
Chapter 249 Biyad X

“If a spaceship’s relative speed exceeds the speed of light, it will not be able to pass any means to obtain information from the outside world.” This is what Li Mo realized from the story of the big head Pajeluian.

When all spaceships travel at less than one-half the speed of light, the relative speed between them will not exceed the speed of light, which is also the speed of civil aircraft that Pajelu officially limits to one-half the speed of light. reason.

“Di Di Di Di”

New Mission Release:

Mission: Scientists’ Self-Esteem

Mission Description: Science Prize is Right The praise of a scientist’s academic achievements is also an affirmation of his work, but when this award is determined by some outside factors, then it loses its credibility, and receiving such an award is a sully to science.

Task requirements: Reject one international award

Task time limit: 60 days

Task reward: 200,000 points, one ordinary lottery.

Special Instructions: This quest is a special quest, and there will be no penalty for rejecting the special quest.

“Rejecting international awards?”, “Scientists’ self-esteem?”

The task released by the learning assistance system this time is actually asking yourself to give up the honor that is at your fingertips? Li Mo is getting more and more difficult to understand, learning the wonderful brain circuits of the auxiliary system.

Someone is willing to give him a prize and money, but he still can’t accept it?

Li Mo, as a pragmatist, would not have given up any prizes. Because with those awards came huge bonuses. However, it is a pity that the 200,000 points for the task, with these points, he can completely upgrade the mathematics subject to Level 1.

After hesitating for a long time, he did not immediately decide whether to accept the task.

The gray fog dissipated, and Li Mo found himself still sitting in his office.

“Boss, turn on the TV, now, the national news channel.” At this time, he received Xia Qing’s WeChat.

Is there any sudden occurance?

Li Mo turned on the news channel, and a press conference was being broadcast live on TV. The scale of the conference was not small, and there were hundreds of Chinese and foreign reporters in the audience.

A middle-aged man in a suit is taking questions from reporters.

“Just now you introduced the new BYD new energy vehicle, the speed of 100 kilometers is 2 seconds, the battery life will reach 2000 kilometers, and the charging can be completed in 10 minutes. And the domestic price is only 250,000 RMB, Are you sure you didn’t read the speech wrong?”

A reporter from ABC asked in a sarcastic tone. There was also a shy expression on his face.

Because in their opinion, the chairman of BYD is bragging, regardless of battery life and charging time. It is said that the speed of 100 kilometers is 2 seconds faster than that of the X.

Since the birth of automobiles, speed has become the pursuit of some car enthusiasts. Commonly used family cars can accelerate from 100 kilometers to 8-9 seconds, while sports cars can accelerate from 100 kilometers to less than 4 seconds. For example, the fastest car, the Dagger GT, can accelerate from 100 kilometers to 100 kilometers in 1.5 seconds, the Barabus TKR to 100 kilometers in 1.67 seconds, and the Koenigsegg one in 2 seconds. But these cars are designed for extreme speed.

As a family car, the Biyad X can achieve a speed of 2 seconds per 100km/h, which made the reporters in the audience disbelieve it.

This kind of scene seems to have been expected by the man in the suit, he said with a faint smile: “You did not hear wrong, we are the second generation of new energy vehicles, and the project of Biyadi X The research and development of the car has been completed. According to the actual road test data, the maximum battery life of the Biyad X has reached 2312 kilometers, and the charging is completed within 9 minutes and 18 seconds.”

“The current domestic price is 250,000 RMB, I believe that with the increase in production, the price will be gradually lowered.”

“So, to disappoint you, I did not read the speech wrong. To be precise, I did not Bring a speech.”

The confident and humorous answer of the man in the suit aroused applause from domestic reporters in the audience.

Li Mo realized at this time that the man in the suit was actually the chairman of Biyadi, Wang Shufu.

He looked extra confident and young today, unlike the sad face he had when he came to the lab last time. It’s no wonder that he didn’t recognize him at once. It really is a man who relies on clothes and horses to rely on saddles, and Li Mo is in his heart.

“Can you give a detailed introduction to the battery system used by Biyad X?” At this time, a senior domestic reporter raised the microphone and asked. He often runs the car news line and knows the parameters of new energy vehicles well. Take Stella, which adopts the most advanced battery management system as an example, the battery life of its new energy vehicles can rarely break through 700 kilometers.

“The reporter asked a good question.”

“The reason why Biyad X can have a cruising range of 2,000 kilometers is mainly because we have adopted the Moxing battery system. ”

Wang Shufu did not conceal that they adopted the Moxing battery system, because BYD already owns the Moxing battery for a one-year exclusivity period.

In the negotiation with the strong woman from Moxing Company, in order to obtain the exclusive right to use Moxing Battery, he was even willing to pay 10% of the shares of Biyadi Company, but was ruthlessly rejected. Just when he tried to continue to overweight. The strong woman clearly told him that Moxing Technology would never allow any new energy vehicle company to monopolize Moxing batteries.

The unwilling Wang Shufu, after several rounds of “exploitative” negotiations, paid the company’s net profit for 2 years in exchange for BYD’s use in the field of new energy vehicles. 1 year exclusivity period for Moxing battery.

When the agreement was signed, the strong woman, who had always been stern, showed a satisfied smile. Only then did Wang Shufu realize that he had signed a “most unfair” agreement. But for this agreement, he has no regrets. After so many years of struggle, he has long lost interest in money.

And BYD Company is just like his child, he is willing to give everything for the child’s growth. With the blessing of Moxing Battery, BYD will rise rapidly.

This business is worth it!

And the design manuscript of Biyadi X is from the genius professor behind Moxing Technology.

After signing the agreement, Wang Shufu was invited to the office of the Boss of the Mozi Technology Experiment. When Wang Shufu was still lamenting the strict security measures in the laboratory, the genius professor took out a stack of manuscripts from a pile of “wastepaper piles” and handed it to Wang Shufu. His original words at the time were: “Take it back and ask your engineers to take a look at it, maybe it will be useful.”

Can mathematicians also design cars? Wang Shufu accepted the manuscript with suspicion.

Back at the company, he invited several design department heads to the office and showed them the manuscripts. When designers with several decades of automotive design experience saw the manuscript, they were stunned. In their words: “The appearance of this car takes into account the beauty of classical and modern, takes into account the manipulation and space, takes into account the fashion and safety, and takes into account.” A perfect vehicle design, or even any modification, will destroy its perfection.

Wang Shufu had to be amazed this time. Although he gave up his profit for two years, he climbed up to this big guy with treasures in the wastepaper basket.

“Moxing battery system?” The male reporter, who thinks he knows everything about the new energy industry, has never heard of this brand of battery. Is it a self-developed battery by BYD?

“Moxing battery system is the latest scientific research achievement of Yanjing Mozi Science and Technology Laboratory.”

“We have reached a strategic cooperation agreement with Moxing Technology. The first company will have the exclusive use period of Moxing battery system for one year.” Wang Shufu took the initiative to announce part of the agreement on TV.

(End of this chapter)

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