted her, "I will bring your parents and that stupid person back, trust my sister." "

Half an hour later.

Tu Shanqing had already come to the gate of the secret realm, and a wisp of divine thought from the ancestor followed.

Tu Shanqing only felt a warm current flowing through his body, and a supreme immortal power increased on his body.

Then, the door to the secret realm slowly opened. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Tu Shanqing knew that this was the last help that the ancestor had to help him, with tears in his eyes, he turned to the distant mountain peak and temple, knelt down and kowtowed.

Then, she resolutely stepped through the door of the secret realm.

Go to the present world.

Time passes slowly.

The future catastrophe is getting closer and closer.

Recently, under the crazy counterattack of the major catastrophe-level ghosts.

Kyushu's defense line has shrunk again and again.

There are very few safe cities left, and almost everyone is forced into the urban clusters of the four base cities.

Four huge walls that stretch for hundreds of kilometers and are hundreds of meters high,

Like mountains stretching across the land, separating the base city from the wilderness ruins outside.

The clouds of destruction loom over everyone's heads, making them uneasy.

At this time, in the Tianyan live broadcast room.

Countless netizens are paying attention to the battle situation and changes in the situation on the front line.

"I heard that in a few days, the Satanic Ghost and the Pharaoh Ghost will come, can we still stop it then?"

"Alas, the end is coming, and in the last little time, everyone should eat 447 to eat and drink, and it is time to confess. "

"Is there really no way back for us?"

"Where is there a way out in this world, now the world is full of doom level and catastrophe level, and the origin level will come soon, where else can I retreat?"

"The Great Flood and Noah's Ark, we will definitely find a way out!"

"Accept your fate, the news on the Internet is basically broken, the last time I saw an alien in the Northern Bear Country live in the ruins, the whole city became hell. "

"Damn, I'm crying again, I miss Gu Ye. "

I remembered the figure.

In the live broadcast room, countless netizens couldn't help but burst into tears.

Months have passed, and the small hope that I once looked forward to the return of that figure has been worn out little by little by reality.

Everyone knew in their hearts that it was impossible for Gu Ye to come back.

It's just that every time I recall the last scene of the Battle of Sakura Island, there are still countless tears and memories.

When I saw the sword light that cut through the heavens and the earth.

Everyone still thinks that it is the light of the rising star of a new era.

Who would have thought that it was Gu Bai's last last stroke left in this world.

The last glow of human history,

It's been completely stuck in that moment.

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