“Since you are so ignorant and refuse to tell the truth, then we have nothing more to say.”

“Fast dragon, steel armored crow, let’s go.”

If the other party just wanted to fool him to defeat Absolu, Su Yu didn’t care much, after all, this is the inferior nature of human beings.

But the problem is that the other side’s goal is clearly not just to defeat Absolu.

And most importantly, he can clearly feel that the other party still has something to hide, and things are definitely not that simple.

The other party should have hidden something.

So he didn’t bother to talk nonsense with these people and immediately prepared to leave here.

“You boy, don’t be too unscrupulous!”

What Su Yu didn’t expect was that just when he turned around, Li Gougan suddenly rushed over with a fierce face, and raised the wooden stick in his hand, wanting to give Su Yu a ruthless blow.

However, just when the wooden stick in his hand was about to hit Su Yu, Su Yu slightly sideways to avoid his attack.


Before he could react to what had happened, Su Yu had already raised his foot and kicked towards him, and directly kicked him in the abdomen, kicking him out.

“Your ignorance and stupidity really amuse me.”

“It’s really hard to imagine that there are guys like you in the Dragon Kingdom 570.”

After glancing coldly at the remaining people, Su Yu turned over and rode on the back of the fast dragon, and left here directly with the elves.

As for where they are going?

That naturally lost its search for the Absolus.

Since these villagers wanted to hide something, he could just ask Absolu directly.

Let’s not mention that the other party’s attitude will be much better, and Su Yu doesn’t think that Absolu has any secrets to hide, it can’t be that there is also a sleeping Kira Qi here, right?

But even if this is the case, he also has a Kira prayer here, and the other party has nothing to hide, right?


they saw Su Yu leaving here, the group of villagers stood here in silence.

Moreover, two of the villagers also made a look at the village chief, as if they wanted to take some action, but they were stopped by the village chief by raising his hand,

“Shake!” Who are these people? Don’t want to help?

“They can only bully the anchor’s temper, otherwise if they change to a temper that is bad, then they will have fun watching.”

“I feel that these people are not good people, otherwise where would they have just met, less than ten minutes, and how many times would they want to do it?” And the last one almost succeeded.

“Indeed, judging from that Li dog’s actions, it is not the first time he has done this kind of thing.”

“Maybe that village is some kind of underworld and evil force.”

“It doesn’t have to be the underworld forces, maybe it’s foreign forces? After all, they call elves Warcraft, and no one in the Dragon Kingdom would say that now.

“If I want to say, the anchor should let the elves take action and treat them well!” Otherwise, this group of people is so lawless, sooner or later they will break into trouble! ”

Because of Li Gou’s sudden outburst, the water friends’ original impression of those villagers was even worse.

Moreover, some water friends began to suspect the identity of these villagers.

After all, people who can do this kind of thing, they don’t think that the other party will be an ordinary villager.

Some of these people who didn’t care about the excitement even encouraged Su Yu to directly let the elves do it and teach those villagers a good lesson.

Of course, they didn’t mean to let Su Yu cause any harm to them, after all, it would be a crime, just let Su Yu scare them well.

Anyway, as long as you make the momentum a little louder, those people themselves will be scared.

Or, let them have nightmares together, what a beautiful thing….

That group of people is so much, they just don’t want to help, they even want to do it, the man named Li Dogman is really bad!” Really bad people!

At the same time, on Su Yu’s side, before Su Yu could say anything, Tianxi first waved his fist and began to fight for him.

Looking at Tianxi’s little fist that was constantly waving, Su Yu immediately thought of the emoji pack where the small fist punched your chest.

If you really let Tianxi’s little fist hammer up, I’m afraid you have to hit GG directly, right?

“That Li dog egg is just a big hand, if he didn’t have the tacit approval of that village chief, he wouldn’t be able to do that kind of thing.”

“And if I’m not mistaken, he must have hidden something even more infuriating.”

For Li Gouan’s matter, Su Yu didn’t pay much attention to it, it was just a reckless man with no brains.

In comparison, the village chief was the one who really cared about him.

It stands to reason that a person like Li Goudan does not care whether the other party is the village chief or not.

But the fact is that the village chief just said a word, but Li Gougan immediately stopped his hand very honestly.

And the reason why he would do it afterwards was obviously with the tacit approval of the village chief.

But it is precisely because of this that he will feel more curious, what is the unknown identity of the so-called village chief?


And just as Su Yu was thinking like this, he saw Absolu on a mountain peak not far away.

It seems that Absolu was waiting for Su Yu and them, otherwise, it would have not known where to run.

After noticing Su Yu’s gaze, Absolu did not stand in place and continue to wait, but took the lead in running in a certain direction.

“Go, let’s follow immediately.”

Seeing this, Su Yu immediately urged the fast dragon and the steel armored crow to speed up and quickly catch up with Absolu.


~” “Kai~”

When the fast dragon and the steel armored crow heard this, they immediately increased their flight speed and quickly narrowed the distance between the two sides.

And that Absolu seemed to be competing with them, and after sensing that they were approaching rapidly, it also immediately increased its speed.

It’s just that Absolu, who runs and jumps on the ground, is already at a loss, plus it is not a match for fast dragons and steel crows in terms of speed

Chapter 397 – Seriously Injured Elf!

