I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 49: Confused Players! [Please Add This To Your Collection!]

Before, he thought that it was not a loss to spend 10 fairy jades to learn these two skills.

Now it seems that it is a loss.

There are millions of people in the whole server, and he is the only one who paid the fairy jade. This probability is enough to win the lottery jackpot!

Everyone suppressed their laughter and comforted each other. Sheng Rui suddenly said: "What should we do today?"

This question made everyone stunned.

Yes! What should we do?

In the past, there was no need to say more. First, take the task of mining or collecting herbs, and then mine while killing monsters, upgrade and make money. Occasionally, there are players who are not afraid of death, and they can explore new maps.

In general, the gameplay is not monotonous, but there are only so many gameplays to choose from.

But now it is different. After the expansion pack is updated, the gameplay has been thoroughly enriched.

Killing monsters, mining and collecting herbs, side quests, hidden quests, exploring new maps, meritorious quests, brushing achievements... It seems that each one is very important, and the rewards for each one are very good.

For a while, everyone was a little confused and didn't know what to do at all.

It's like when eating. There were only two or three dishes, but suddenly one day, there were more than a dozen dishes, some of which were even new. This situation inevitably made people wonder where to start.

"I think it's better to brush the achievement points first. Lao Ao just said that achievements are unique. We can get ahead of other players and brush some simple achievements." Shi Yue suggested.

For a girl, the achievement system is of course the first choice.

Which woman can resist the colorful and gorgeous brocade clothes and mounts?

Li Fengwei raised his eyebrows and said, "Achievements don't add attributes. Brushing merits first is the kingly way. After all, the attributes are improved, and the merits can be exchanged for treasure maps. No matter how you look at it, it should be the first choice!"

Obviously, Li Weifeng, a straight man, is not interested in the brocade clothes in the achievements.

In his opinion, strength is the kingly way.

"Why don't we take the task! There are so many NPCs refreshed in the city, there must be many hidden tasks." Xiaoyao Sanren proposed another opinion.

Everyone argued endlessly and couldn't reach a consensus.

"Lao Ao, what do you think?" Sheng Rui asked.

In their team, Director Ao is the one who understands the game best.

Hearing this, everyone looked at him.

Director Ao pondered for a moment and said, "I personally think that the merit system and achievement system are the game planners' attempt to catch all player groups. Merit corresponds to male players, while achievements correspond to female players."

"According to my experience, as the theme of this expansion pack, the priority of merit and achievement is definitely higher than other gameplay, there is no doubt about that. However, the achievement system is very special, and its degree of freedom is extremely high. If you really want to explore it clearly, it takes a lot of time and energy."

"So I suggest that we do the merit quest. As for achievements, it is very likely that you will get some in the process of doing merit quests!"

After listening to his analysis, everyone thought for a moment and felt that it made sense.

"Okay, then do the merit quest first!" Shi Yue nodded.

In fact, deep down in her heart, she is more inclined to brush achievements.

But Director Ao is right. If you want to explore the achievement system thoroughly, you need to spend a lot of time and energy. In addition, the achievement system has a high degree of freedom and is too random. If you are not a pure casual player, you should not choose the achievement system as your first choice.

Obviously, although Shi Yue is a girl, she is not a casual player.

So, between strength and beauty, she finally chose strength.

After the decision, a group of seven people walked quickly towards the City Lord's Mansion.

Some players have revealed on the official forum that the NPC who issues meritorious tasks is in the City Lord's Mansion.


In fact, not only Director Ao and others, but countless players, including professional game teams and guilds, are very confused at this moment.

After the gameplay is suddenly enriched, I don’t know what to do.

This is a normal phenomenon and there is no need to worry too much.

After a few days, when players gradually become familiar with the new gameplay of the expansion pack and understand the priority, they will return to normal.

The forum at this time is even more popular than last night.

In one minute, hundreds of new posts can be refreshed.

Xiao Baozhi: Which big guy knows how to brush achievement points?

An Lan fights Yu Tuo: Haha, I just talked to the NPC for a few words and got a little achievement, so happy!

Qiang Ren Suo Nan: I am from the Wan Yao clan, the eighth level of the Tempering Body Realm, and I have a stable online time every day. I want a fixed team to brush the meritorious mission.

Shuai Zha Tian Xue Bing: I want a strategy to brush the achievement. If it works, I will reward 10 fairy jades! Stupid sculpture, get out of here!

Cat is not meow: The colorful donkey mount is so cute. This fairy will have to get it even if she doesn’t eat or drink!

Hua Meixi replied to Cat is not meow: I don’t think the colorful donkey is good-looking, the pink pig is really cute.


As for the live broadcast section, it is even more popular.

After more than half a month, there are already tens of thousands of anchors in the live broadcast section.

[Insider, explain the two major ways to play the expansion pack theme! (Send 1 fairy jade gift to add friends and send achievement brushing strategy.)] Number of online viewers: 2300

[Perseverance Emperor! I will not log off until I brush the Tiance General! 】Online viewers: 1289

【Except for the Internet disconnection, nothing can stop my dream of flying with a sword...】Online viewers: 3344

【Who dares to fight me? Shura tribe outdoor PK record, currently killed 12 people! 】Online viewers: 8556

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