Pokémon ancestor! (please customize)

Although Celebi did answer some of the time, but they were all just answers to some irrelevant questions.

And questions like Liu Jing’s now, it won’t answer.

“Bi~”‘God or something, maybe it exists? As for the gods and beasts, I don’t know~’

Facing Liu Jing’s question, Celebi immediately shook his head without hesitation.

Looking at it like that, it seems that it really doesn’t know anything about it.

But in a sense, Celebi did not lie.

Because in the Pokémon world, those quasi-legendary Pokémon are divided into three categories: legendary Pokémon, Ultra Beast, and fantasy Pokémon.

As for the divine beasts, although some people do call them that, it is not a formal name after all, so it is completely fine for Celebi to say so.

“Well, you don’t know…”

Regarding Celebi’s answer, Liu Jing had no doubts at all.

After all, Celebi has left a very deep impression on her during the two days of getting along.

The most obvious point is that Celebi is extremely pure and kind, and will not lie at all. Although Celebi will not answer some questions, once the answer is given, it is all true.


Su Yu couldn’t help shaking his head after seeing Liu Jing believe in Celebi so easily.

Although it is true that Celebi cannot tell lies, it does not mean that its words are fine.

At the same time, Su Yu couldn’t help but a little doubt arose in his heart. How can I say this kind of Nasty Plot, it doesn’t seem like something Celebi would do.

Could it be that someone else… no, another Pokémon made it say so?

If this is the case, does it mean that there are other mythical beasts around here, at least Celebi has come into contact with other mythical beasts in recent days?

Although aware of this problem, Su Yu didn’t plan to do anything.

After all, gods and beasts, unless they are willing to appear, it is difficult to see them even if you search for them for decades.

Moreover, looking for the whereabouts of the divine beast too deliberately will inevitably be regarded as having other plans, which may (afdf) be counterproductive.

“By the way, don’t you still have a competition to participate in? Why do you still have time to come here?”

Compared with the problem of the beast, Su Yu is more concerned about it now. Why does Liu Jing still have time to run here when other trainers ran to compete?

Thinking of this, he asked directly.

“Ah! I almost forgot, I’m here to deliver something to you!”

After hearing Su Yu’s question, Liu Jing finally remembered that the reason why she came here was to start rummaging in her bag immediately.


After Su Yu saw this scene, he immediately sighed helplessly.


Then Su Yu was surprised to find that there was Liu Jing’s Pachirisu who had the same movements as him.

Immediately, under Su Yu’s gaze, it ran to Liu Jing’s bag in a hurry, and rummaged with it.

And the most amazing thing is that it found the thing before Liu Jing, and handed it to Su Yu directly.


At first Su Yu was a little curious about what it was, but when he noticed that what Pachirisu handed him was a contract, he suddenly felt even more strange.

“All the technologies and formulas you provided are now under the name of this company.”

“You only need to sign this contract, and 50% of the company’s profits will be yours in the future.”

“By the way, grandpa said, if possible, it’s best to choose a Pokémon as the mascot. It’s up to you to decide.”

After Liu Jing noticed Su Yu’s expression, she immediately opened her mouth to explain.

“If that’s the case, I won’t be polite.”

After hearing Liu Jing’s explanation, Su Yu didn’t think too much about it. After confirming that there was no problem with the contract, he immediately signed his name.

Because he knows that only by doing so can some people truly feel at ease.

As for the money?

For him today, money is really just a number.

Because what he really wants, money can’t buy at all.

“As for the mascot…then choose Mew.”

As for the question about the mascot, Su Yu directly said the name of his favorite Pokémon without hesitation.

What he didn’t notice was that when he said the name Mew, one of his Eevee moved its ears alertly.


After hearing this strange name, a row of big question marks immediately appeared on Liu Jing’s head.

Why is it another Pokémon that she has never heard of?

God! How many types of Pokémon are there in this world?

“Mew is a very mysterious Pokémon, it is said that only a very pure heart can make it appear.”

“And most importantly, it has all the genes of Pokémon in its body, and it can also use all the skills.”

“There are also rumors that Mew is the ancestor of all Pokémon.”

If you want to talk about the most representative Pokémon in the Pokémon world, Mew is definitely one of them. Not to mention anything else, the fact that it has all the genes of Pokémon in its body can already explain the problem.

In addition, as the god of creation, Arceus, and the skin god Pikachu.

It can be said that without any of them, Pokémon world is no longer the Pokémon world we know.

“There are all the genes of Pokémon in the body? Is there really such a Pokémon?”

After hearing Su Yu’s description of Mew, Liu Jing was taken aback.

If what Su Yu said is true, as long as they can find Mew, wouldn’t it be equivalent to standing in front of the door that can unlock all Pokémon secrets?

Of course, the key to this door may not be so easy to get.

After all, it was obvious that Mew’s genes must be extremely complex.

But she calmed down quickly, because she also thought of another more important problem.

“Mew must be no ordinary Pokémon, right?”

“It should be the god of that world, right?”

Thinking of this, her eyes immediately turned to Su Yu again.

“Isn’t that natural?”

“Mew, which has all the Pokémon genes in its body, is a very special Pokémon, and it has the potential to surpass almost all Pokémon.”

“If given enough time, it is entirely possible for it to reach that level, or even surpass it.”.

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