Chapter 69 Ask Dao Heart! (Seeking collection! Asking for a recommendation ticket!)

The group quickly left Yin & Yang and continued to go deeper.

At this moment, when they entered the cave, a crack in the air flashed, and Miao Chengyang’s figure emerged.

Gu Yuan is weird. Not only is the area vast, but the topography is changeable. When you come here every once in a while, you are faced with a new path and landform.

Although he left immediately after receiving the news, he couldn’t determine which direction Ouyang Xianxing and the others were heading.

However, this does not trouble him.

Miao Chengyang closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened his eyes, a faint blood shone across his eye sockets.

And on the ground in front of him, there was also an extra line of footprints that seemed to have stepped on a pool of blood.

“In this direction, is to feel Menglin?” Miao Chengyang muttered, “Sect is strict. Every time a cold marrow fire is born, only the person who takes over the task can know the specific location of the fire.”

“However, feeling that Menglin’s attributes conflict with the cold marrow fire, it must not be where the fire is.”

“It seems that Ouyang Xianxing is afraid of being stalked, and wants to use Menglin to stumble latecomers?”

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but sneer slightly, “It’s a pity, I’m here in person this time! What’s the matter of feeling Menglin in such a small way?”

After speaking, Miao Chengyang’s figure flickered, and quickly chased after the bloody footprints.

At this moment, Xu was aware of the aura of the creatures, and there were rumbling noises around him, and occasionally prying eyes betting, but a few shadows tentatively approached Miao Chengyang, before he had time to make a move, he screamed and backed away.

Miao Chengyang snorted coldly, squeezed his fists lightly, and wherever he whispered, countless demons and demons quickly dissipated, describing them as hurriedly. He didn’t even bother to look at these unweathered charms, scatter the Heart’s Demon punches, and continue on his way.

Soon, he arrived at Gan Meng Lin.

Facing the blood-colored waterfall composed of countless vines swaying, Miao Chengyang was not as nervous as Ouyang Xianxing and others. He walked in without stopping. The blood-colored vines were originally lightly drifting and noticed, and the speed surged suddenly, rolling towards him from all directions. go.

At the same time, a dim glow floated in the forest, trying to pull Miao Chengyang into the illusion.

Miao Chengyang smiled coldly, “I’m looking for death!”

Instead of resisting, he took the initiative to let go of his protection and sank into the illusion.

There was a silent change in the foreground objects, as expected by Miao Chengyang. After entering the illusion, what appeared in front of him was the bruised and dying younger brother Miao Chengan.

“Cheng’an, don’t worry, I am going to hunt down Pei Ling now.” Miao Chengyang glanced at own “Little Brother”, showing a rare gentleness, and said in a deep voice, “I will torture him with the cruelest punishment. , And will force him to name the mastermind. No matter who the mastermind is, I will use his flesh and blood Hun and Po to pay homage to you sooner or later.”

After saying this, Miao Chengyang raised his hand without hesitation, intending to forcibly break the illusion.

However, at this moment, Miao Chengan raised his blood-filled face and said lifelessly: “Brother, why are you taking revenge for me now? Why didn’t you kill the little beast Pei Ling when he just returned to the clan? You are an inner disciple, or one of the thirteen vein masters! Even as your Cultivation Base, the fine for beheading that little beast is high, but you can afford it, don’t you?”

“I am your only brother. You swear before the deathbed of your father and mother that you will take care of me for the rest of your life.”

“As a result, I was frustrated and ashes, but you let your enemies stay at the Outer Sect so far…How can you be worthy of me? How can you be worthy of your parents!?”

Miao Chengyang was shocked. He knew rationally that he was not his own Little Brother, but he was transformed by Menglin. However, Miao Chengan was his compatriot Little Brother after all. Since his parents left, this is the closest person to him in the world. .

Faced with this question at this moment, my heart softened, and the palm of my hand did not fall for a while.

And Miao Chengan continued to roar: “Li Ping has many descendants. After Li Siguang only gave birth to a concubine, he looked forward and backwards, and he was unwilling to pay too much for a concubine. It is forgivable! The Zhou family is also flourishing, Zhou Yi It is said that he is the younger brother of Zhou Zhen’s clan, but in fact he is alienated and low-qualified. Zhou Zhen Chuan doesn’t care about his life or death, and it is understandable.”

