Mrs. Tai arrived at the banquet hall at just the right time for Ling Chu’s hair-raising ceremony to officially begin.

Since she knew that Prince Dingyuan was going to give Ling Chu a replacement hairpin as a gift, Princess Jing immediately asked Princess Dingyuan to recommend herself as the guest of honor. But Mrs. Nan'an Hou took a step slower, laughed a few times, and had to play it off.

After Ling Chu came through time travel, he had been busy making money and accumulating merit, but he didn't receive any handkerchiefs.

 Princess Dingyuan then invited her niece to be the praiser.

Unexpectedly, before the Hairpin Ceremony began, the uninvited Princess Fuqing suddenly found Princess Dingyuan and asked herself to be Ling Chu's sponsor.

 Princess Fuqing was the daughter of the empress, so Princess Dingyuan could not refute her face, so she had to agree.

Ling Chu’s hairpin ceremony was very grand. In addition to the palace’s embroiderers, Princess Dingyuan also found famous embroiderers from Kyoto to make more than a dozen sets of exquisite and gorgeous dresses for Ling Chu.

 Handpieces of jewelry were made in twenty or thirty sets.

 Princess Dingyuan never stopped smiling when she saw her well-dressed daughter.

 Wei Feng secretly glanced at Ning Chuyi from time to time.

 Although he didn't see any smile on Ning Chuyi's face.

 But I muttered secretly in my heart that I am probably in the best mood today.

 And when the haircut ceremony is halfway through.

Ling Chu found that Yin Sha suddenly walked in quietly from outside, came to Ning Chuyi's side, and whispered a few words.

Ning Chuyi frowned.

 Looking up subconsciously.

He happened to meet Ling Chu's gaze in the air.

Ning Chuyi's gaze paused and quickly retracted it.

 Then he stood up quietly and left with Yin Sha.

Lingchu was a little surprised and didn't know what happened.

In full view of everyone, the ceremony of hair-cutting was in the middle of the process, and Ling Chu could not stop him to ask.

Originally, Ling Chu thought something was going on with Jin Yiwei, so Ning Chuyi had to leave midway.

 But after seeing a father-in-law quietly whispering a few words to the prince, the prince also left immediately.

Ling Chu quickly glanced at the guests watching the ceremony.

Mrs. Tai came before the ceremony started, but Han Yao never showed up.

 In addition to Han Yao's absence, the second prince was also nowhere to be seen.

Lingchu remembered that before the haircut ceremony began, she heard the ladies talking quietly. In addition to several princesses, the crown prince and the second prince all came to Dingyuan Palace.

 But the second prince was not seen at this time. Could it be that the sudden departure of Ning Chuyi and the prince had something to do with him?

Ling Chu thought for a while, and then he was doing two things. On the surface, he was listening to Princess Jing reciting the congratulations, but he secretly turned on the system.

 Scan the entire Dingyuan Palace quickly.

When he saw a naked man and a woman entangled together in the cave, Ling Chu almost couldn't maintain his dignified expression.

How hungry is Han Yao?

Last time I was with Taoist Master Mingzhen.

  How long has it been?

He actually climbed onto the high branch of the second prince's tree again.

Ning Chuyi and the prince left midway, and King Dingyuan naturally noticed it. But his daughter's hairpin ceremony was only halfway through. Although he had doubts, he could only suppress it.

To prevent anything from happening, he motioned Han Lin to follow him and take a look.

After Han Lin left, the wife also gave the maid next to her a look.

The maid felt uneasy, but she did not dare to disobey the wife, so she could only bite the bullet and leave quietly.

 Princess Dingyuan noticed the actions of these people.

 But she pretended not to know.

 There is nothing more important now than the haircut ceremony of her daughter. She knows that the prince and the eldest son will take care of other matters.

She just needs to ensure that Lingchu's haircut ceremony can be carried out smoothly.

Han Yao was lying in the cave, watching the second prince galloping above.

