Chapter 62 Pill refining is not enough to have hands? (Seeking collection! Asking for a recommendation ticket!)

After counting the Spirit Stones, Pei Ling left the Baibaolou, did not dare to stay at all, and left the mountain hurriedly!

He didn’t even dare to go back to Huaiyin Peak immediately. Instead, he found a nearby mountain and went straight to the Deacon Hall until he sat down on the square in front of the Deacon Hall and saw the deacon coming in and out. He was a little relieved.

“You can’t sell Bone Tempering Pills by yourself!” Pei Ling frowned and thought, “But the mentally retarded system will not reduce the quality of the pill…System, next time you can only refine the middle-grade or lower-grade Bone Tempering Pills?”

System: “Dingdong! The intelligent comprehension system is here to serve you wholeheartedly. One-click hosting, Wu You will rise, and your dream of soaring will come true!”

Pei Ling sighed, gathered up his energy, and seriously considered what to do next?

Medicine Pill must continue to practice, otherwise he won’t be able to pay the fine when he is due, and he will definitely get cold.

As for letting the system to make symbols, cast tools, etc., I am afraid that we will also face a similar dilemma.

The problem is that the top grade bone quenching pill has obviously attracted a certain amount of attention.

There is also Jin Sumian outside the Baibaolou…Peiling has a headache, and he must find a way to solve the disadvantages of refining Medicine Pill.

“Maybe I should change my mind.” For a moment of concentration, Pei Ling thought in deep thought, “Chong Ming Sect is not Luquan City. In Luquan City, Pei’s family is strong. As a son of Pei’s family, although his mother died young, his stepmother is in charge, yes. I have been suppressed a lot, but when I insisted and showed that I would not threaten Pei Tu’s side, the stepmother and the son would not easily be killed.”

After all, no matter how he put it, he is also a child of the Pei family.

The Pei family did not have the kind of master Zheng Jingshan who practiced martial arts with blood relatives. As a family, they were still a family that wanted to go further. Even if they turned a blind eye to some unfair situations in the family, they would never Outsiders who were allowed to marry in wanted to kill their own children.

At least subjectively, it won’t be allowed.

As for the stepmother, Pei Ling could no longer threaten the interests of their mother and son, and if he attacked again, the gain would not be worth the loss.

The problem is that he is not in the Pei Mansion now, but in the Chongming Sect.

Here, there is no guarantee of blood relationship, to ensure that as long as he is enough, he can get along well.

If he keeps on doing this, he will probably be cold.

A new guarantee must be found!

To be precise, find a backer.

Gou is a safe gou when there is a backer as a shield. Pure Gou, that’s called ants!

As for this patron, Zheng Jingshan was the only one to think about.

After all, other bigwigs, let alone hug their thighs, many of them don’t even have the qualifications to meet.

Thinking of this, Pei Ling didn’t hesitate anymore, and directly rented the corpse cloud and rushed to the Culan Courtyard.

“What are you doing again?” When I saw Zheng Jingshan this time, his injuries were basically healed, the kind that you can’t see any traces if you don’t look carefully.

Zheng Jingshan was not very happy to see Pei Ling coming. In fact, if it weren’t for Li Fairy’s sake, he estimated that when he saw Pei Ling the first time he would take a picture of it!

Although he didn’t do anything at the moment, his expression was faint and his tone was very cold.

Pei Ling is a little confused, he seems to have always respected this senior, right?

Isn’t this attitude the last time I came here?

He was suspicious, Zheng Jingshan had already issued an order to evict the guest: “I have something to do here, you should go back first. Don’t always run to the Inner Sect if you are fine in the future. You must know that the reason why Outer Sect disciples come to Inner Sect is not restricted because of the inner. Disciple killed you in the scope of Inner Sect, just insist that you are rude in front, the intersection of meaning and meaning Spirit Stones.”

Damn, this Sect can actually reach this point in the underworld? !

Pei Ling vomited a mouthful of blood and quickly said: “Brother, I went to Danfeng to listen to the lecture of pill refining two days ago, and found that pill refining seems to be very simple. I heard that Baibaolou said that Medicine Pill is not profitable, so I I immediately thought that this is my opportunity to repay my senior brother!”

Zheng Jingshan laughed and laughed at the words: “Pill refining is simple? You know it by doing it yourself. Back then I…”

Halfway through his words, he stopped immediately, and then he reprimanded, “You have only been in the sect for a few days, and you are so high and far-reaching, and you will surely be difficult to become a master in the future. How can you be worthy of the senior sister’s importance!”

“Brother, pill refining is really easy.” Pei Ling said sternly, “I have made a few furnaces of bone quenching pills and sold them all to Baibaolou. It is confirmed that this matter is profitable, so I came to honor my brother.”