“But what about you?!”

“You and I are the same father and mother, but relatives!”

“I originally thought that after you suspected Zheng Jingshan, you would behead him on the spot! Who knew that you just taught him a little bit, but took a hand with only a slight wound.”

“Even Pei Ling, who left me dead, has been back to Sect for so many days before you start to do it!”

“Do you think that after you hesitated for so long, killing a Pei Ling is worthy of me?”

“Don’t you want to avenge me at all!”

“Cheng’an…” Miao Chengyang felt a pain in his heart. As the illusion said, he and Miao Cheng’an are the same brothers of the same father and mother. The two parents went early. Before his death, he knelt before his parents and swears. , Will take care of Little Brother.

Even though Miao Chengan was considered by the Holy Sect to be unqualified and rejected, after entering the Inner Sect, Miao Chengyang immediately tried to plug Little Brother into the Outer Sect so that he could take care of him nearby.

I originally thought that this Little Brother would be difficult to cultivate, but as long as he is in one day, he will not suffer too much in Outer Sect after all.

Who knew that with a slight oversight, Miao Chengan not only died tragically, but was even frustrated by others?

If I had known this, it would be better to let this Little Brother stay in the dunya, maybe it wouldn’t end in this way.

Miao Chengyang was very sad and explained: “Cheng’an, it’s not that I don’t want to avenge you, but that Pei Ling is suspected of being instructed by Zheng Jingshan, and Zheng Jingshan and Li Zhenzhuan are quite related. Li Zhenzhuan… is also the true biography of Zhou Zhenzhu, yes, They are all very jealous, I…I’m just the pulse master of the five channels of Inner Sect, and we don’t have any powerful elders in the sect.”

“I can’t kill Zheng Jingshan right now, otherwise even if Li Zhenzhuan is already Closed Door Training, but the upper three meridians are serving her pulse master and will not let me go… If something happens to me, then your hatred, who else will come? What about the newspaper?”

“Now I have decided to turn to Zhou Zhenzhuan. After a while, after gaining the trust and reliance of Zhou Zhenzhuan, I will meet Zheng Jingshan sooner or later…”

“Speaking of speaking, you are still afraid!” Miao Chengan looked at him indifferently, and said quietly, “You are afraid that revenge for me will delay your own future.”

Miao Chengyang subconsciously wanted to deny: “I don’t, I…”

“Have you, why don’t you ask your own Dao heart?” Miao Chengan smiled coldly and said sharply, “When you were in Outer Sect, you fought with Zheng Jingshan for trivial matters! Everyone advised you to settle down. After all, Zheng Jingshan was not born. Stronger than you, and the patron of Li Zhen’s biography. You can’t compare to him in terms of Cultivation Base and background!”

“But you feel that my cultivator fights for life with the heavens. I would rather die on the road of advancing courageously, and never steal my life. Otherwise, today because of the support of others, the Ming Dynasty is trembling because of the Cultivation Base of others… What is the difference between the sentient beings of Zhong Fei Ying Gougou?”

“The results of it?”

“You won! Not only has Zheng Jingshan been suppressed so far, but it has also been valued by Zhou Zhenzhuan.”

“But now he is so indecisive, completely lost the original intention of the year!”

“In your so-called period, the so-called retention of useful body, is it really for the overall consideration, or is it afraid to avenge me and lose my current position and power?!”

“Ask your Dao heart… Are you thinking about it for a long time, or are you afraid?”

“Miao Chengyang, you have changed!”

“You are no longer the Big Brother I used to be…you have changed!”

“If you don’t believe me, ask your Dao heart…”

“You ask your Dao heart… ask your Dao heart… you ask… ask…”

Miao Chengyang’s face turned pale as he listened to it, and suddenly he realized that the face of “Miao Chengan” in front of him began to change, and he gradually became his own face!

PS: Remember to vote after reading it! Seeking collection! Ask for a recommendation ticket! Seeking investment!

PS: Thanks to the lost boat, the disappointed brothers for their rewards!

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