In the face of Su Yu’s inquiry, Absolu did not answer, but Su Yu could feel that it was not angry, but more like, it didn’t know how to express it?

After all, it’s one thing to know something in your heart, but how to say it and let others understand it 3.5 is another thing.

But at this time, the wooden bridge in front of Su Yu and them suddenly broke from the middle under the impact of the water flow.

Although the incident happened very suddenly, because he had been mentally prepared for a long time, Su Yu was very calm.

“Absolu, thank you.”

Su Yu knew that if it weren’t for Absolu’s reminder, maybe they would have been walking on the bridge at this time.

So this thank you is necessary.

Of course, even if the bridge really broke at that time, Su Yu was not worried at all.

Not to mention the superpowers of Sherabi and Dream, the three flying elves of Fast Dragon and Steel Raven alone are enough to solve the trouble

Chapter 394: Absolu! Calamity Beast (Customized)

Besides, it’s a big deal to release the Alora Nine-Tails and directly freeze the river.


Perhaps because this is the first time Absolu has received thanks from humans, it stared at Su Yu for a while, and then turned its head slightly unnaturally.

After Su Yu saw such an interesting reaction from Absolu, he immediately began to introduce it with great interest.

“This elf who suddenly appeared and warned us was named Absolu by me, and it is an evil elf.”

“Because it is the relationship of evil spirits, and it is said that every time it appears, it will be accompanied by a relationship of calamity, and it is therefore called a calamity beast by some ignorant people.”

“But that’s not the case.”

“Absolu usually inhabits precipitous mountain terrain, rarely going down to the foot of the mountain, it runs like the wind in the mountains, and is a long-lived elf that can live for hundreds of years.”

“It is sensitive to changes in the sky and the earth, which gives it the ability to predict disasters, and it often appears from deep in the mountains because it wants to inform humans of the disasters of 05 with its horns.”

“But it is precisely because every time Absolu appears in front of people, there will be disasters such as earthquakes or tsunamis, that it is better than those who are ignorant to call it a disaster spirit, or a disaster beast.”

“In places where superstition prevails, it is disgusted and feared because it is thought to invite calamity, and is driven into the mountains, but there are also more sane people who are very interested in its ability to foresee calamity.”

“Despite all the ominous rumors, Absolu is actually a gentle and kind elf, and in addition to telling people about the fall of calamity, he will also help guard the fields.”

There is some information about Absolu, in fact, Su Yu is not very sure.

For example, Absolu’s lifespan, there are actually many theories, some people believe that although Absolu’s lifespan is longer than that of humans, it is only more than a hundred years of life.

But more people believe that Absolu lived for hundreds of years.

Although this statement is agreed by most people, Su Yu is actually skeptical.

Because he clearly remembers that in the Wishing Star of the Seven Nights, there was an Absolu who guarded Kira.

And judging from the situation when it and Kira Qi, at least when Kira Qi woke up last time, they definitely met, as for the previous things, it is unknown.

But even if it is, that’s a lot to tell.

After all, Kira Qi slept for a thousand years, and since that Absolu had met Kira Qian, it meant that it had survived for at least a thousand years, or even longer.

It is precisely because of this that Su Yu did not completely say that Absolu’s lifespan was dead, but only said that it could survive for hundreds of years, not only hundreds of years.

At the same time, Su Yu was also quite emotional about Absolu’s experience, obviously he was such a kind elf, but he was misunderstood because of the ignorance of human beings.

However, fortunately, most of the elves still understand Absolu’s behavior, so they treat

Absolu from this point of view, Absolu treatment is much better than Darkrai, because of their own characteristics, most of Darkrai’s is very unwelcome.

Darkrai is not the kind of elves who like to do whatever they want, so they usually self-exile and only appear in those places that are inaccessible

“can predict the occurrence of disasters in advance?” If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, such an incredible ability would have been hard to believe.

“I feel so pitiful Absolu.”

“Who says it isn’t? It was clear that he wanted to help mankind, but he was treated like a human being.

“It must be because the humans of that world are too ignorant, but something like this is certainly impossible for us to happen.”

“That’s right, what age is it now, how can anyone still do such a thing?”

“But don’t you really say, I’m also interested in Absolus’s ability to predict disasters, and how many losses can humans avoid if they can fully master this ability?”

“Indeed, most disasters bring a lot of losses, mainly because they come too caught off guard, and if you can know their arrival earlier, you can take measures in advance to reduce a lot of losses.”

“It’s not just about reducing losses, some disasters won’t happen at all, okay?”

After hearing Su Yu’s introduction to Absolu, many water friends felt sympathy for Absolu’s experience.

This caused them to immediately start angrily denouncing those who were ignorant.

At the same time, some people are thinking about where Absolu can use such an ability.

After all, such an ability is too buggy, and if it is used well, it can play a role far beyond ordinary people’s imagination.

570 Whether it’s floods, earthquakes, fires, the reason why these disasters have so much lethality is because they happen suddenly.

And once you know in advance that they are going to happen, you can do a lot of things in advance.

For example, evacuating people in advance, or fortifying key areas, or even directly at the source, can eliminate disasters.

These are entirely possible.

Although for the other party’s previous humans, even if they could know the occurrence of the disaster a little in advance, there were only a few things that could be done, but after having the elves, it was another matter….


Absolu, who was originally surprised by Su Yu’s behavior, suddenly became very different when he looked at him after hearing his words.

