Chapter 68 Bone Grows Flowers. (Seeking collection! Asking for a recommendation ticket!)

As Fang Ji said, the front part of the path through Yin & Yang’s basin is on flat ground. Just be careful, even mortals will not go wrong. For their cultivator, of course, there is no difficulty at all.

But before long, after turning around a mountain col, the front suddenly opened up, but it was an extremely wide and deep valley.

There is only a narrow ridge two inches wide in the deep valley, leading to the opposite side.

The coldness on one side of the narrow ridge, the hot waves on the other side, are distinct, like water and fire are incompatible.

However, it may be that it is closer to the mid-air light cluster, which cancels each other out more. Although there are cold and hot scenes on the exposed rocks on both sides of the narrow ridge, it is not as intense as on the flat ground.

On the cold side, there is only a little thin ice; on the hot side, only heat is rising.

The same thing about the deep valleys on both sides is that there are colorful miasma mists where there is no more than ten thousand feet below the ridge.

The miasma fog is dense, and the scenery can not be seen clearly, but countless rustling sounds can be heard, like spring nibbling on leaves, like snakes and insects wandering, fine and dense, making the hair creepy.

“Be careful.” At this point, even Ouyang Xianxing was slightly concentrating, and he turned his head to exhort Peiling, and then followed Fang Ji to the narrow mountain.

Peiling’s complexion turned pale, and he hesitated before stepping up cautiously.

This narrow ridge is not only extremely narrow, but after going up, strong winds hit the bottom of the valleys on both sides from time to time.

Hot and cold, endlessly going back and forth.

If it hadn’t been for Peiling to have practiced the fifth level of Qi, I am afraid that he would not be able to go far and could not bear it.

In this environment, even the cultivator during the Foundation Building period is unwilling to stay longer, so Fang Ji and Ouyang Xianxing are both extremely fast.

Most of the deep valley was passed in an instant.

However, Pei Ling’s Cultivation Base was low and low, but she was gradually distanced.

Although Xue Ying behind him did not urge, Pei Ling still picked up speed.

Soon, Fang Ji and Ouyang Xianxing stepped on the ground on the opposite bank.

At this moment, Pei Ling squinted slightly and suddenly jumped under the deep valley!

There was a sudden fluctuation in Spirit Power in the dark place separated by a certain distance.

At the same time, Xue Ying was hesitating whether to take the opportunity to make a move, but when she saw that Pei Ling suddenly fell into the pot, her face suddenly became happy. But then, Pei Ling exclaimed: “Brother Xue, you!!!”

Xue Ying was startled when she heard the sound, her face was surprised, and she looked surprised and happy.

The next moment, Ouyang Xianxing and Fang Ji turned their heads to get a panoramic view of this scene.

“Xue Ying?!” Ouyang Xianxing’s pupils shrank and became angry!

Fang Ji was also shocked and at a loss.

Just as Ouyang Xianxing pulled the chain that bound the black coffin and planned to save someone, a bloody shadow shot out from the bottom of the valley, and several ups and downs jumped to her side, the blood light dissipated, and a Daoist shadow appeared, impressively It was Pei Ling who was in shock.

Blood ghost escape method!

The Spirit Power fluctuations in the dark dissipated in an instant, and the three inner disciples were all taken aback.

As one of the dangers of Inner Sect, Yin & Yang’s basin cannot be used in ordinary escape methods. Therefore, they are cautious along the way, and they dare not use Cultivation Base to drive. But the blood ghost escape method, as the front escape method of the Five Ghosts Tian Luo Dun, is very magical, but it is not restricted by this place.

The problem is that Pei Ling has only practiced the fifth level of Qi, how can he learn this method of escape?

“Senior Sister Ouyang, just now Brother Xue didn’t know why he pushed me down!” Before Ouyang Xianxing asked, Pei Ling immediately complained, “If I hadn’t learned how to escape, I’m afraid Senior Sister wouldn’t even be able to find my corpse capital. ”

“…You bullshit!” Xue Ying was also stunned by the incident, and she reacted when she heard the words, and hurriedly shouted, “I didn’t touch you at all, you jumped down suddenly by yourself.”

Pei Ling looked indignant, and said frankly, “Brother is simply telling nonsense with his eyes open! My Cultivation Base is so humble, and it is up to the support of senior sisters and brothers to be able to walk here. How dare you make any mistakes? Face to face, no grievances and no grudges, what reason do I have to risk a life of nine deaths and frame up brother!”

