Chapter 367: Just what you want

The second prince left the banquet hall and asked the **** waiting beside him to find the servant in the palace to ask about the location of the garden, intending to take a walk to relieve the sweltering heat.

Unexpectedly, it had no effect at all. Instead, it became more and more stuffy as we walked.

At first, the second prince thought it was because the clothes he wore today were a bit thick. In addition, he had been surrounded by several officials just now and was chatting with each other. It was so crowded and stuffy.

 But now he noticed something was wrong.

In addition to the sweltering heat, there was also an unbearable longing welling up in my body.

The little **** next to the second prince was shocked when he saw that his face was flushed and there were even beads of sweat on his forehead.

 At first glance, the second prince looked like he was drunk.

 But the banquet at Prince Dingyuan's Mansion has not officially started yet. The second prince just drank tea and did not drink alcohol.

 There is something wrong with him.

As the thirst in his body became stronger and stronger, the second prince reached out and tugged on his collar.

He already had a guess in his mind, and he was afraid that he was being influenced by others.

 The second prince is not a young boy who doesn't know anything. He has learned about personnel affairs early.

 He guessed that the symptoms on his body were caused by the poison.

The little **** who was following him also saw it, "Second Prince, the people in Dingyuan Palace are so brave. They dared to drug you, so I went to settle the score with them."

 The second prince saw the young **** being impulsive and suppressed his impatience and shouted, "Come back."

 The little **** turned around and looked at him in confusion, "Second Prince..."

“It probably wasn’t someone from Prince Dingyuan’s palace who did it. Prince Dingyuan and his wife held a grand banquet, which shows how much they attach importance to Lingchu.

 If something happens to me, it will definitely ruin this banquet. This is not what they want to see. "

The second prince's flushed face revealed a gloomy look, "On the contrary, the prince..."

 He did not finish the rest of the words. But the little **** had already come to his senses.

 The second prince has always been at odds with the prince, and recently there have been a lot of overt and covert fights.

If there is anyone who most wants something to happen to the second prince, it must be the prince.

Give the second prince a charming drug. If he can't help but mess around in the palace, he will not only ruin the banquet in Dingyuan Prince's palace, make Prince Dingyuan and his wife angry, but also make the second prince look embarrassed.

There are many guests today. If this matter spreads, the reputation of the second prince will be completely ruined. The Yushitai will impeach him, and the emperor will be dissatisfied with him.

 What the little **** could think of, the second prince also thought of.

 “Go back to the palace immediately.”

 The second prince took the young **** with him, turned around and left in a hurry.

The medicine in his body was getting stronger and stronger. In order to prevent others from discovering that he had been drugged, the second prince did not let the palace servant lead the way, but walked out based on his feeling.

After walking a few steps, he saw several maids walking in front of him from a distance, and the second prince almost couldn't help but rush towards them.

 It seems that he was hit with strong medicine.

Forcing himself to look away from the maids, the second prince stopped and leaned on the tree pole to take a few breaths, then turned and hurriedly left through another deserted path.

While turning around a rockery, the second prince suddenly saw a figure bumping towards him.

  Just wanted to turn sideways to avoid it.

But my nose suddenly smelled an alluring aroma.

 A soft ball followed the impact and stuck to his body.

 The second prince’s arms, which he originally wanted to push away, hugged instead.

“Ah, the second prince...” A charming and charming exclamation came from his arms.

 The second prince looked down and said, "Miss Han?"

Han Yao's cheeks were crimson, but her eyes were as charming as silk, and her breath was like orchid, "Second Prince, you...don't let me go quickly."

The second prince felt that the longing in his body was about to explode. Seeing Han Yao's appearance, he hugged her tightly.

 He lowered his head and moved towards her red lips.

 “Yao Yao, you smell so good.”

Han Yao let out a soft cry, which was buried in the lips of the second prince.

 The second prince was so carried away with the kiss that he didn't see the glint in Han Yao's eyes.

"Uh huh..." Han Yao couldn't make a sound and struggled slightly.     It's just that her movements seem to be struggling, but they are very skillful.

Han Yao was betrayed by Taoist Mingzhen, slept with him, and already knew about the affairs between men and women.

Every struggle she made was friction, which made the ferocious beast in the second prince want to rush out immediately.

 The second prince hugged her, breathing heavily.

 At this time, he had already forgotten his previous concerns.

I caught a glimpse of a dark cave in the rockery next to me.

Without thinking, he took Han Yao and got in.

The little **** serving the second prince was anxious, but when he saw the second prince's appearance, he already knew that he could not stop him.

I could only stand outside the cave uneasily and watch for wind.

 The second prince took Han Yao into the cave and took a few steps inside. He didn't see anything wrong.

Immediately turned around, hugged Han Yao, and began to take off her dress.

Although Han Yao whispered no, she did not struggle vigorously.

 The second prince was about to explode, and he didn't even have time to untie all his brocade robes.

 Hug Han Yao into a hug.

Han Yao struggled skillfully a few times, feeling the ferocity underneath, and wrapped her arms around the second prince's neck.

The second prince gasped heavily, pushed Han Yao against the mountain, raised one leg, straightened his waist, and rushed in immediately.

 In the cave, Han Yao's roar and the roar of the second prince soon sounded.

 The wife’s yard.

 A maid in blue-colored armor came in with the curtain raised.

The wife put down the tea cup in her hand and looked at her.

“How about it? Did Han Yao accept the sachet?”

The maid lowered her eyes respectfully, "Go back to Madam, Miss Yao has accepted it."

"That's good."

This maid was originally the eldest maid who served the Tai Madam. After Han Yao moved here, the Tai Madam asked her to serve Han Yao.

 “Is she unwilling?”

The maid shook her head, "No."

 In fact, the maid felt that the madam was completely overly worried.

 She sent the sachet over, but she didn't say anything clearly, only showing a hint of meaning.

Han Yao has already accepted the sachet.

Although she seemed to have no choice but to do so, the maid felt that the madam's move was exactly what she wanted.

 Otherwise, she would not have accepted the sachet so easily, and even took action as soon as she received the message from the maid from the male guest.

The Madam didn't know what she was thinking about. She paused for a while and then asked again, "How is the situation with the Second Prince?"

“Don’t worry, madam. After the second prince had some snacks, he went to the garden.

After receiving the news, Miss Yao rushed over from the alley.

 The second prince originally sensed something was wrong and wanted to leave the palace.

 But when he went around to the rockery in the north, he happened to bump into the Yao girl. "

The maid paused for a moment. Seeing that the madam was still waiting for her to continue, she swallowed quietly.

Following that, he said, "My servant is watching from a distance. The Second Prince and Miss Yao have...entered the cave."

The wife didn’t say anything after hearing this.

 After a moment of silence, he raised his eyes and glanced at the hourglass placed in the corner.

He said softly, "The hair ceremony will begin soon. Help me to go to the banquet hall."

"Yes, Mrs. Tai." The maid couldn't figure out Mrs. Tai's thoughts and didn't dare to say anything. She could only step forward and help her out.

 (End of this chapter)

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