"This is our last chance to seal Gu Bai, his flesh and blood, God can do without it, but he must disappear as a person. "

"Get rid of him, at all costs. "

The old man said slowly.

"It's... I see..."

The ghost's voice trembled slightly, and slowly sank to the ground.

Skull Island.

With the end of a great war,

Gu Bai's whole person finally relaxed.


Gu Bai exhaled a breath of turbid air and lifted all realms and states.

With a slight flick of his palm, the fairy knife spun in the air a few times, and it was firmly attached to his back.

Kill the strongest existence of the ghosts with one sword.

As the first actual combat of the Immortal Knife, Gu Bai was also very satisfied with its power.

Originally, it was an innate treasure.

In addition, it also has the ability to permanently enhance the origin of killing ghosts.

Since obtaining this R-rank immortal weapon, he has killed at least 10,000 ghosts under his hands.

Gu Bai was not surprised that he could kill an enemy of the level of the Ghost Sword in one second in the sealed sheath state.

But this thing is strong,

It's just that the attack distance is short, and there is no knife energy, and there is no range attack such as shock wave, and it looks like a burning stick in your hand.

And its power is too terrifying, and if you use it for a long time, it is easy to form dependence.

Gu Bai actually didn't plan to use it, but he couldn't help but keep calling the ghost knife there, and he had no choice but to reward him with a knife to eat.

Rested on the spot for a while,

Only then did Gu Bai turn his gaze to the depths of Skull Island.


It's time to go get this copy for you.

Since devouring that group of super-rank and super-extraordinary powerhouses just now, this ghost snake has grown to the level of calamity-level mid-danger.

But after the death of the ghosts, the ghost could not absorb the energy of those people.

This made Gu Bai quite curious.

Where did the power of those ghosts come from?

There is also the mystery of the Corpse God Society.

These will have to wait until they are out, and then they can be revealed step by step.

Gu Bai's figure jumped up from the ground and flew directly into the depths of the Skull Island Mountain Range.

Far from the shattered war zone on the periphery of the coast.

Primeval forests that had not yet been affected by the battle gradually appeared.

Thick fog and shadows, huge mountains stretch alongside.

This place is full of dangers, and powerful ghosts and beasts are hiding everywhere.

But for today's Gu Bai, these small shrimps are not even a dish.

He turned on the state of natural energy, and the purple thunder flickered around him, and as he flew by, he kept flashing at the monsters hidden in the mountains below.

Boom, boom, boom......

One after another, the terrifying and terrifying figures were instantly shattered by the thunder without even having a chance to attack.

"Coming, coming!!"

"Oh !!"

"Started !!"


"What kind of stinky fish and rotten shrimp are these monsters on Skull Island?

"Bai Ye Chong !!"

There was jubilation in the live broadcast room.

Compared to the tense and terrifying battle just now, the current copy of Skull Island is much gentler.

Transcendental, all the ghosts and people are gone, and you are still a group of monsters?

For a while, the live broadcast room was filled with a relaxed cheer and jokes.

Everyone felt like they were watching an immersive movie, and they almost had some melon seed soda.

Now there is more than a day left in the mission.

Gu Bai was not in a hurry to kill Hell King Kong, so he walked back and forth in the depths of the entire mountain range, killing doom-level monsters while collecting the resources here.

Compared with the peripheral resources, the energy contained in the resources here is obviously more pure and rich.

This trip took more than an hour to search.

Gu Bai had to sigh at the abundance of products here.

On the way, a hell dragon and two skeleton creepers appeared.

They all belong to the catastrophe-level low-risk and powerful existences. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

These terrifying ghosts, which belong to the super BOSS level in the outside world, are only a small boss in today's Skull Island.

didn't make much waves, and was directly killed by Gu Bai with a super-level thunder law.

This kind of unparalleled crushing game, the audience shouted happily, and they were all excitedly waiting for the big boss behind.

Just when everyone is immersed in this cheerful atmosphere.

City streets on Sakura Island.

But a different group of people appeared.

The men were dressed in black robes, and their whole bodies were shrouded in shadows.

Stiff and sluggish, they slowly walked across the road and stood in the middle of the road.

Drip! Drip!

The car on the road honked its horn frantically, and the driver scolded:

"Baga, yes, I'm sick, get out of the way, bastard, I'm not afraid I'll kill you later!"

Such a scenario.

Throughout the eastern city of Sakura Island, it appears everywhere.

Except on the road.

Every dark corner where no one is around, on the roof of every building, in every empty park.

There are black-robed people with such strange whereabouts.

It was raining heavily in the sky.

Boom ——!

In the gloomy night sky, a thunderclap rang out. []

The lightning instantly illuminated the city roads, and also illuminated half of the faces under the shadow of the hoodies of those black-robed people, and 580 was a miserable white.

And at the moment.

A temple in the Eastern Capital.

This place is guarded by Sakura officials on all sides, and the oldest family on Sakura Island, the Makino family, has guarded this place for generations.

The ghost's head slowly appeared on the temple floor.

He craned his neck and opened his mouth before coming to the torii.

Bang la blah...

The ghost's head spat out a cloud of sticky black blood.

The black blood wriggled on the ground like a living thing, and finally turned into a strange black blood array.


On the outskirts of Skull Island.

There has also been an anomaly.

A trace of black matter in the air is slowly converging on the ground at this moment.

These are the corpse remnants of the ghosts, who have not been absorbed by the ghosts, and have survived in this way.

Now, it is as if the black substance has been guided.

It coalesced from the sand and air, forming a black blood array.

At this moment that no one knows, two blood arrays have been formed.

Thousands of miles away, connected.


Two blood arrays lit up at the same time.

The entire Skull Island ghost snake turned directly to Sakura Island from the original path to Kyushu.


All the ghost monitoring stations in the world have sounded a rapid alarm at the same time!

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