And what's even more terrifying.

These catastrophe levels at the scene have devoured the flesh and blood of countless people in the Eastern Capital.

The surging death breath contained in their bodies at this moment is far more powerful than when they first appeared!

The appearance of this scene made countless audiences completely frightened.

"I'm relying on me, I'm relying on me!! it's over!!!"

"How did you come so fast????

"!! run!!!"

"Gu Ye is !! quickly"

"I can't fight! Just now, these catastrophe levels don't know how much flesh and blood of the Inhuman powerhouses they have swallowed! The strength of Skull Island is definitely not the same level!"

The audience was terrified.

In this situation, I'm afraid that even the super-saints in their heyday can't get out of it!

What's more, Gu Bai had experienced so many battles before.

When the island is gone, it's gone.

Gu Ye must not have an accident!

"Are you all waiting for me here?"

Gu Bai's eyes patrolled around the several catastrophe-level existences, and he exhaled helplessly.

I really don't want people to take a break.

However, it was just a matter of killing a few ghosts, and the Corpse God Society did not hesitate to sacrifice the entire Sakura Island, and they had to prepare such a great gift for themselves.

That's enough.

Besides, it looks like there's something amazing behind it.

Gu Bai squinted his eyes, his gaze passed through the dense black mist 627 in front of him, and stared in a certain direction.

It's hard to tell what kind of strength that thing is.

But it's definitely much stronger than the surrounding ones.

Compared to the Hell King Kong who died in his hands just now, that's not to mention.

The strength of Hell King Kong can't be compared to the weakest of the surrounding ones.

Just when Gu Bai was thinking to himself.

The bull ghost had already launched a terrible attack.

As a new king who can quickly grow up from the doom level, the Bull Ghost has the ability to make any creature tremble.


The space trembled.

The Bull Ghost opened its massive mouth, and a huge ball of black energy condensed in its mouth.

The aura of destruction contained in that ball of energy caused the surrounding space to vibrate with a large number of ripples.

The air was even more agitated, like a pot of boiling water scorched by a ball of hot red iron.

This scene made the hearts of all the audience instantly rise to their throats.

The next moment, the very tip of the ball of light suddenly fissioned!

Boom ——!

A fan-shaped black light of destruction, with a mighty and majestic power, sprayed directly towards the land where Gu Bai was sitting!

Just for a moment.

Everything ahead was covered by the light of destruction. (bedg)

It was like a black torrent.

Countless broken high-rise buildings and ruins piled on the ground were all annihilated into ashes in an instant at this moment.

The blow came in an instant.

Where Gu Bai was, he had already been covered by endless energy, and there was almost no possibility of escape.


In just two seconds, the light of destruction swept by.

When all the light cleared, a huge cloud of smoke and dust rose in its place.

I saw that the land in front of the cow ghost, all the way to the horizon of the field of vision, a huge and incomparably empty space had appeared.

The earth was carved out in a downward concave arc, like a huge riverbed that had been dry for years.

All the audience watched as this unfolded, and fear made their pupils flutter incessantly.

With just one blow, everything in front of you was destroyed in an instant.

They couldn't imagine what kind of power they would have to have to stop such a devastating attack.


"This is the power of the cataclysm..."

"What about Bai Ye, where is Bai Ye?"

"Oh my God, my God, nothing will happen..."

"But don't, my heart really can't stand it..."

"How is it possible! Don't talk nonsense! Gu Ye will definitely not have an accident!"

The audience was so worried that they were about to dare not breathe.

But their eyes kept searching in the picture, but they couldn't see Gu Bai's figure.


In the vast sea of dust and mist. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Suddenly, a faint purple glow lit up.

The light moved slowly, blowing away the dust and smoke that covered the ground.

The familiar young figure slowly appeared.

The audience suddenly exclaimed.

"It's Gu Ye!!!"

"Gu Ye is fine!!!


"Damn, I was scared to death just now!"

"Ox Pi! Nothing at all!"

"Nonsense! Gu Ye is a god defense, when those god-level talismans are joking?"

"No..... Gu Ye doesn't seem to have used the talisman this time?"

"Hmm, why is this state a little different?"


The sharp-eyed audience also discovered Gu Bai's abnormality this time.

Then, everyone's expressions gradually became stunned at this moment.

I saw Gu Bai, who was walking out of the smoke and dust, there was no talisman suspended around him, and there was no light dust lingering around him.

Only occasionally purple arcs of thunder flashed indirectly around.



The purple arc of thunder pulsed and fluttered. []

The frequency of flashes is increasing.

An invisible energy began to surge around him.

Gu Bai's black hair floated slowly, as if he was in the water, and his hair slowly swayed upward.


The earth gradually shook.

The stones, grains of sand, on the ground began to shake.

But instead of being shaken, it began to slowly move off the ground as if it had lost gravity.

The first is a grain of dust.

Under the reflection of the thunder light on Gu Bai's body, they actually floated upward.

Next came pebbles, and broken rubble.

As Gu Bai walked by, these things all floated upwards involuntarily.

Click... Click!

The ground began to crack, and pieces of ruins and shattered crust also floated up.

Gu Bai walked through step by step.

In his eyes, two faint purple spiritual flames gradually appeared, dragging out of the corners of his eyes.

The third spiritual flame ignited at the center of the eyebrows, like a god's crown fire.


The cow ghost has already launched a second attack.

This time, it directly compressed the destructive energy into a terrifying beam of light, which was directly released!

Boom ——!

The shock wave generated by this destructive energy ray directly tore open a terrifying ditch in an instant from the ground along the way, shooting directly at Gu Bai!

However, the light was about to hit Gu Bai at that time.

However, it was suddenly blocked by an invisible envelope field, and it was directly shattered into countless small and chaotic rays of light, blasting the ground behind him into huge craters.

Gu Bai's footsteps were still steady.

After the eyebrow soul flame appeared, on his back, a crescent-shaped purple gold divine ring slowly appeared.

Thick purple thunder flashed in mid-air, and then froze.

There was no lightning strike, no flashing, these thunder lights were like living beings, they actually began to swim in mid-air, and finally condensed into Gu Bai's body like a stream of water.

A dazzling robe of thunder swept away.

The incomparably pure and supreme Heavenly Thunder Breath was also completely released at this moment.

Click! Click......

The purple light reflected countless floating rubble, paving a galactic road to the sky.

Super-Order Thunder Method.

Divine Realm Level 3.

Miracles are immeasurable.

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