He then turned to Ouyang Xianxing, “Senior Sister, I know that Brother Xue is a member of your team. As the saying goes, if the facts are all there and the evidence is solid, I would not dare to doubt Brother Xue in any way. But now, Sister Sister, please forgive me. If Sister Sister cannot be the master for me, I really dare not follow you on.”

“Senior Sister Ouyang, this kid is full of nonsense!” Xue Ying was about to vomit blood, and a shadowy bird appeared on her simple face, and said in a cold voice, “I want to deal with this kid, and will give him a chance to escape? He simply said. It’s just being unpredictable and deliberately instigating discord here.”

Pei Ling said immediately: “I believe Sister Ouyang! If Sister Ouyang had not come to me just now, I would have died in the forest of dreams a long time ago, so as long as Sister Ouyang disposes of it, I have no complaints. If Sister Ouyang thinks that I framed Xue Brother, I am willing to let the senior sister send her down.”

While speaking, he secretly squeezed the Baili Escape Charm from Zheng Jingshan, prepared Ouyang Xianxing for something wrong, and left immediately.

Ouyang Xianxing gazes back and forth on the two of them, and Fang Ji is also wandering next to him.

For a moment, Ouyang Xianxing suddenly reached out and inserted his hand into the black coffin behind him.

A weird scene appeared.

When her hand touched the body of the coffin, the dark coffin remained unchanged, but the slender palm that was pale as a corpse stretched in without any hindrance, and a translucent white flower branch appeared.

Seeing this blooming branch, Fang Ji and Xue Ying’s expressions changed.

Pei Ling didn’t know what it was, but he watched his words and acted, and subconsciously clenched the talisman, the muscles of the whole body were tight, and he moved at any time.

Seeing Ouyang Xianxing waved a Spirit Power, rolled the flower branch in front of Xue Ying, and said indifferently: “Just in Gan Menglin, you pointed the wrong direction. At this moment, Junior Brother Pei’s slip, you can’t blame it. If it’s true Have a clear conscience, and when the cold marrow fire arrives, I will solve this bone-grown flower for you.”

Xue Ying stared at the blooming branches in front of him, her face blue, her eyes couldn’t help twitching, her forehead was cold and sweaty. For a moment, he gritted his teeth and said, “Sister Ouyang, you and I have been together for many years. It’s not once or twice that you and I have been together… Would you rather trust this treacherous kid than trust me?”

“If I didn’t believe you, I would have slapped you into the basin with a palm before you came here.” Ouyang Xianxing said lightly, “It’s just that my Jiansang Yimai is in a bad situation recently. What you just did. It’s also hard to be trusted. Only by planting a bone-grown flower can everyone continue to move forward with confidence, right?”

“…” Xue Ying clenched her teeth, shivering slightly on both sides of her cheeks, apparently very uneasy inside.

Upon seeing this, Fang Ji hesitated and whispered: “Senior Sister, Xue Ying may be confused for a while, and wants to scare this kid…”

Before he finished speaking, Ouyang Xianxing looked at him: “What? Have you thought about doing a bad job on Junior Brother Pei?”

“…No, no, absolutely not.” Seeing Ouyang Xianxing was very interested in taking a bone flower out of the black coffin, Fang Ji quickly shook his head, “Senior Sister, it’s me who talks too much.”

On the narrow ridge, Xue Yinghan was raining, staring at the bones and flowers in front of him for a long while, seeing Ouyang Xianxing unmoved, and finally laughed sadly: “Senior sister, you…you trust this kid like this, it’s really called I am not convinced!”

After he finished speaking, he turned his mind, closed his eyes, and grabbed the flower branch in front of him.

That Hua Zhifu touched his palm and immediately turned into a chain of white bones, running through Xue Ying’s whole body mercilessly.

Click, click, click…

Amid the sour bones, Pei Ling saw that many white bone chains pierced Xue Ying’s entire body repeatedly until they were riddled with holes, and gathered behind him, slowly blooming a huge translucent flower. The pale white flowers disappeared quietly immediately.

During this process, Xue Ying wailed hysterically, but she was a cultivator in the Foundation Building period after all. No matter what kind of pain and torture she faced, her legs always stood firmly on the narrow ridge, unmoving every step of the way.

After the bone-grown flower disappeared, he was teetering like a candle in the wind, and he stayed on the spot for a while before he staggered and walked towards the three of them.

After a long while, Xue Ying, who was greatly injured, finally stepped onto the ground. Instead of looking at Ouyang Xianxing who was persecuting him, he glanced at Peiling resentfully.

With Ouyang Xianxing by the side to protect herself, Pei Ling is not afraid at all, and even sneered in her heart: That’s it? Just want to hurt him? Compared with the system, Xue Ying’s little tricks are not worth mentioning!

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