So even though it had used its full strength, the speed between the two sides was still getting closer, and soon, the speed was directly above Absolu.

“Absolu, what should you say to us, right?”

“If that’s the case, let’s start talking now.”

After the two sides got close enough, Su Yu immediately spoke.

In his mind, anyway, now there is nothing to do, it is better to have a good chat, at least let them know, what is the truth of the matter, isn’t it?


what Su Yu didn’t expect was that when Absolu heard this, he just glanced up at it, and then continued to bury his head in the road.

Judging from its reaction, I am afraid that it will not say anything without its destination.

After Su Yu knew Absolu’s plan, he was immediately speechless, can’t you satisfy my ~ curiosity first?

Besides, this won’t delay any time, you can’t even wait for this time, right?

And just as Su Yu was thinking so, Absolu had already arrived in front of a cave, and after looking back at Su Yu and them, he walked directly in.

“Is Absolu living here?”

Although Su Yu was a little curious about why Absolu brought them to this place, he immediately followed with a group of elves.

The cave was not too deep, and they soon came to the inside of the cave.

What Su Yu didn’t expect was that in addition to Absolu, there was another elf here.

It was a little elf with a white body, but with green hair, and looked like a pure girl, and the biggest difference between her and humans was probably that it had a pair of red horns on its head.

It’s just that its body, which should have been white and flawless, looks dirty at this time, and a lot of scars can obviously be seen on it.

Although none of these scars seem too serious, when they reach a certain level, it is completely different

: “What kind of elf is this?” It looks cute!

“It’s cute, but isn’t it time to say that?” It obviously hurts a lot!

“Indeed, if such an injury were placed on a human body, I am afraid it would have been hung up a long time ago, right?” That is, the physique of the elves far surpasses that of humans, so they persisted.

“Even if the physique of an elf is far beyond that of a human, its injury is not easy to be optimistic, after all, it can be seen from its appearance that it is not a physically powerful elf.”

“I don’t think it’s just not strong, it’s probably weaker among all the elves, right? After all, its body looks so slender and thin.

“Hey, I hope the anchor can cure it, I don’t know who is so ruthless and did such a hateful thing to such a cute elf.”

Isn’t that the answer obvious? Apart from Absolu, there are only them here, right?

“You mean that the villagers did it, maybe they weren’t hungry?”

“How is it impossible? Don’t forget, the anchor felt that the group of people was hiding something before, and now it seems that it must be related to this elf.

“But is it possible to hurt the elves by saving the group of ordinary people?”

“Nothing is absolute, if the strength of this elf is indeed not strong, it is actually completely possible.”

After meeting Chilurian, the water friends were immediately attracted to its cute appearance.

And when they noticed how serious Chillulian’s injury was, they began to worry about its injury.

Of course, with this, there was also a gradual surge of anger in my heart.

As for who caused Chillulian’s injury?

Many people speculate that it is likely that the villagers did it.

After all, judging from their previous attitude towards Absolu, they obviously did this kind of thing.

Coupled with the fact that Chirulian looked so thin and didn’t look like a powerful elf at all, it was entirely possible for that group of people to do that kind of thing…

“I didn’t expect there to be a Chillulian here, do you want us to save her?”

After Su Yu saw Chirurian’s injury and sensed Chirurian’s extremely weak breath, he immediately understood Absolu’s intention.

At the same time, Su Yu was also slightly curious, Absolu, the evil elf, actually got together with Chirurian, a superpower and goblin elf, but it was too rare.

0 ····· Ask for flowers… ·····

However, although Su Yu asked so, he did not wait for Absolu’s answer, so he walked directly over, took out the good injury medicine, and sprayed it towards Chirurian.

As those good wound medicines were sprayed on Chirulian’s body, Chirurian’s brows, which were originally slightly wrinkled due to pain, were immediately relieved.

And the wounds on her body were immediately restored at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just as Su Yu picked up Chirulian and turned her over to treat the injury on his back, his movement was sudden.

Because, on Chirulian’s back, as well as on his side, there are some obviously different scars.

….. ……. Some of them

are like abrasions caused by bullets, while others are direct gunshot wounds caused by bullets hitting the flesh.

However, perhaps because Chillulian’s body is indeed better, or because she also used her mental power to resist the moment the bullet hit her.

Although it is true that a bullet hit her, the injuries she suffered as a result were not serious.

But the appearance of these scars can already explain a lot of problems.

There really is a problem in that village, and the problem is not small!

Because Su Yu could tell that it was not the damage caused by those homemade earthen guns, but by more formal firearms.

However, Su Yu also knew that now was not the time to say this, after he sprayed good wound medicine on those wounds, he carefully examined Qilulian’s body and made sure that there were no other wounds on her body, and then he let go of his heart.

Although Su Yu was temporarily relieved, his live broadcast room was frying the pan again….

“Those wounds just now, if I’m not mistaken, are gunshot wounds, right?”

“It’s indeed a gunshot wound, that’s right, there is indeed something wrong with that village!”

“Isn’t it, you can see the gunshot wound?”

“That kind of injury, there is no other explanation than a gunshot wound, okay?”

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