Chapter 98 Foundation Building opportunity. (Seeking to read! Seeking to read! Seeking to read!)

This guy just opened his mouth.

Pei Ling secretly slandered himself, and even if it was handed over to Zheng Jingshan, he could get one hundred thousand lower-grade Spirit Stones.

This amount is enough for him to hire Foundation Building thugs from Inner Sect. Need to find an eighth-level Qi training?

“Brother Zhao, the best bone quenching pill is so precious, I only have so many.” Pei Ling said, “I’ll talk about it later.”

“Junior Brother Pei, ignore him.” Upon seeing this, the black robe male Xiu sitting next to Zhao Changan flashed his eyes, and suddenly said, “Shao Ningzhi, where can I use a hundred best bone tempering pills? Thirty, I promise to send him for you, how?”

Hearing that the female surnamed Li raised her eyebrows: “Thirty? You might think of Junior Brother Pei too much as an outsider.”

She turned to Pei Ling, smiled, caressed the sideburns, and said softly, “Junior brother, we are in the same team today, and we are destined. They are all by themselves, and senior sister is not like the two of them. Think of yourself as a fat sheep. As long as twenty best bone quenching pills, I guarantee that you and Junior Sister Jin can stay and fly as much as you want. Shao Ningzhi will definitely not bother you!”

“Twenty? I…” Seeing that the female Xiu surnamed Wang was about to join the bidding ranks, Pei Ling burst into a big head, laughed a few times, and said quickly: “Forgive me for my clumsy eyes. I don’t know what the senior brothers and sisters are called?”

These fellows are so realistic!

“Oh? Junior Brother Pei still don’t know what our name is?” The female surname Wang immediately slammed Lu Luqian, and said, “Sister Lu, this is your fault. You brought Junior Brother Pei, we thought, You told him. Who knows that you, senior sister, did such an incompetent job.”

Before Lu Luqian could refute, she started to introduce everyone to Pei Ling with a smile:

Female surname Wang, full name Wang Jiaoniang, eighth-level Cultivation Base, disciple of Fei Head Peak; female surnamed Li named Li Xiaqing, eighth-level Qi practice peak, disciple of Blood Tide Peak; gray-robed cultivator Zhao Changan, eighth-level Qi practice peak, and Like Wang Jiaoniang, she is also a disciple of Fei Head Peak; a black robe man who cultivates Zhou Chengfeng, a Cultivation Base of Qi Cultivation Base, and a disciple of Bai Bone Peak; the man who has just arrived with Li Xiaqing, is Xu Song, Cultivation Base of Qi Cultivation Base , Blood pupil peak disciple.

As for Zhang Shuo, the ninth-level peak of Qi training, the strongest of the entire team, lived on the Han Ming Peak where everyone set off.

Lu Luqian, like Jin Sumian, belongs to Ruoxiufeng.

Peiling wrote down one by one and reported own Huaiyin Peak.

Everyone had a subtle expression on their faces.

Pei Ling noticed that there were some doubts in her heart, but the most important thing at the moment was to figure out what is going on at Han’s Villa?

He thanked Wang Jiaoniang, and re-presented to everyone, and asked: “I saw the task of Han’s Villa in the Miscellaneous Committee not long ago. At that time, it only required a cultivator of Qi level 6 and above, and the reward was only. Hundreds of low-grade Spirit Stones, but why are there so many experts participating now?”

“Junior Brother Pei, when you saw that, the first group of colleagues who took over the task has been wiped out, but the news has not been sent back to Sect.” Zhao Changan smiled when he heard the words, “So the reward is only a few hundred Spirit Stones, and I don’t ask for it. high.”

“But these days, there have been four consecutive batches of cultivators that have broken down on this task.”

“The first three batches of them all have no survivors.”

“Only the fourth batch is the most recent, with eleven cultivators, and there are seven cultivators above the seventh level of Qi training alone. A large number of Medicine Pills and Talismans were prepared before departure, but only the leader He Yi escaped with injuries alone. return.”

