
The pupils of all the audience were reflected with a purple glow.

This extremely shocking scene made everyone so excited that they couldn't help but tremble.

They may not know what Gu Bai's form represents and what kind of power he has.

But this forced style that breaks through the limit directly blew up their scalps!


"It's so handsome that it explodes!!"

"Gu Ye still has a new form???"

"This, this, this, this is so handsome!!"

"This Nima.....?Gu Ye is actually a god!!, right?

"New skin, this can't be a legendary skin?-??"

"Legend of the skin is also worthy of the white master? This is at least a glorious collection! A galaxy has been wholeed! Who can compare this special effect?"

"Figure !! I want a figure in the form of Bai Ye!! 100,000 I will have blood krypton!!!"

"Figure +1!!! makes my scalp handsome!!"

While the audience was in a boil.

Gu Bai exhaled slowly, his eyes as bright as stars, and looked at the terrifying giants in the shadows in front of him.

At this moment, the bull ghost was also looking at Gu Bai, it took a breath of air, snorted, and snorted two pillars of smoke from its huge nostrils.

Then, dozens of giant squid tails behind it raised high, and then suddenly went down, stabbing into the ground fiercely!


The whole earth shook violently, and the earth's crust shattered and protruded in countless places.

Bump, bump, bump...

Giant octopus tails are plucked from the ground until they spread over the entire area.


A large number of suckers on the octopus's tail began to spew out a large amount of black slime at this moment.

The slime was extremely corrosive and toxic, like a column of high-pressure water, all of which spewed into the small human figure in the middle of the earth.



Gu Bai's figure was instantly submerged in a large amount of black slime.

The cow ghost's octopus sucker is still squirting.

until the deep depression was filled and turned into a raging black ocean.

This is the realm of the cow ghost, and in the midst of this black slime, it is an invincible existence!

The next moment.

The cow ghost's entire body sank to the ground, and the next time it appeared, it was already in the black ocean.


It once again unleashed countless octopus tails, several times faster than before, and directly stretched out towards the thunderbolt figure in the depths of the black ocean!

In less than a second, a massive amount of octopus tails had already surrounded Gu Bai, spinning and stirring wildly!

Each of these octopus tails has the ability to easily crush doom-level existences, and countless stacks are stacked together, and the terrifying pressure generated in the center is unimaginable to ordinary people.

But at the moment, the audience is not worried at all.

Based on their previous understanding of Bai Ye, they knew that Bai Ye's special effects were definitely not just released to watch and play.

That's not real yet!

Soon, all of them saw a thick purple thunderbolt suddenly bounce on top of the binding giant ball formed by countless octopus tails.

This was followed by the second, the third...

All the audience immediately became excited, and their hands trembled with excitement.

"Here !! come"

"The big medicine is coming, the big medicine is coming!!"



The global audience was shocked and exclaimed.

A brilliant purple thunderbolt,

Suddenly, the entire giant octopus ball was pierced, spanning a distance of thousands of meters, and the entire black hell was torn open in an instant!


Gu Bai's figure froze at the end of the line.

Behind him, a huge Black Sea break appeared.

The entire black ocean seemed to be cut by a knife, and below it was an endless black abyss, and terrifying waves hundreds of meters high were set off on both sides.

And in the middle of this broken stream.

The body of the cow ghost was completely frozen.

Its huge head was reduced to a small part of its neck.

The others had been annihilated in an instant by the thunder shadow that had flashed just now.

The next moment.

Gu Bai's figure flashed again.

Sou!...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Whoosh! Whoosh!

In an instant, more than a dozen thunder shadows that catapulted in the air at high speed flashed almost at the same time, drawing a dazzling star map above the black ocean.

All the darkness was torn apart.

It's extremely fast.

It was so fast that even this Black Sea substance could not evolve the attack reaction in time, and it exploded at the same time!

The entire body of the bull ghost, as the core of this attack, has been directly shattered into ashes, and there is not a single residue left.

Boom ——!

The Black Sea splashed with raging waves.

But before those huge waves could fall, they turned into flying ash with the death of the cow ghost, and gave the sky a black snow.

A thunderbolt shadow stood in the air, in this dark drift.

Like a god who purifies the world.


The public screen of the entire live broadcast room was quiet for more than ten seconds.

After everyone finally recovered from this shocking feast, a large number of fanatical barrages suddenly broke out.


"Ox !!!! splitting !!!!!"

"This is the myth of Kyushu !!! the myth of the living!!!"

"Awesome, awesome!!! awesome !!!"

"Damn, I had a nosebleed just now, and the first time I watched the live broadcast, I was so excited that I had a nosebleed, and my whole brain was buzzing. "[]

"It's handsome, it's really handsome..."

"I cried, I knew it was going to be big, I didn't expect it to be so big, I knew that I was worried about it. "

"I'm stupid, this is really a second kill, it only takes a second to kill the catastrophe level, it's really just a second!"

"Gu Ye, if you have any other unique skills, just throw them out, my heart can't stand it anymore. "

"This should be a unique skill at the bottom of the box, it was useless to fight ghosts and people and King Kong before, but now it is finally revealed. "

"This new form has become a god. "

"Gu Ye is definitely a super saint strength now, no, maybe it's stronger than a super saint!"

"Wait a minute!!Look at !!!"

"what's going on!!"

Just when all the audience was still hotly discussing, a monstrous hurricane suddenly broke off at the battle scene.


The hurricane was from above, rolling up almost all the black ashes in the heavens and the earth, and quickly converging in the same direction.

The ashes in the sky seemed to have entered a whirlpool at this moment, large at the top and small at the bottom, and the last fulcrum came from the dark shadows in the distance.

It was a short old man's figure.

It resembles both a human and a monster, and in the Sakura country, it has a name that everyone is afraid of.

The king of all demons, the slippery ghost.

At this time, the slippery ghost's stomach was bulging like a giant balloon, and its mouth was inhaling.

This whirlpool that swirls between heaven and earth comes from its mouth.

In less than ten seconds.

All the ashes of heaven and earth were sucked into the stomach by it.

And its belly is like a round mountain.


The slippery head burped and let out an astonishing gust of wind.

Then, it reverted to its appearance as a thin old man.

An instinctive chill rose in everyone's hearts.

It takes the corpse of the cow ghost ....... Ate the corpse.

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