I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 16: Unparalleled Shock [Please Collect! ]

(This chapter is 500 evaluation votes, and there will be more chapters!)

Qin Ge's plan worked very well.

By selecting popular anchors and UP hosts, not only did they test the game, but they also helped promote it for free.

One hour after the game maintenance ended, the number of game downloads on the official website reached 34,569. According to Tiandao statistics, the number of online players at this time was as high as 26,880. The remaining players did not enter the game, but had died and were waiting for the resurrection time...

And as time went by, the number of players continued to increase.

Until six o'clock in the evening, for a full six hours, the number of online players in the game had soared to 230,000!

Seeing this scene, Qin Ge couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

Now, the game is gradually getting on the right track, and he can be a boss with peace of mind!

When the players grow strong enough, they can lead this group of workers to quell the dark turmoil and recover the Tianxuan Continent!


Eight o'clock in the evening.

Wang Penghui, who negotiated a contract, was also in a very happy mood at the moment.

This contract directly affects the company's development in the next five years. It took him a lot of effort to completely win the other party.

For this reason, he has been working hard for the past few months, and even his favorite games have been temporarily put aside.

At the company's dinner tonight, Wang Penghui even drank a few glasses of wine to celebrate.

After eating and drinking, he lay on the large sofa, thinking that he had not played games for several months, and he felt a little itchy for a while.

After turning on his mobile phone, he logged into a game forum as usual.

There are not many people in this game forum, but the quality is very high, and they are all hardcore players, and the recommended games are also excellent!

Every time when there is a shortage of games, Wang Penghui will log in to this forum to see the posts of recommended games.

After entering the forum, a pinned and essence post on the homepage attracted his attention.

"Revealing! Which developer is behind the mysterious 100% real online game! 》

100% real online game?

Wang Penghui was stunned, and a thought flashed through his mind like a conditioned reflex, hype!

He simply did not believe that there would be 100% real online games at present.

However, when he clicked on the post, he was stunned.

There were more than a dozen screenshots of the game in the post, each of which was shocking.

And there were more than 800 comments on this post, all of which were positive, and no one questioned it.

"Dongpo Elbow: The author is just talking nonsense. How can a potato server like Ubisoft produce such an awesome game?"

"Xiao Jianjian: Stop talking. Let's team up to go mining. We are still short of 5 fairy jades to buy equipment."

"Bye bye: Speaking of the human royal family, what route should they take? Warrior? Or mage?"

"Cream Puff replied bye bye: I studied it and think that the human royal family should be the warrior route, but I always feel that talent is useless..."


After a rough look through the post, Wang Penghui was even more stunned.

If it were any other game forum, he would probably think that these people must be water armies hired by the game manufacturer to advertise!

But this forum is different. The moderator himself is a rich man and does not need to accept advertisements to make money.

And he saw many celebrities in the forum in the post.

All the evidence showed that a great game appeared while he was busy with work...

Thinking of this, Wang Penghui quickly flipped through the posts again and found the name of the game, "Tiantu"!

After opening the search engine, hundreds of thousands of search results suddenly appeared, all of which were discussed on Tieba, Weibo, and forums.

Entering the official website, he quickly downloaded the game, then took out the game helmet and put it on, and clicked to enter the game.

"Fuck, awesome!"

The opening animation of more than ten seconds made him extremely excited.

Especially after entering the game, the shock was simply incomparable!

After experiencing it for about half an hour, Wang Penghui almost understood some of the gameplay.

The Novice Village at this time was more lively than in the afternoon.

Looking around, it was densely packed with players, and countless noisy voices gathered together, appearing to be full of vitality.

"The Blue Maple Union is recruiting a large number of players, requiring a stable online time, no less than eight hours a day. The union will provide subsidies every month, and those who are interested can sign up quickly!"

"I'm crying~~ Is there a little brother to help me level up?"

"[Wandering Spider Terminator] Mission, I want a Wan Yao Clan meat tank in the third level of the Tempering Realm..."

"Mining in Beimang Mountains, four wait for one, and then drive!"

"[Small Achievements] Mission Quickly brush, only Shura Clan, those with combat power below 800 get out!"


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