: Chickens peck at each other! (please customize)

Of course, when you really want to participate in the competition, you still have to check whether you have Pokémon. If nothing else, you must at least have a Caterpie or Magikarp, right?

However, according to Su Yu’s estimation, the number of 10 million applicants is not the end, but just the beginning.

After all, because the competition was held in a hurry, the real publicity has not yet begun.

It’s not until late at night that you really start to exert your strength.

And the development of the matter did not exceed Su Yu’s expectations, and the number of applicants was still increasing rapidly at night.

Twenty million!

thirty million!

Seventy million!

Eighty million!

When the number of applicants increased to 80 million, the growth rate of the number finally gradually slowed down.

But even so, when the competition started and the registration deadline, the number of applicants reached 100 million!

“Tsk, if only there were so many people in my live broadcast room…”

Looking at the dizzying number of applicants, Su Yu immediately felt jealous.

If there were so many viewers in his live broadcast room, he would be able to redeem a divine beast immediately.

At that time, he will initially have the ability to control the market, or to say that he can lift the table.

However, even though he said so, Su Yu actually didn’t pay much attention to this matter.

After all, he knew that most of the people who signed up to participate in the competition were just casually joining in the fun, not to mention fighting, they didn’t even have a single Pokémon.

But in this way, you can also take a look at how many trainers there are in Longguo now.

Although it is inevitable that some people did not participate due to various reasonsThis game, but at least 99% of the trainers will gather because of this game.

While Su Yu was thinking this way, the knockout rounds in various parts of the Dragon Kingdom had already begun.

Because it was just a knockout match, Su Yu naturally wouldn’t go to watch the game live. Not only would it be too troublesome, but he couldn’t watch it at all.

Besides, now the major live broadcast platforms are like sharks smelling blood, buying the broadcasting rights of the game one after another, so he can watch the knockout matches from all over the Dragon Kingdom online.

As for which game to watch first?

“That’s it.”

After Su Yu’s eyes scanned the names of the cities, he finally clicked on the live broadcast room of Modu.


“Metapod, hurry up Harden!”

“This side is also getting harder!”

“Let’s continue Harden!”

“It’s not over yet! It’s getting harder!”

Su Yu, who was still looking forward to it, froze there after clicking on the live broadcast room.

Good guy! It turned out that two Metapods were constantly Harden there.

Knowing that it would be impossible to tell the winner for a while, he decisively switched the live broadcast room.

Although the self-proclaimed Master Demon has stretched his hips, it should be impossible for Yanjing to pull his hips too, right?

“Pidgey, use Gust!”

As soon as Ruyu opened Yanjing’s live broadcast room, he saw a scratched-looking young man commanding a Pidgey to fight.


And that Pidgey flapped its wings immediately after receiving the order, creating a gust of wind and sweeping towards the opponent in front.

As for its opponent… it’s a Caterpie and a big fat guy.

“Caterpie, use String Shot!”

After seeing Pidgey’s attack, he also gave the order immediately.

It’s just that, compared with his opponent, he looks more flustered, and it’s really difficult to beat Pidgey with Caterpie.

Although it was true to say so, Caterpie spit out a bunch of white silk threads at Pidgey immediately after hearing the fat man’s order.

But before these silk threads could travel far, they became crooked under the gust of wind.

And more importantly, Caterpie was directly sent out by the gust of wind to Whirlwind.

And when the Caterpie landed, circles appeared immediately, obviously it had lost the ability to fight.

“Caterpie loses his ability to fight, Zhou Linyun wins!”

Seeing this, the referee also made a verdict immediately.

“Although it is still pecking at each other, the competition here is still a little bit interesting.”

After seeing such a game, Su Yu couldn’t help but nodded secretly.

Not to mention anything else, at least these people’s heads are normal, not like before, two Metapods are there to compete with Harden, which really makes him feel incomprehensible.

Afterwards, Su Yu checked the competition areas in other places.

Although the level of most competition areas is very problematic, and there are often situations where Pokémon such as Caterpie, Wurmple, and Magikarp compete on the same stage, but similar situations often occur in competition areas such as Yanjing and Rongcheng.

Of course, this is not to say that the trainers in these places are really much better than the trainers in other places, but because the competition in these places is fierce, many trainers with insufficient strength choose other places to participate in the knockout round .

However, in addition to these big cities, there is another competition area where the competition is extremely fierce, and that is the competition in Tengchong.

Perhaps because the subsequent competition was held here, and the Charizard Reserve was also established here, many trainers rushed directly to this city.

This makes this city, which was not originally a big one, become extraordinarily lively today.

Especially among the pedestrians on the street, many (good, good) people carry Pokémon, which makes this place even more special…

“‘ Celebi, do you think there really is a god in this world?”

“I heard that there are extremely powerful beings called mythical beasts in Pokémon. Do you know some information about them?”

When Su Yu withdrew his attention from the game, he saw Liu Jing trying to ask Celebi for information about the beast.

This made him feel very speechless.

After all, Celebi can actually be regarded as a member of the beast, which made him have some very subtle feelings.

As for worrying about Celebi accidentally slipping his mouth?

Regarding this point, Su Yu is actually not worried at all, at least it is true now.

After all, during this period of time, Liu Jing always looked for opportunities to ask Celebi for some information.

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