“Found it!”


But at this time, on the other side of the river, a group of people who looked like nearby villagers ran towards this side, but what made people feel a little strange was what happened to the wooden sticks they were holding?

“Abominable Absolu!”

“Destroyed the bridge again!”

“You are not welcome here, get us out!”

And what happened next was even more stunning…

Chapter 395 – Ignorant Villagers!

Those with wooden sticks in their hands not only surrounded Absolu and stormed towards Absolu, but they even rushed towards Absolu and brandished the sticks and took the initiative to attack.


And in the face of such a thing, even a good-natured elf like Absolu was a little stunned, and immediately issued a low roar with a strong sense of warning to them.

But just when everyone thought that it was about to attack, it came to a nearby mountain peak in a few jumps and disappeared.

“Interestingly, there is not only a group of ignorant villagers, but also a slightly strange Absolu.”

After Su Yu saw this scene, he was immediately interested.

He could easily feel that Absolu actually had a sense of anger in his heart when he saw the villagers.

After all, think about it, Absolu was obviously kind enough to remind those people that disaster was about to happen, but they didn’t listen to the advice, and even wanted to attack it?

Who would be angry with that, right?

But just when Su Yu thought that Absolu was about to attack, Absolu forced down the anger in his heart.

And the reason why it chose to leave directly was naturally not afraid of those villagers, but because it was worried that it would not be able to control itself and launch an attack on those villagers.

But it is precisely because of this that Su Yu finds this Absolu interesting.

It stands to reason that with that level of anger in his heart, even Absolu would attack.

Although the main thing is to scare the villagers, it will definitely cause them to suffer a little injury, otherwise, they will not be able to learn their lesson, and their anger will not be able to vent.

So the question is, what is the reason that makes it suppress the anger in its heart?

“Okay, let’s go over and find out the situation.”

Thinking of this, Su Yudang let the fast dragon and the steel armored crow fly over with him and the other elves.


“What do you want to do with this group of monsters?”

What Su Yu didn’t expect was that they had just landed on the opposite bank, and the group of villagers immediately took a few steps back and quickly moved away from them.

Moreover, one of the middle-aged men even opened his mouth and questioned them sharply.

“Warcraft? Oh, now that the people of the Dragon Kingdom call them elves, you still call them Warcraft?

“Interesting, could it be that you are not actually from the Dragon Kingdom?”

Su Yu, who was originally very upset with these villagers, immediately opened his mouth to sarcastically after hearing the other party’s words.

Although it is indeed a little remote, it can be seen from the clothes of these villagers that the people in this village are not poor at all.

And it is obvious that they are not an isolated place here, and they must have some understanding of the outside world.

If the other party is only prejudiced against the elves, then forget it, but even call the elves Warcraft, he will not give the other party a good look.

Su Yu felt that the reason why his current task progress was growing so slowly was because there were too many ignorant people.


After hearing Su Yu’s words, the middle-aged man immediately rolled up his sleeves and planned to come over to find Su Yu to theorize theory, of course, judging from his grip on the wooden stick, it is very likely that his way of theory is not with his mouth.

However, for this person’s actions, Su Yu did not panic at all.

After all, his current physical fitness is not comparable to ordinary people, even if he does not use the power of elves, he can easily teach this person.

“Li dog, you give me a stop!”

But at this time, a slightly old voice suddenly came from the back of the crowd, causing the middle-aged man, no, it should be said that it was Li Goudan, had to reluctantly stand in place.

“Village chief, let me teach this foreigner who doesn’t know the height of the sky and the earth a lesson, so that he knows what to say and what not to say.”

But even if he has been stopped by someone, Li Gougan is still not dead.

Immediately Ban turned around and looked at an old man who came out of the crowd.

However, the old man did not pay attention to him, but walked straight in front of Su Yu and slowly spoke.

“Although Li Dogan doesn’t speak very well, he actually has no malice, I hope you don’t have more calculations with him.”

Although the old man did seem to be pleasing to the eye, the words he said still made Su Yu feel uncomfortable.

Although the words are not good, but there is no malice?

Oh, who believes this?

If Su Yu didn’t see that the other party was already a handful of age, a bad one might be GG, and he would definitely be stunned.

And seeing that Su Yu did not answer, the old man was not annoyed, at least on the surface, but continued to slowly speak.

“You are supposed to come here to ask about Warcraft, which is what you call elves, right?”

“Although I don’t know why you call them elves, that white monster is indeed attacking this village.”

“Obviously, before this, it has always lived in the depths of the mountains and has never appeared near our village.”

“But I didn’t know what happened, but it recently appeared in this vicinity.”

“Not only has it been near the wells in our [Li Zhao’s] village, but it also often destroys the bridges we have built, and so far three bridges have been destroyed by it, and if we continue like this, we will be trapped here.”

“That’s why we’re going to rally and fight it!”

“Since you can drive those monsters, I hope you can help us defeat them!”

If the old man had to pretend just now, then at this time, his purpose was completely exposed.

That’s right, the reason why he would stop the conflict between Su Yu and Li Gougan, and also tell Su Yu these things, is to hope that Su Yu can help them defeat Absolushi.

Of course, although he only said defeat, Su Yu estimated that if it was possible, he definitely didn’t just want to defeat Absolu

Chapter 396 – Fast Dragon, Steel Armor Crow vs Calamity Beast! (Customized).

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