There was a sensation on the barrage.

In fact, the audience was more surprised and excited than shocked.

The amazing performance on the battlefield just now made everyone see more hope and possibilities in Gu Bai's body.

In addition, there is a strong platform and external deterrence of Kyushu officials.

This crisis is uncertain - it will really be able to get through it smoothly!


has calmed down on the battlefield.

Dozens of eyes converged on the young figure.

In addition to a few extraordinary powerhouses on the scene,

All the super ranks, there is some sweaty palms.

This is a demon.

Although it is not ruled out that Gu Bai will directly show his strongest strength when he appears, in order to deter others.

But this strength is really fucking fierce!

The method he used just now had a speed and power far beyond that of ordinary super-rank powerhouses!

Even if everyone attacked him in groups, before killing Gu Bai, he would definitely kill at least a third.

No one wants that person to die be themselves.

What's more, there is still the deterrence of Kyushu, and the big trouble of Skull Island in front of you.

At this moment, almost everyone dispelled the idea of making a move on Gu Bai.

Their devotion to the Lord has not yet reached the point where they are willing to die for him.

And in addition to the "Lord" factor, the purpose of their coming here is also obvious, that is, the amount of heavenly resources here!

Due to the interference of the "Lord", the current world parliament has completely lost its credibility.

In the absence of the endorsement of a strong government, there is no such thing as solidarity and cooperation, let alone a unified order.

Everyone is in their own way!

Then it doesn't matter if he's a three-seven-twenty-one, grab it first!

Looking at the ghost relics all over the ground, as well as the heart-warming energy crystals and energy plants in the mountains, almost everyone's eyes showed a trace of greed.

Actually, in a sense.

From the moment they broke away from the world of human civilization and entered the closed world of ghosts,

They can no longer be considered pure people.

They are practitioners!

And in the world of cultivators, there are only four words - the law of the jungle!

Power is the master! Resources are everything!


They're already on their way!

All of them were red-eyed, scrambling to rush to the corpses of the doom level and take the lead in snatching the ghost relics!

Followed by

Everyone went straight to the outskirts of the mountain range, frantically sweeping the resources here!

Mysterious crystals growing from the cracks in the stones, special plants on the ground, and fruits from towering ancient trees are at their disposal to plunder with hunger and thirst!

The more they grab, the crazier they grab, the crazier they grab!

Because they all felt that the purity of the resources here was far stronger than that of other catastrophe levels in the outside world!

As long as you get enough of it, you can become the next transcendent!

Even the companions beside them were suddenly attacked by powerful monsters, but they didn't stop plundering and scrambling!

Rob, rob, rob!!

Now standing on the shore, only Gu Bai is left.

This appearance is really ugly enough.

The corner of Gu Bai's mouth sneered, "It seems that the Lord's deterrent power is not enough." "

What if you grab it?

Who can take these things out without opening up the whole copy?

And look at the appearance of these guys who are in their own camps, greedy for life and afraid of death,

It is estimated that even if they are allowed to fight deep in the mountains, they will betray each other, backstab each other, and finally end up being broken by the boss one by one.

But in this case, they definitely won't see the boss of Skull Island.

After a little while, these people will be discouraged from each other because of the uneven distribution in their own team, and so on.

Thus falling into internal disintegration, and even cannibalism!

And this extremely ugly and realistic picture.

Now in the eyes of the people of the world,

It's unbelievable. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"They... What are you doing?"

"Crazy! These people are crazy!"

"This is a ghost! Before you fight, you will start to rob first, how will you fight later?"

At a time when everyone is scrambling for resources. []

Gu Bai's calm gaze swept over the periphery of the mountain range.

He's waiting, waiting for the corpse god to appear.

From the time he entered this ghost, Gu Bai had already sensed the unique aura of the Corpse God Society.

At least four people, or five people.

They got in before anyone else.


On a hill on the outskirts of the mountains.

The ghostly gaze of the ghost knife was staring at the super-level powerhouses below who were frantically competing for resources.

"This group of incompetent wastes should also have some use value. "

Ghost Knife said slowly, "Ghost Pig, come on." "

Hearing this, the huge Roshan fat man next to him let out a few purr sounds like pigs, "Hmph..... Hum...... Can I eat them?"

Ghost Knife: "Eat." "

The next moment, the ghost pig's mung bean-like eyes flashed with excitement, and he couldn't wait to lie on the ground and spread his mouth open, reaching an extremely exaggerated angle.

His stomach squirmed wildly, as if something was rushing up his throat, and even his throat was the size of a bucket.

Subsequently, countless small intestines were spit out by him.

The intestines resembled worms, with a dense row of fangs at the very end.

The intestines keep burrowing into the ground and seem to have endless lengths.

This scene was not discovered by the strong men who had fallen into a state of frenzy.

They were still looting and gathering, and no one noticed that a small, transparent intestine was approaching them.


Someone let out a scream.

I felt a sharp pain in my arm, and when I turned my head, I saw that a piece of flesh had been bitten off by an unknown creature!

Immediately after, one after another screams of pain were heard.

All of them were attacked by unknown creatures, but they were not fatal, only bitten off a bite of flesh.

But to their shock,

I didn't even notice the attacker at all, and the other party approached me so quietly!

Everyone was immediately alarmed.

However, it was too late.

Above the mountain.

The ghost pig's intestines were being quickly recovered, and he ate all of them into his stomach with a piece of human flesh at the end of his intestines.

"Delicious! delicious!"

The ghost pig snorted and chirped, his mouth was chewing, even his stomach was chewing, "But I can't eat the last person..."

"If we let you eat it, we don't have to come here. "

The ghost knife said expressionlessly.

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