September 4th

00:19 a.m

[They all say you're gone, but I don't believe it, you must be trapped somewhere, and I will definitely find you.] 】

September 6th

02:17 a.m

[I've been to Sakura Island, but I can't find you, I can't find you... Stinky bastard, where the hell are you...]

September 20th

7:17 a.m

[Today is a joint operation of the General Administration, we are about to attack the first catastrophe level, I hope everything goes well, I miss you. 】

October 9th

4:25 a.m

[Gu Bai, today we won again, and successfully eliminated the fourth catastrophe level, this time I also got a lot of points!

"Nineteen Seven"...

October 12th

13:44 p.m

[I've been so tired lately, and I'm going to take new people and go on missions again, but today I can finally rest, play games and play games! I've been able to hurt Madame Butterfly now, hum hum!]

October 17th


[Something happened today, the first Origin level ghost snake appeared, everyone was scared, and they didn't know what the future would become...]

October 19th

12:31 p.m

[Recently, the incense in the temple has been prosperous, and everyone says that you want to be the richest man in the sky, hahaha. 】

November 10th

3:55 a.m

[Recently, it has become more and more difficult, and several new catastrophe levels have appeared in the northwest, we have sacrificed a lot of comrades, the defense line is under great pressure, and we don't know when we will return to the days of peace. 】

November 21st

2:45 a.m

[I heard that the Lighthouse Country and the Lion Statue Country have been completely destroyed, and there is less and less new news on the Internet, and we don't know what the situation is outside, alas. 】

December 14

5:42 a.m

[Today, a million corpses are attacking the city, and the defense line of Hangcheng Base City is almost broken, everyone is very pessimistic now, and they don't know if they can continue to hold on. 】

December 19th

4:36 a.m

[The Origin level is approaching Kyushu, and the traces of the Corpse God Society have also appeared, and many students in the Holy Academy have been selected to be Tinder, and I am also on the list, but I want to apply to my superiors to continue to go to the front line, I miss you, I want to see you soon. 】

December 27th

5:18 a.m

[I really miss you...]

Rendezvous Base City.

National Operational Command Headquarters.

Inside the conference room.

There was a cloud of smoke.

Leaders of various departments from the four base cities, as well as leaders of various civil forces, gathered here.

There was silence in the huge conference room.

Compared with the last meeting, there are many more seats this time.

Some of those who were absent were still on the front lines.

And there are some, already sacrificed.

The bigwigs present smoked cigarettes one after another, looking at the large projection screen in front of them, with heavy expressions.

"Secretary-General Wang, please give a briefing. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The old man in the first place said tiredly.

The Secretary-General took the stage and began his briefing on the weekly meeting.

"Hello guys, I would like to start with a briefing on the global situation. "

"According to the information collected so far, as of 8 o'clock this morning, the satanic ghost and the pharaoh's ghost snake have been deflected 436 kilometers and 871 kilometers in the direction of our country. "

"According to the current path, it will enter our border after 9 days and 11 hours, 12 days and 2 hours. "

"At present, the 39 countries of these two origin-level ghost pathways have all been destroyed, and it is estimated that more than 300 million people have been killed. "

"During the entire journey, the energy of the two Origin Grade Ghost Snakes has increased by 20%-30%, and it is still growing. "

Speaking of which,

The atmosphere in the entire conference room was already heavy.

But the current situation is much more than that.

"Next, there is a briefing on the situation in the country. "

On the stage, Secretary-General Wang paused, and then slowly spoke:

"I'm sure you already know that. "

"In the past half a month, three anomalous ghost snakes have been detected in Kyushu, all of which are "super giant ghost snakes", and the embryos will take shape in the next 3 days to 10 days....."

"The estimated level of the three ghost embryos is numbered 03: [Origin Grade] (Low Risk). "

"No. 02: [Origin] (Low Risk)"

"No. 01: [Origin Grade] (Medium - High Risk). "

Although I already have a general idea of the situation,

But when it was officially announced, everyone still felt the real feeling of despair coming.

After many catastrophe levels, Kyushu is now very strong. []

But it's not strong enough.

Far from enough.

Even a super saint has no way to fight against the origin level now.

That's another dimension entirely.

Once it comes, it will be a real catastrophe.

What's more, in the future Kyushu, there will be at least five origin levels.

And the last one...

"According to the hexagram of the Heavenly Master's Mansion, the super giant ghost snake numbered 01 is very likely to be the gate to the underworld. "

"This is unprecedented supermomentum, and there are many unknowns that cannot be completely determined. "

"Next, there are the latest discoveries of traces of the Corpse God Society. "


The process of this briefing was only a little more than a little time, but it was as difficult as the past year.

The atmosphere was silent.

It's only been a few months, and the threat of the Corpse God Society, which was originally listed as the highest danger level of 1.0, is nothing compared to the impending apocalypse.

A desperate final war is coming.

It was a dark and eternal night that permeated the sky of Kyushu.

All the bigwigs here, in the face of this unprecedented predicament, can only sigh deeply in their hearts.

Actually, everyone knows that.

As early as the battle of Sakura Island, after the young figure completely disappeared.

Kyushu's qi veins have already been broken.

Many people present looked sadly at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window.

They don't understand.

Where is the way out of Kyushu, the way out of human civilization?

At the end of this briefing,

It is concluded with the six words of the old man in the first place.

"Do your best, obey the destiny of heaven. "。

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