I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 17: Don't Leave If You're Gutted [New Collection! ]

Only the Shura tribe?

Seeing someone calling for a team to do the task, Wang Penghui's face lit up, and he hurried forward and said with a smile: "I am from the Shura tribe, take me with you!"

He is not a rookie who has just started playing the game. Naturally, he knows that in the early stage of the game, it is basically impossible to fight monsters alone to complete tasks. Teamwork is the kingly way.

The person who called was a yellow-haired young man, holding a sharp sword with flashing blue light in his hand.

The yellow-haired young man looked at the novice cloth clothes and long sword on his body, and asked with disgust: "How much is the combat power?"

Combat power is also a new setting after this update.

The player's equipment, attributes and skills are scored, and the sum of these scores is the combat power of a player.

Although combat power does not necessarily represent strength, when the operation is almost the same, the party with higher combat power is naturally more powerful, which is beyond doubt.

Combat power?

Wang Penghui was stunned at first, and then he opened the attribute panel to check and answered truthfully: "230!"

"Get out! Stupid!" The yellow-haired young man cursed.

"Why are you cursing? Your quality is too low!" Wang Penghui said angrily.

The yellow-haired young man glanced at him and sneered: "You don't understand what I say, right? I just said that those with combat power below 800 should get out. You are a rookie with a combat power of 230, and you are coming up here to ask for a scolding?"

"Then can't you speak properly? You are always swearing, and you have no manners!" As the boss of a listed company, Wang Penghui has never been so angry, so he directly said.

The yellow-haired young man was obviously also hot-tempered, and sneered: "I scolded you, what can you do to me? Not only will I scold you, I will also kill you!"

After that, the yellow-haired young man raised the sharp sword in his hand and chopped it down fiercely.

Wang Penghui didn't expect him to take action, and he couldn't dodge for a while.


The bright red damage floated from the top of his head.

This sword directly made his health bar disappear by 80%!

After coming to his senses, Wang Penghui was naturally unwilling to be outdone. He held the novice iron sword and swung it backhand.

However, the opponent was wearing armor, and the iron sword chopped on the armor, splashing sparks.


Looking at the damage that was only in the single digit, the yellow-haired young man smiled disdainfully, swung his sword again, and killed Wang Pengfei directly.


After killing Wang Penghui, the yellow-haired young man raised a middle finger at his corpse.

Not only was he scolded, but he was also killed in public!

Wang Penghui was a big boss with a net worth of billions. When had he ever been insulted like this? He was furious.

In a rage, he wanted to revive again and then get back at the place.

But he found that he could do nothing and could only look at the black and white picture below from a bird's-eye view!

[There are still 59:59 before the next resurrection! ]

"Fuck, there is such a setting? It's too disgusting!" Wang Penghui was disgusted.

But he thought about it and felt that even if he could be resurrected immediately, he would not be able to defeat the yellow-haired guy.

The opponent was obviously higher in level and better equipped than him. His combat power was only 230, while that yellow-haired guy was at least 800. The gap between the two was too big.

Suddenly, Wang Penghui had a flash of inspiration and sneered: "I can't beat you alone, and I don't believe that more than a hundred people can't beat you either!"

He took out his mobile phone and sent a voice message in the company's WeChat group.

"Everyone in the company, log in to the game "Tiantu" in an hour, and wait for me at the entrance of the Novice Village after you go online! Whoever doesn't show up will have his bonus for the month deducted!"

The boss spoke and threatened the employees in the group with the bonus for the month. Whether they were willing or not, they had to put down their work and log in to the game "Tiantu".

An hour later, Wang Penghui went online again.

At this time, all 180 employees in the company gathered at the entrance of the Novice Village according to his instructions.

Seeing Wang Penghui online, the company's vice president immediately stepped forward and asked, "Boss Wang, what are you doing?"

"Don't talk nonsense, follow me to kill people!" Wang Penghui waved his hand, quite like a gangster boss.

Hearing this, the vice president's face was immediately full of black lines.

Damn, calling all employees to play games in the middle of the night, and threatening with the bonus of the month, just to vent in the game?

Many employees couldn't help laughing out loud. Instead of complaining, they found it very interesting.

The yellow-haired young man had not left yet, still standing there calling for people. After all, the game had just been launched, and players with 800 combat power were rare.

With more than a hundred employees, he came to the yellow-haired young man in a mighty manner. Wang Penghui sneered: "Boy, were you so crazy just now?"

For a moment, the yellow-haired young man was stunned.

He never thought that the noob he had just killed would gather more than a hundred players in the blink of an eye.

"Come on, kill him!" Wang Penghui shouted and rushed forward first.

Although the yellow-haired youth's equipment attributes are very good, there are more than 100 people on the other side.

In less than a second, the yellow-haired youth was beaten by more than 100 people.

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