"It's finally here. "

Gu Bai's heart suddenly perked.

Take a quick look at the entire task panel.

It's similar to the last time when the Yin Soldier borrowed the way, and this time it also has the top difficulty.

Rewards go to the next level.

Two Universal Random Coupons!Random R-rated exercises!

The long-awaited exercise has finally appeared!

And in addition to that, there is a reward that is not known for the time being.

But it's all called mending heaven and earth, can it be worse?

Gu Bai made a choice directly.

"Choose Mission 4!"

[Choosing Quest (3) Successful!The Soul Quest Begins!]

[Mission time only: 47:59:12]

This mission is limited to two days, which is enough to toss yourself!

Gu Bai just turned off the panel.

The terrifying movement from the Skull Island mountain range ahead had already reached the shore where everyone was.


It was an incomparably vast and dense coercion.

The shore shook constantly, and the sand and stones beat restlessly.

The islands and reefs near the sea surface exploded one after another of monstrous waves.

Strong people from all over the world have been positive.

The next moment.

Countless monsters rushed out of the mist.

A ceratosaurus covered in spikes, a brontosaurus with a body size like a small 157 mountain, a fierce hunting dragon, a velociraptor rex, and even a tyrannosaurus!

In addition to these dinosaurs, there are also filthy-toothed crocodiles, giant pincer spiders,

As well as sand mites, burrowing corpse crabs, large predatory worms, and other beasts and poisonous insects that emerge from the ground and forests!

These are ancient creatures that inhabit the periphery of Skull Island.

Infested by the ghosts, their bodies are covered in rotting flesh and bones, and they have become extremely ferocious ghosts.

Each head has the strength of the deadly level and above the high danger.

The small ghost snake placed in the outside world is properly a boss-level existence, but here, it is just one of the vast creeps.

And in it.

Individual existences such as thunder dragons and tyrannosaurus rexes have doom-level strength at each end, which is equivalent to the war drum soldiers of the Yin Soldier Borrowing Incident, and is even more powerful.

As a rough inference,

In this wave of ghosts and beasts, there are at least fifty or more doom-level low-danger, more than ten doom-level medium-danger, and two doom-level high-risk!

This hellish scene makes people can't help but tingle their scalps.


"That's a dinosaur ???"

"I'm going... These ancient creatures came out of Hell Run, right?"

"This Nima is too scary!

In the live broadcast room, hundreds of millions of viewers were terrified.

The periphery alone is already so scary, and who knows what kind of existence should be hidden in the depths of those mountains?

If a super-giant ghost of this level is allowed to successfully land, no one dares to imagine the monstrous catastrophe it will cause.

At this moment, the reporter who was broadcasting at the Tianyan scene was also a little pale, and he stumbled with the manuscript and explained:

"Presumably... Skull Island is a mysterious island hidden in the depths of the sea hundreds of millions of years ago, which escaped the mass extinction and has always retained an intact ancient ecology, and now it has been polluted by ghosts, and these ancient creatures have become more brutal and powerful..."

I'm not halfway there.

The scene is already engaged.

The entire coast was plunged into terrible scuffle.

In the midst of these terrifying and ferocious waves of monsters.

There were forty or fifty human figures in the field, as small as ants.

But after all, the people gathered here are the top combat forces in the human world.

If you can't even solve the periphery of the catastrophic ghost snake, then you still want to enter the depths of the fart ghost snake and commit suicide directly.

All kinds of powerful ghost arts and realms explode in an instant!

The entire coastal battlefield is filled with raging light and energy.

Boom, boom, boom......

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, stumps were everywhere, and fierce roars and collisions and tears rang out.

And in the chaotic battlefield, the most eye-catching performance is tantamount to Gu Bai. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As early as the first days of the two (beaa) side battles.

Gu Bai had already activated the second-level Divine Sky state.

The spiritual flame of Vientiane Heavenly Mourning blessed him with destructive power of unparalleled speed.

At this moment, he was like a thunderbolt flickering in the dim hell.

Constantly jumping and beating in the war zone. []

Every time a flash is struck, a large area of ghosts must be torn to shreds by the furious thunder.

The energy of these thunderbolts is too strong.

Even a doom-level existence could not resist more than three frontal impacts, and was blasted into a pile of shattered charred corpses.

Pieces of ghost beasts, like harvesting wheat, were cut stubble after stubble by the thunder of heaven.

Such an astonishing lethality.

The other super-level powerhouses on the scene were extremely shocked in their hearts!

Their original perception of Gu Bai's strength was that he was the strongest super-level genius among the younger generation in the world.

But it's only limited to the super-tier.

But now that I look at it, this Nima... Definitely the strongest of all the super ranks!

It's even likely to be close to transcendental!

He's in his early twenties!

Now all the strong men can be considered to understand why the Lord wants to exterminate such a young man.

The Lord is afraid of such wickedness!

But what the powerful of all countries don't know is that

Gu Bai didn't actually want to use Vientiane Heavenly Mourning directly,

However, this wave of monsters is too tempting.

Put this pile of ancient dinosaurs and ancient beasts into the spirit flag, and when the time comes, when it comes out, think about it!

This wave of monsters must be grabbed!

Moreover, with Gu Bai's high-intensity use of the high-level thunder method.

His Thunder Law experience points also began to soar rapidly, and he was only one last kick away from the super level!

This is the first battle against the Havoc level.

It took less than two minutes and it was over.

The entire coast, which spans tens of kilometers, was directly smashed into pieces.

There were remnants of corpses and deep pits and cracks everywhere.

Gu Bai's figure slowly fell from mid-air, and the white thunder light and spiritual flame on his body turned into dots of light and dust, like a fairy coming to earth.

At this moment, the battle situation that can be seen through the eyes of the sky.

has already made hundreds of millions of netizens around the world confused.

There was a freeze on the public screen for several seconds.

This unprecedented wave of barrage is pouring out on the public screen like opening the floodgates!

"Groove Groove Groove !!!!"

"Gu Ye is awesome!!!"

"Thor, this is ???"

"Who still said that Gu Shi can only use the Dao? Huh? Is this strength strong enough to ????"

"I'm worried about !! white!!"

"Gu Ye is in a hurry, right? Even his own people are lied!!!!

"Gu Bai, you return my tears! The old lady is almost blind from crying today!!".

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