The situation took a turn for the worse in an instant!

Morgan sensed Gu Bai's trace of killing intent, as well as the incomparably terrifying thunderous aura that emerged from his body, and directly entered the highest alert.

The invisible realm spreads out, completely cutting off the war zone from the outside world.

At the same time, he locked Gu Bai with his own qi and was ready to do it!

At this critical moment.

An old figure quietly broke through Morgan's realm and appeared beside Gu Bai.

The old man's palm lightly pressed on Gu Bai's shoulder, and he slowly shook his head,

In those wise and deep old eyes, there was a bit of persuasion and a little helplessness.

"His blood is dirty. "

Gu Bai said to Yang Taichu.

Just now, Caesar vomited blood twice, the first time was red, which was the blood of his flesh.

The second time it was black, and it was the blood of his soul.

Caesar's body has long been lodged with a dark and chaotic force.

The smell stinks.

And this smell Gu Bai once smelled it.

That's the guys who appeared in Marina City after the Yin Soldiers' battle.

Cult of the Necros.

"I also saw it, Gu Bai, you have to hold back first, now is not the time to tear your face. "

The old dean persuaded solemnly and earnestly, and everything was hidden in his eyes.

The spiritual flame in Gu Bai's eyes slowly extinguished, and he slowly exhaled a breath.

Although it was just my own stress reaction.

But it's a bit under-considered.

The identity of the other party is very special, and at this level, it is no longer a matter between two people that is involved.

It's a mega-event at the international level.

The only successor of the Holy Cross Sect, who was killed in the Holy Temple of Kyushu, would have only one consequence.

It was a world war that affected more than a billion people.

The current situation is that Kyushu can't afford to fight.

And the other side did not dare to fight.

So maintain a delicate strategic balance.

It's like a nuclear deterrent,

If such a fragile balance is broken, it will usher in a bloody storm.

In other words, between Gu Bai's thoughts just now,

Almost the fate of the whole world has been determined.

Gu Bai squinted his eyes at the Morgan and the others in the distance, and asked, "Then what are we going to do now?"

"Let them go on their own, we won anyway, and we got extremely important information, didn't we?"

The old dean said with a smile, but there was a bit of bitterness in his smile.

The Holy Cross Sect, the largest force in the world, actually had an affair with the Corpse God.

This information is too shocking, too scary.

There are many dangerous undercurrents and turbulent waves hidden behind it.

Whenever any country officially reports on this matter, it will instantly cause a global sensation.

On the Kyushu side, high-level officials such as the old dean really didn't expect this situation.

Even Caesar has fallen, which means that the entire Holy Cross Cult has long been rotten into a sieve from top to bottom.

This is the world's largest giant force in terms of comprehensive strength.

It's hard to imagine how far the Corpse God Cult has infiltrated the whole world.

And what is their ultimate goal?

"But that's going to let them go, isn't it a little too cheap for them?"

Gu Bai shrugged.

"You can do whatever you want, you know. "

The old man gave Gu Bai a meaningful expression in return.

Gu Bai smiled knowingly, and walked directly towards Morgan and Caesar.

"Councillor Morgan, busy?"

Gu Bai shouted from afar.

"What do you want to do?"

Morgan said through gritted teeth.

Morgan was obviously worried that the Kyushu side would get the evidence, and as soon as he appeared at the scene, he used special means to destroy all the electronic equipment in the entire development area.

At the same time, it also suppressed the unknown power surging in Caesar's body.

Now that dark aura is gone.

"I said Lao Deng, is it useful for you to break our monitoring probe, the data has already been uploaded to the cloud synchronously, and, look at the lens. "

Gu Bai took out his mobile phone from the small world and turned on the camera. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Recorded Caesar's appearance after his defeat.

Especially the strange appearance of black blood flowing out of the other party's seven orifices,

Gu Bai directly gave him a positive close-up.

The point of this picture is not Caesar's defeat.

If the congregation of the Holy Cross were to be seen, their future successor to the Pope was a degenerate who had long since betrayed the Lord. []

As for whether it is true or not,

There is no conclusive evidence,

Does it matter?

It is enough for the believers to see him like this.

For the rest, just let suspicion and anger ferment freely.

Gu Bai's move.

It undoubtedly completely angered Morgan.

"How dare you !!"

Morgan let out a roar.

He was just about to make a move on Gu Bai when he saw the old man standing behind Gu Bai.

This moment.

Morgan seemed to see a mountain.

".~ Get out. "

The old man spoke only one word.

Let Congressman Morgan grit his teeth and endure all the anger he wants to vent.

Then, he picked up Caesar, who was already unconscious, removed his field, and walked to the sidelines step by step.

"Let's go back!"

Morgan's voice was extremely gloomy and he addressed all the international exchange students.

This goes back to the meaning,

It's not going back to the dormitory, it's going home.

In this bet, they lost completely!

All the international exchange students showed blank expressions at this moment.

They have not yet recovered from this colossal defeat.


Alpha the Blind Walker, Sharma of the Lion Statue Country, and Dwayne Johnson, Makino Kamiya, Park Chanwon...

These countries have enjoyed the pride of heaven that has been watched by thousands of people, but they have all been defeated in the hands of Kyushu?

And the last Caesar, too, was defeated...

The halberd of God was reduced to nothing, and the Holy Cross was torn into pieces.

Once the paladin Caesar who illuminated all beings with holy light (Zhao Qianhao).

It became the person in front of him who was covered in black and red blood, like mud.

"Today's matter is not allowed to be mentioned to anyone!"

"Get out of here, get on board!"

Morgan yelled at the numb students.

He didn't want to stay in this place for a moment.

made such a big fuss, and I didn't know how I would be held accountable after I went back!

No one would have thought that this team of world-class exchange students came with honor and arrogance.

In less than a day, he will be driven away like a lost dog.

And it's still a reasonable and legal way to get rid of it!

Such a humiliating end.

Coupled with an unprecedented cheer of victory celebration, it reached Morgan's ears.

Morgan's heart that listened to it was outlined.

He hates!

This is simply the most humiliating moment of his life!

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