I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 50: The Death Of Moonlight Grass! [Please Add This To Your Collection!]

At this moment, the outskirts of the City Lord's Mansion were crowded.

Countless discussions and curses were mixed together, extremely noisy, like a vegetable market.

After arriving here, Director Ao and others looked at the dense crowd in front of them, and their scalps tingled.

"Wow, how long do we have to wait?" Shi Yue exclaimed.

Li Weifeng suggested: "Why don't we squeeze in?"

Hearing this, Sheng Rui and others were a little tempted.

With their attributes, it should not be difficult to squeeze in.

However, it is obvious that there are more players with this idea.

At this time, a sturdy player of the Ten Thousand Demons Clan rushed in without thinking about anything.

With a good strength attribute, he squeezed out seven or eight players in an instant.

The players who were squeezed out were of course not happy. One of the Shura Clan players, who was also a hot-tempered one, kicked him in the ass and said angrily: "What are you squeezing? Stupid!"

The Shura Clan has the highest power growth. This powerful kick directly kicked the Ten Thousand Demons Clan player to the ground.

"Fuck, who kicked me?"

The player of the Wan Yao tribe hurriedly got up, his face showing a fierce look.

"Your father kicked me!" The Shura tribe player sneered and admitted.

"Alpaca, you are looking for death!"

The Wan Yao tribe player shouted, holding the spear in his hand, and stabbed the Shura tribe player fiercely.


The spear hit the armor, sparks splashed, and the bright red damage number slowly floated up.

At the same time, the ID above the head of the Wan Yao tribe player turned red in an instant.

Many senior game players saw this scene and immediately understood.

Red name and safe zone!

This setting can be seen in many online games.

You can't fight in the city, otherwise you will be red-named. As for what punishment will be after the red name, I don't know.

The Shura tribe player was about to fight back, and suddenly a series of dense footsteps came from the street ahead.

I saw a team of fully armed NPCs rushing over like lightning.

These NPCs took down the Wan Yao tribe player without saying a word.

The Wan Yao Clan player at the first level of the Blood Sea Realm was like a chicken in front of the NPC, and was easily lifted up in the air.


Sheng Rui took a breath and exclaimed: "Fuck, the NPC's level is so high!"

"Fortunately, I didn't cut in line!" Shi Yue said with lingering fear.

The leader of this NPC team looked around the surrounding players and said loudly: "The city is a safe zone, players are not allowed to fight! Once found, they will be arrested immediately and put in jail."

In Qin Ge's setting, red-named players will be put in jail after being arrested in the city.

The length of detention depends on the player's sin value.

In addition, the player's offline during the detention period is invalid.

For example, if a player is detained for two hours, some cunning players will choose to log off directly and log on two hours later.

But Qin Ge had expected this situation long ago, so he set it in advance that the offline time is not counted in the detention time.

That is to say, even if you are offline for a whole day, when you come online, you are still in prison and will be released only after being detained online for a certain period of time.

Of course, the sin value can also be eliminated.

If a player is lucky enough not to be caught by the NPC, he can eliminate the red name by killing monsters.

After saying that, the NPC waved his hand and quickly disappeared at the end of the street with the Wan Yao Clan player.

The appearance of the NPC just now changed the situation outside the City Lord's Mansion.

The players began to line up in an orderly manner. Although queue-jumping is still inevitable, no one dared to do it.

It only takes one or two seconds for the NPC to issue meritorious tasks. After the players started queuing, the efficiency was instantly increased countless times.

After waiting for only ten minutes, it was the turn of Director Ao and others.

The NPC glanced at him and said, "Please choose the difficulty of the task!"

At the same time, a prompt popped up in front of Director Ao.


After thinking for a few seconds, he decisively chose the difficult one.

At present, he ranks first in the level list and top ten in the combat power list. If he can't complete the difficult level task, then no one can complete it.

However, to his surprise, the NPC actually refused and said: "Young man of the Shura clan, the meritorious task is extremely dangerous. Please form a team first and then come to receive the task!"

"Do you need to form a team for the difficult mode task?"

Director Ao was stunned at first, then hurriedly clicked the team button, pulled Sheng Rui and six people into the team, and then explained it to them.

"Interesting, it seems that the reward for the difficult mode should not be low!" Sheng Rui said excitedly.

"Hurry up, I can't wait!" Li Weifeng urged with expectation.

After forming a team and applying for the task again, the NPC nodded and said: "It seems that you are ready. This is your task, go!"

[Ding! You have received the meritorious task! ]

[The Sorrow of Moonlight Grass] (Difficulty: Difficult)

Task requirements: The city lord recently sensed that there was a faint fluctuation from the moonlight grass in the ruins of the Moon God Temple. But this moonlight grass seems very weak. Under the erosion of the black fog, it will die at any time. Players are requested to set off immediately and bring it back before the moonlight grass dies. (The ruins of the Moon Temple are located in the southeast of the city, about 500 kilometers away.)

Task time: 12 hours!

Task rewards: 200 merit points, 50 fairy jades, random rewards.

Task suggestions: The ruins of the Moon Temple are now occupied by a large number of dark creatures. These dark creatures are powerful, so please be careful!


After reading the mission introduction, everyone was amazed.

There is no way, the rewards for the mission are too rich.

200 merit points, plus 50 fairy jades, and finally there are random rewards.

It is worthy of being the theme mission of the expansion pack. The benefits are indeed richer than daily monster swiping and side quests.

Reading during the Dragon Boat Festival! Recharge 100 to get 500 VIP points!

Recharge now (activity time: June 8 to June 10)

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