
Spring flowers bloom, warblers fly and grass grow.

Although the entire battle development area was beaten into a basin.

However, with the growth of tender green flowers and plants, it has become a bit more pleasant.

The old and the young, standing among the flowers and plants, looked at the picture of Congressman Morgan leaving with their tails between their legs, and smiled at each other.

And the thousands of Holy Academy students in the back also broke out into a burst of excited cheers at this moment.

"Awesome !!!"

"Gu Ye, you are my god!!"

"Invincible !!"

"Win!!Win ah!!"

"The little devil ran away!!"

The students hugged each other excitedly and cried with joy.

Followed by.

Everyone rushed in Gu Bai's direction in an uproar.

"Eh, eh..."

Before Gu Bai could react, he was lifted up by the students, cheering and throwing him into the sky.

"Wait, I'm off the cigarette!"

But the classmates who were carnivaling ignored him and continued to throw people high.

After coming down, a beautifully dressed beauty classmate came over and offered her own fragrant kiss on Gu Bai 703's face, with affection: "You are our hero." "


There was a commotion all around.

Now the other female classmates couldn't help it.

"Hurry up, hurry up, it's my turn!"

The teenage girls scrambled to rush over, each smacking the teacher in the face.

Gu Bai was almost confused by this group of warblers and Yanyan's maiden kisses,

Still thinking about how to get out,

His lips were suddenly covered by a soft, sweet touch.

The commotion suddenly became louder.

Gu Bai's eyes widened.

Wait until the two of them have their lips apart.

Only then did he see the beautiful and delicate girl's face in front of him.

Chen Luoluo's face was crimson, he didn't dare to stay here longer, he lowered his head and turned around and ran.

"The man is okay, I also want to kiss Gushi!"

The girls: "Get out! Teacher Gu is ours!"

There was a burst of cheerful laughter.

Young people are celebrating.

The teachers, elders and other leaders of the college gathered not far away to smoke.

They (befj) looked at the young figure surrounded in the middle, and their hearts were full of sighs and sighs.

In just one day, this young man from a small place has already created too many miracles.

This is a figure destined to amaze an era in the future.

He was born in Kyushu, how fortunate he was.

The deputy chief also came over.

He didn't know how to show his inner mood at the moment, so he could only look at Gu Bai from afar, and couldn't help but chant while smiling: "Good boy!

Zhuge Yun is very proud now, "Why, I'll just say yes, only this kid can suppress those gringos." "

"You Zhuge , this time you really became Zhuge , you have accepted a good disciple. "

A certain elder laughed.

Zhuge Yun hurriedly denied: "Eh, I don't dare to be it, I've worked hard in three or two, I'm afraid that it won't be long before I have to call that kid a master." "

While everyone was talking happily, Yang Taichu also told the deputy chief: "Guorui, you go and keep an eye on Morgan's gang, you are responsible for sending them on the plane." "

"Don't worry, our people have passed, I'll call the airport now and promise to let them out within an hour!hahaha!"

The deputy chief said with a smile.

The efficiency of the deputy director's work is extremely high.

Under the coordination of multiple departments, the capital airport directly deployed a special plane to send this group of dejected gringos directly to the other side of the ocean.

The first public class of the Holy House ended with a historic victory for the Kyushu side.

This kind of big event, (read a violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Kyushu side must have a unified voice to report to the outside world.

So the high-level personnel specially consulted Gu Bai,

Whether to disclose the personnel and battle details of this "competition", Gu Bai chose not to disclose.

It's late in the day.

The official website of the Holy House has posted the content of the first public class. []

The news fermented in a very short time.

Instantly attracted huge attention.

Now Kyushu netizens are about to go crazy with excitement.

Almost all forums, the media, including various group chats, are enthusiastically discussing this matter.

It's just a blast!

In the open class of the Holy Academy, foreign students took the lead and brought up a gambling fight, and Kyushu responded to the battle.

An open class has directly evolved into the top Tianjiao of the Holy Academy VS the top Tianjiao of various countries!

In the end, the Kyushu side won!

The ghost students left behind the sky-high tuition fees of 200 billion yuan, and rolled back to the other side of the ocean in disgrace!

"Damn!! it's so cool!!"

"Hahaha! I still remember when those ghosts came to the Holy Courtyard yesterday, they dragged 2580,000 yuan, and they got out the next day!"

"It's really not more than the next day, the Holy Courtyard is awesome!"

"The key thing is that the ghost guy provoked it, thinking that we were soft persimmons, but our heads were blown up!"

"The official website has been updated! Look at the list of combatants,!"

"I'll !!"

With the second newsletter updated on the official website.

The scalps of the majority of netizens exploded immediately.

What a special, all-star lineup!!

The six people in the foreign lineup are all world-class horror existences!

Park Chan-won, Makino Kamiya, Dwayne the Giant, Sharma, and the legendary Alpha the Blind Walker with an undefeated record!

The heaviest is the last one.


Caesar is on the field!

And lost!!

That's the Paladin Caesar!

The only successor of the Holy Cross, the representative of all the younger generations in the entire Western world!

Globally recognized as invincible among his peers!

Such a terrifying character was directly defeated in the Kyushu Holy Academy, which made netizens almost enthusiastic!

And on the Kyushu side, it also sent the top combat power.

All reserve sequences!

But the only thing that made people stunned was Gu Bai who was at the front.

It is undoubtedly a very unfamiliar name for people outside of the southeast coastal area.

After many netizens went to check, they found out that Gu Bai was a newcomer who had just entered the reserve team, ranking No. 50 in the sequence.

And he has another identity in the newsletter.

That's the instructor for the first class!

Not a student, not a teaching assistant, but a lecturer!

In just a few lines of message,

The huge amount of information hidden is simply curious!

"Who has a video of the battle at the scene of the first lesson, paid for !!"

"Seek !! together".

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