 At first, she refused on the surface, but deliberately teased her secretly.

 When the second prince dragged her into the cave, and the fire started burning with firewood, Han Yao's anxious heart was quickly relieved.

 The King of Dingyuan and his wife recognized Ling Chu’s **** and wanted her to leave the palace.

Although she was left behind by the dowager, she still felt a little uneasy.

She didn’t know that one day she would be forced to leave the palace by that **** Ling Chu. Although Han Yao was betrayed by Ming Zhen, she never gave up her desire to marry the second prince.

 It's just that the second prince rarely leaves the palace recently, so she hasn't been able to find good opportunities.

When he learned that King Dingyuan and his concubine were going to give Ling Chu a replacement haircut gift, Han Yao was jealous but couldn't help but look forward to it.

King Dingyuan was favored by the emperor and held military power.

Han Yao guessed that the second prince would definitely come to attend the banquet hosted by the palace.

  She knew this was a rare opportunity.

Just when Han Yao was thinking about how to seduce the second prince.

Unexpectedly, the maid Qiu Wen sent her a sachet.

 Smelling the scent of the sachet and hearing Qiu Wen's obscure words, Han Yao didn't say anything on her face, but she was secretly happy.

Qiu Wen spoke cryptically and did not explain the origin of the sachet.

 But Han Yao knew that it must be the intention of Mrs. Tai.

 Originally, Han Yao didn't know why Mrs. Tai defended her and insisted on letting her stay in the palace.

 But at this moment, Han Yao had a guess.

 King Dingyuan has always been loyal to the emperor.

 The prince and the second prince have been secretly wooing him, but they were all rejected by King Dingyuan.

 Although the second prince is favored, so far, the emperor has no intention of deposing the prince.

 The prince is likely to be crowned a great treasure.

If he becomes the emperor, King Dingyuan will naturally be loyal to the prince.

Although Concubine An was demoted to a good concubine by the emperor, I heard that she had received a lot of favors from the emperor recently.

 Mrs. Tai doesn’t want to put all her eggs in one basket.

 At this point, Qiu Wen was secretly instructed to send her a sachet.

Han Yao knew that if she were the biological daughter of King Dingyuan, Concubine An Xian and the second prince would definitely be happy to marry her as their princess.

 But now, they may not still be willing.

 According to Concubine An Xian's temperament, she might help the second prince to marry that **** Ling Chu.

 The second prince was her favorite, and she would never allow that **** Ling Chu to be taken advantage of.

Han Yao was lost in thought when the second prince suddenly slammed into her love heart.

Han Yao’s face was twisted in pain.

 At first, Han Yao was very satisfied with the young figure of the second prince. But the second prince was addicted to the charm drug, and he had no sympathy for her. His actions were rough and he just wanted to vent the power of the drug.

Han Yao has been in pain for so long that she can no longer bear the pain. Although her back was padded with a brocade robe, the stones underneath made her back burn.

Han Yao wanted to pull away, but the second prince had not finished venting his anger and refused to let her move at all.

Just as he was gritting his teeth and enduring it, he suddenly heard something sound outside the cave.

Just as Han Yao was about to remind the second prince, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw a black shadow hitting the back of his neck.

 The second prince groaned and fell limply on top of her.

Han Yao's pupils shrank, and she subconsciously stood up and sat up.

 Followed by a pain in the back of my neck, my vision went dark.


Outside the cave, the little **** who was looking after the wind was knocked unconscious with a sap from the back by a guard.

The prince followed the two guards into the cave and saw the fainted second prince and Han Yao, but he didn't think much about it.

The prince couldn't wait to make the second prince's scandal public, "carry them to the banquet hall."

Yin Sha stood silently behind Ning Chuyi.

  Secretly slandering,

If these two people were carried out naked, they would definitely ruin Miss Ling's hairpin ceremony.

   Your Excellency will not agree to this matter.

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  Thanks to Hongxiu and the book friends who support Hongxiu.

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