Chapter 99 Han’s Villa. (For further reading! For collection! For everything!)

Pei Ling’s face became ugly as she listened.

He originally thought it was just a task that an ordinary six-layer cultivator could do, so yesterday in order to send Lu Luqian away quickly, he took it on behalf of Jin Sumian without even thinking about it.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be such a big pit!

What’s more terrible is that there are five teams to take over the task.

what does this mean?

It means that after arriving at Han’s Villa, they not only have to face the dangers inside Han’s Villa, but also prevent the other four teams from stabbing knives in the back.

This is not to mention whether their team itself has the risk of being a traitor, or whether it will turn around at a critical time.

“Brother Zhao.” The matter has come to this, and only one step can be taken. Pei Ling asked, “Before that Senior Brother He fell into a coma, did you say how he was injured in the Han’s Villa?”

Zhao Changan shook his head and said: “He was badly injured, his mind was a little fuzzy, and he lost consciousness without saying a few words. The medical examination said that Hun and Po had been greatly stimulated and he could only take Requiem Pill to recover. We won’t be able to wake up within a month. If we wait for him at Sect, others will be the first.”

Damn it!

In other words, know nothing?

Pei Ling’s thoughts turned, she glanced calmly at Lu Luqian not far away, and secretly said: “It’s okay, it’s okay. Others don’t say, this Senior Sister Lu, although the Cultivation Base is one level higher than me, her strength is very weak. . And I have also repaired blood snails… the blood ghost escape method, if the situation is not right then, I will run faster than her!”


A few days later, at noon, a flying shuttle broke through the stratus clouds and landed on the banks of water.

For a moment, among the flying shuttle, ten cultivators filed out.

The headed man repaired eyebrows and dazzled his eyes. Bufan wears a white robe and soap boots. He is holding a blood-colored walking stick. The body of the stick is like an old vine knot. The head of the stick is shaped like a snake, with double horns on the head and slightly exposed fangs.

Among the snake eyes, the blood flame is extinguished, and the Killing intent billows.

After he waited for everyone to come out, he played a decisive battle, retracted the shuttle, looked around in a circle, and said loudly, “You brothers and sisters, this is the Han’s Villa.”

“I didn’t see Senior Brother Tang Nanzhai. It seems that we were the first to arrive.” A male repairer who followed him closed his eyes and felt relieved.

“Of course, Senior Brother Bai specially borrowed the poisonous fire blood dragon stick and Wuling Flying Shuttle from Senior Brother Inner Sect this time, at least two days and two nights ahead of other teams.” A beautiful, slender and tall female cultivator He replied, looking at Bai Kuang with a look of admiration, “Thanks to Brother Bai, we will be able to win this task!”

Bai Kuang smiled, and immediately said with a serious face: “The Han’s Villa has been defeated for a long time, and now the co-clan has been destroyed. Even though the formation mechanism is still there, it is in disrepair for a long time. It is not to be afraid. The most important thing for us to pay attention to this mission is not the mission. Itself, but the other four teams. Now that you are one step ahead, I still hope that you can work together and seize the time to find the treasure house.”

“As for the specific allocation, wait until the things are in hand, and then make plans.”

“Otherwise, if other teams catch up midway, not only will their original advantages disappear, they will even become their pioneers on the road and make wedding dresses for others.”

“Yes!” Many fellow students responded in unison, and immediately under the calculation of a purple-clothed female cultivator, she quickly found the gap in the Han’s Villa Grand Formation and rushed in.

With the surrounding scenery rippling slightly like water waves, the original waters disappeared, and what appeared in front of them was a simple gatehouse that revealed its age.

The letter “Han’s Villa” in four characters.

The gilt font has faded a long time ago, leaving only a dim background, revealing the desolation of the villa in recent years.

On both sides of the gate tower, there are still colored ribbons and tassels for celebration, but after years of wind and rain, it has long been dilapidated.

And the talisman engraved in its heyday is now half broken. There are only a few talismans, which barely have some effect, but it can slightly expel some unweathered ghosts and spirits.

For Bai Kuang and others, the effect of resisting the enemy can be directly ignored.

Everyone was eager to hunt for treasures, and there would be no need for them if there was no mentality. They quickly searched the neighborhood and quickly went deep.

“Brother Bai, the Han’s Villa occupies a vast area. There are only ten of us. If we act together, I am afraid it will be difficult to take the treasure house and fly high before the others arrive.” At this time, the lady in purple came over and suggested to Bai Kuang. , “In my opinion, it is better to act separately.”

Split up?

Bai Kuang frowned slightly, actually is not afraid of danger.

After all, although the first four groups of disciples only escaped back to one He Yi, the He Yi who trained on the eighth level of Qi can all escape back to Sect. As for their team, the weakest Cultivation Base also had the eighth level of Qi, not to mention, and before coming, All are well prepared.

It is expected that even if it encounters a trap or an enemy, even if it is lost, there will be enough time to delay others to rush to support.

The problem is that wealth is touching.

What if someone discovers the treasure trove privately, but keeps it secret, what should one do?

“According to my calculation, the next time Dazhen will be able to go out will probably be eight hours later.” The purple-clothed nun seemed to see his doubts and said, “The location is the Huxin Pavilion in the back house lotus pond. That’s it. Time, if we get together, I’m afraid we won’t be able to search many places.”

Bai Kuang’s eyes flickered and said, “Sister Wu’s words are reasonable, so let’s go, nine of you, a group of three, and I’ll be a group of one, and then you will scatter and search. Regardless of whether you have gained or not, after eight hours, Zhaihuxin Pavilion converges.”

Since there is only one exit and there is a time limit, he should arrive early and check and question them one by one.

The nine juniors and younger sisters were all eager to find the treasure house, and they agreed without hesitation, so the ten people quickly divided into four groups and dispersed.

… After a long while, the purple-clothed female cultivator stepped into the martial arts field empty-handed with two of the same door.

The building of the martial arts field is rough, the ground, the walls, the dummy, the wooden stakes, the arena… everywhere are traces of weapons or fists.

“Look carefully here.” The female clerk in purple clothes said, “There was nothing on the way just now. After all, this is where the children of the Han’s Villa are cultivated. Even if there is no treasure house, there may be some other gains.”

The other two cultivators agreed, and were about to turn their hands over the cabinets. Suddenly they saw a familiar figure not far away, standing with their hands behind them, with their backs facing them.

“Brother Bai?” The two cultivators were a little surprised. The direction that Bai Kuang had just headed was obviously not here.

The purple-clothed sister just picked up a vase and raised her head when she heard the sound, but saw that the figure slowly turned her head. It was Bai Kuang’s clothes, Bai Kuang’s face, and Bai Kuang’s figure… But the other party’s head turned very smoothly. After one hundred and eighty degrees, I looked at them quietly.

PS: Remember to vote after reading it! Seek further reading! Seeking collection! Seeking investment! Seek everything!

PS: Thank you, brothers who sleep till 12 o’clock tomorrow, for your reward! Thanks to the book friends 20181108225020587 brothers for their rewards! Thanks to the book friends 20200319114955389 brothers for their rewards! Thank book friends 140211003139420 brothers for the monthly pass! Thanks for the monthly pass of the pkpk brothers! Thank you Brother Bao for the monthly pass! Thank you for the monthly pass of Big Cat’s very tired brother!

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