“And He Yi is as strong as mine. After he returned to the clan, he barely said a few words and fainted. He is still unconscious.”

“So, although the Cultivation Base requirement for this mission is still more than six levels of Qi training, the reward has risen to 10,000 lower-grade Spirit Stones.”

The eighth-level peak of Qi training only barely escaped back to Sect, still unconscious yet?

What is this f*ck?

Pei Ling thought Ling Ran, and tentatively said: “But this time with so many senior brothers and sisters going together, I want to be able to catch it easily without any effort?”

“It’s not that simple.” Zhao Changan explained, “Han’s Villa is now in decline, but in the early years it was also a cultivator at the peak of the Foundation Building. One of their patrons was rumored to be amazing and shocked, and once hit the third rank Gold. Core, it’s a pity that everything fell short and died. The Han’s Villa has since been in depression, and none of its descendants has even been able to Foundation Building.”

“In this generation, I finally came up with an outstanding child, that is, Senior Brother Han Siguhan of the Blood Tide Peak. This senior has outstanding qualifications. After entering the sect, Cultivation Base has been advancing by leaps and bounds. Ten years ago, he reached the peak of the ninth level of Qi training. .”

“At that time, there was a chance in Wanhuihai, which was said to be related to the Heavenly Dao Foundation Building.”

“The disciples of each qi training period were moved by the wind, and Brother Han is no exception.”

“It’s just that the occasion was not known why it ended, but many people fell because of it. Brother Han was actually quite brilliant at the time. He killed people’s heads with the Sword Technique with one hand, and the blood flowed into rivers, which greatly increased my Saint Zong’s prestige! ”

“I originally thought that even if I couldn’t win the chance, I could return to the clan to seek the authentic Foundation Building.”

“Unexpectedly, just after the storm gradually dissipated, Senior Brother Han never appeared again.”

“After that, the Han’s Villa, which finally recovered a little vitality, went from bad to worse again.”

“There were many similar families, but everyone didn’t care.”

“But what I didn’t expect was that just a few months ago, the entire Han Villa was destroyed overnight without warning…”

Pei Ling’s face gradually became serious as he listened to his narration.

The Han’s Villa has been very weak in recent years, or rather, very weak.

But after all, it is a family that has come out of the cultivator at the top of the Foundation Building, and the cultivator at the top of the Foundation Building is only a hundred years away.

For the cultivator, there are many people who are contemporary with the peak cultivator in the Foundation Building period, even the cultivator in the Qi training period.

Therefore, although the people in this villa, except for a missing Han Sigu, are vulnerable to such a lineup at the moment, the numerous formations, traps, and protections of the villa itself should not be underestimated.

And this is not even considered the talisman, Magical Item, etc. that the Patriarch at the peak of the Foundation Building period left behind for future generations.

All in all, the encounters of the first four batches of cultivators have all proved the dangers of this villa today.

“Senior Brother Zhao, the task pays 10,000 yuan for the low-grade Spirit Stones seem to be a lot.” Pei Ling groaned and said, “But with so many people, it doesn’t seem to be much?”

“This is natural.” Zhao Changan laughed blankly and said, “However, no one cared about the 10,000 yuan inferior Spirit Stones’ task reward for taking over the task this time. What everyone values ​​is actually the treasure house of the Han’s Villa.”

“He Yi said before he was in a coma that the treasure house of Han’s Villa has collected a lot of cultivation techniques, spells, medicinal materials and cultivation experience.”

“It may be because the Han family has never been a cultivator in the Foundation Building period since the Patriarch went 100 years ago. In the cultivation experience, there are the most records and speculations about how to build a foundation.”

“So this mission, our real goal is the cultivation experience in the treasure house of Han’s Villa, and the most important of these is the Foundation Building pill recipe, and…”

“One of the main materials of the Foundation Building Dan, Aksudo.”

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