Gu Bai's blow was unpretentious.

There is even a sense of casualness like a leisurely stroll.

It was as if he was holding a burning stick in his hand and casually slammed into a buzzing fly.

This scene made the ghost knife completely lose all his mind, and his eyes burst out with a large amount of black blood because of extreme rage.

"I'll kill you!!!"

Countless blade qi cut the space into thin black lines.

I want to completely tear the person in front of me to pieces.

But his best skills are destined to never be used.

Because, here comes the knife.

The ghost knife saw the true dragon spirit engraved on the white and gold scabbard.


His whole person seemed to be lost to the ancient years.

It was an eternal world.

The heavy breath accumulated from hundreds of millions of years of "Four, Eight, Seven" made him like a mayfly, extremely small.

A dragon roar that shook the heavens and the earth came from above the nine heavens.

It was an incomprehensible ancient aura, immeasurably powerful.

He was in the dust of the sand of the world.

I can't see the true face of the true dragon and the Holy Spirit.

But he felt the ubiquitous presence of the True Dragon Holy Spirit.

The next moment, the whole world fell silent.

All the visions were gone.

The vision of the ghost knife returns to reality.

He saw,

The unsheathed knife in Gu Bai's hand had already covered his body.

And his rule-level strength seemed so vulnerable in front of that knife.

All blades shattered in an instant, and flesh was shattered like papier-mâché.

From the two blades colliding together, until the knife completely cut off his body.

The whole time, it's as if there was no resistance.

Bumper ——!

Gu Bai finished wielding this knife.

The figure still hovered in mid-air, from beginning to end, with only a twist of its arm.

And the entire body of the ghost knife has turned into a pile of broken flesh and blade blades.

The vision in his eyes swirled in the air as his head fell, and his extremely dull gaze watched his body shatter and fall.

It wasn't until now that the ghost knife completely understood what Gu Bai had just said.

Yourself, you are not qualified to let this knife out of the sheath.

Just like in the ancient years just now, he couldn't witness the true face of the True Dragon Holy Spirit.


The body parts of the ghost knife fell like a pile of garbage into the huge pit below.

The power faded like a tidal wave.

Life also began to wither and die at this time.

His head rolled on the ground several times, and his last gaze was on the young figure standing in the sky.

A thought came to mind.

Is the coming world really God's?

Until this moment, the world in his eyes finally completely darkened.

The last wisp of consciousness dissipated.

Ghost Knife Death.

At this point, all the strong men who sniped Gu Bai in the Battle of Skull Island.

It's all gone.

The whole world seemed to be quiet.

Every audience in front of the screen was watching this scene in amazement.

There are no fierce battles as imagined.

There is no gorgeous light and explosive power.

From the time he picked up the knife, Gu Bai only had two knives before and after.

A knife slashed the blade of the ghost knife, and a knife slashed the body of the ghost knife.

It's a battle that everyone can see and understand.

It's also a battle that everyone can't understand at all.

This can be described as science fiction.

Far beyond what everyone knows about master combat.

It is beyond everyone's perception of weapons.

What kind of existence is that platinum-gold long knife? (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Including all the strong in the world.

Everyone was deeply shocked by this scene.

It wasn't until more than ten seconds later that Gu Bai landed from the sky and stood next to the shattered corpse of the ghost knife.

The crowd was a little stunned.

The corpse god will be five people, and all of them will be destroyed.

This normal battle, the pace is too fast, there are too many twists and turns, so that everyone's nerves can't be calmed until now.

He won.

Ever since Gu Bai stepped into the battlefield of Skull Island, he was considered by almost everyone to be in a certain death situation.

But from the siege of dozens of super-level powerhouses, several super-powerhouses, to the strongest five people of the Corpse God Society.

He single-handedly

Miracles are created again and again, and everyone's worldview is refreshed again and again.....

In the end, he stood here and became the only victor.

At this moment.

On the public screen, which was held back for nearly a minute, an unprecedented craze finally broke out!



"Master Bai, you are a god!!!"

"I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, !!!!!I'm, I'm

"Bai Ye Beef Batch !!!"

There was a global rush of excitement cheering for this unprecedented victory. []

Countless people took to the streets, jumping and cheering, hugging each other, and crying with excitement.

In a confidential conference room in Kyushu.

The big guys let out a heavy breath, and the whole person leaned back on the sofa, feeling unprecedented relaxation.

Then, they looked at each other and smiled.


The laughter of one of the generals of the military seemed to trigger a chain reaction, and everyone burst into laughter.

They all know it.

From this moment on.

That young figure is bound to become a symbol of the land of Kyushu and a totem of hope for mankind all over the world.

Just when the whole world was in jubilation.

Something unknowable.

In the middle of a dimly lit subterranean space.

A 1.1 old man with a cane is standing on the altar.

His gaze was silently looking at the five blood arrays at the bottom of the altar.

The black soul lamps that were originally burning on the five blood arrays.

Now they are all gone.

A ghostly head with a cloak grew out of the ground and came to the old man's side.

The ghost head's voice was gloomy: "President, the ghost knife they failed." "

"I know. "

The old man said, his eyes showing regret.

This regretful emotion is not to regret the death of the ghost knife and others.

is regretting Gu Bai.

The old man instructed: "Go to Sakura Island, all the sacrifices will be in place within two hours, use the remnants of the ghosts as the anchor point, and directly ignite the blood sacrifice." "

"Sakura Island... Do you want to?"

Hearing this, there was a rare look of shock in the eyes of the ghost head.

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