“Huh?” Zheng Jingshan frowned and looked at him, suspiciously, “Is this true?”

If an ordinary fourth-level Outer Sect disciple came to Zheng Jingshan and told Zheng Jingshan that Zheng Jingshan didn’t even bother to listen to a word, he would be regarded as having a kind heart attack if he didn’t kill someone on the spot.

However, in his opinion, Pei Ling is after all the jade that the senior sister has fancy, and it is only natural that it has outstanding features.

That’s why Zheng Jingshan patiently confirmed, “The news of Baibaolou is not difficult to find. If you are nonsense, don’t blame me for being polite!”

He thought to himself that even if he was a talent that Senior Sister liked, he would play tricks on his own words before he grew up, and he would be cleaned up by himself. As long as he didn’t hurt his life foundation, Senior Sister would not blame own.

“If you don’t believe me, please help me to borrow a pill furnace. I still have a few copies of the Nine Underworld Fire Talisman. I can make them on the spot.” Pei Ling said in a deep voice, “pill refining is really easy. Just your hands.”

Yes, he decided to pretend to be a pill refining genius.

Anyway, when the system controls his pill refining, outsiders can’t see it at all, at most when he is immersed in it and ignores the outside world. Judging from the top-quality Medicine Pill from time to time, it is only natural that Pei Ling is fully absorbed.

After all, to ensure that the relationship with the backer is strong enough, common interests are necessary!

This is also the only bargaining chip he has at the moment.

Zheng Jingshan squinted at him, and for a moment, hand seals whispered a few words, and soon someone came and knocked on the door. He was a male disciple who looked like Pei Ling’s age, with a bit of curiosity in his eyes: “Master of veins, the pill furnace is borrowed.”

“Let go.” Zheng Jingshan nodded, but didn’t mean to satisfy his curiosity. After the people left, he closed the small courtyard and signaled Pei Ling to start. The days are extremely short, so I don’t make it difficult for you. As long as you make a finished product, even if it’s only a low-grade pill, I will treat you as a pill refining genius.”

“But if all of them are invalidated, you won’t be able to waste my time in vain!”

Pei Ling said solemnly: “Don’t worry, brother, I won’t let you down.”

He said in his mind, “System, I want to pill refining!”

Zheng Jingshan originally watched casually. After all, in his opinion, even if Pei Ling really has a very high talent in pill refining, how many days has he entered Sect?

Even if he studies pill refining without eating or drinking, and has a lot of resources to practice his hands, it is already very good to be able to refine the lower-grade bone quenching pills at the moment.

If he is still in Outer Sect, he can value Pei Ling a little bit more.

But he is the master of Inner Sect, which makes little sense.

However, Pei Ling only dealt with the two main materials, Zheng Jingshan suddenly sat upright.

This technique is too subtle!

When he was in Outer Sect, he also tried his own pill refining, and had to give up after investing considerable resources. He knew that to become a true pill refining teacher, talent, resources and time are indispensable.

Even the Elders who are currently recognized as the strongest pill refining technology in the Chongming Sect have only begun to gain some fame after at least a year and a half after entering the Sect. This is based on whether they have noble backgrounds, or have found a gold master, can concentrate on pill refining, and do not need to worry about foreign objects.

And this Pei Ling was born in a humble background, and it is absolutely impossible to touch the technique of pill refining before entering the sect. After entering the sect… he is full of calculations, and he can handle the main materials well, which is enough to shock the four!

Zheng Jingshan’s face was solemn, watching Pei Ling’s every move, and even wondering if he had used Pei Ling’s identity as the spies of other Sects who entered the Chongming Sect?

No, it’s impossible.

But soon, Zheng Jingshan overthrew Own’s suspicion. After all, Pei Ling’s every move at the moment was smooth to the extreme, whether it was the treatment of medicinal materials, the control of pill fire, the grasp of fire, and the timing of putting medicinal materials. Wonderful to the top!

Even if this is just the most basic bone quenching pill, it shows that the basic skills are solid.

There are not too many Sects of such a genius, how can they be sent out to perform an undercover mission?

Soon, under the control of the system, Pei Ling produced the first Medicine Pill. After taking out all the bone-hardening pills from the furnace, Zheng Jingshan’s heart was shaken: this kid not only really made the medicine pill. Bone Pill, and this Pill Fragrance… Twelve Bone Tempering Pills are all top grade!

He looked at Pei Ling’s gaze again, and he couldn’t help being full of shock.


Peerless genius!

Senior sister is indeed a senior sister, her eyes are like a torch!

I’m Zheng Jingshan in trouble and in case!

PS: Don’t forget to vote after watching! Seeking collection! Ask for votes! Seeking investment!

PS: Thank you brother Shang Jianxiu for your reward. Thank you Yun Tian Xingzong brothers for your reward! Thank you brothers and sisters for your support!

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