Chapter 61 Exposure. (Seeking collection! Asking for a recommendation ticket!)

Outer Sect, Danfeng.

Pei Ling took Pei Yuan Dan on the square at the entrance of the deacon hall to restore Spirit Power, and then went to the market to buy materials.

When the shopkeeper saw him coming, he couldn’t help but smile and asked, “Junior Brother Pei, have you used the previous materials?”

“It’s used.” Pei Ling sighed, showing helplessness, and arched cupped hands towards him, “Senior brother is right, pill refining is too difficult. Before, I saw Lecturer Yan Gu come to me and thought it was easy. Who knows that it’s easy to get started. Failed and lost everything.”

He sighed and asked the shopkeeper to get him ten more materials, “But I just went to Baibaolou to sell something and found that Medicine Pill has a high profit. I want to try again.”

The shopkeeper said with a smile: “Junior brother, don’t worry, any alchemy master comes in this way. How can it be possible to see Cheng Dan if you don’t refine dozens or hundreds of furnaces?”

Pei Ling echoed a few words, and on the grounds that he had just lost a sum of money, asked the shopkeeper to wipe a small amount, and then he put away the materials and went straight to the alchemy room.

This time he cruelly rented out the use time for one day and one night.

After entering the pill refining room, check it as usual and let the system start pill refining.

In order to be safe, Pei Ling specially put the remaining Pei Yuan Dan in the most convenient place.

“Ding dong! The intelligent cultivation system is now cultivation for you【 pill refining technique·Bone Tempering Pill】……” With the familiar prompt sound, the system manipulates Pei Ling’s body and skillfully ignites the fire of the Nine Netherworlds. , Processing the medicinal materials, adding them to the pill furnace one by one… Soon, a furnace of bone quenching pill was fresh out of the furnace.

Peiling hurriedly took a look, and was pleasantly surprised to find that this time I don’t know if the pill refining technology is a higher level, or the materials are particularly good, but there is one more! There are thirteen top-grade bone-hardening pills!

This means seven hundred and fifteen lower grade Spirit Stones!

It’s one step closer to paying the fine!

When his heart was ups and downs, the system was as stable as ever, and he installed these Medicine Pills at will, and started the second heat without stopping.

However, the next development was not the same as Pei Ling estimated: the system handled the materials in a single-handed manner, even though the sense of depletion of Spirit Power among his Meridians became more and more obvious, but he did not mean to take Pei Yuan Dan in the slightest.

Not long after, with a burst of black smoke and peculiar smell, the system withdrew the control of Pei Ling’s body: “Ding Dong! It was detected that the host’s Spirit Power was insufficient, and pill refining failed. This is the end of the hosting cultivation. Thanks to the host for using smart cultivation. System, one-click hosting, soaring to Wu You! Looking forward to your sharing of cultivation evaluation, please give five-star praise if you are satisfied!”

Peiling moved his hands and feet with a dark face, looking at the coke at the bottom of the furnace, frowning and thinking: In the first few cultivations, the system “smartly gifted” the Medicine Pill it needed.

Especially when cultivating the Blood Fiend Saber Technique, the system automatically used the nourishing pill on his body.

As a result, he put Pei Yuan Dan next to him this time, but the system completely ignored it?

“For the system, cultivation Cultivation Technique and cultivation technique are two projects that do not interfere with each other?” Pei Ling pondered, “So when it hosts pill refining, it will only do things related to pill refining, even if Pei Yuan Dan is there. In front of it, it will not take the initiative to restore Spirit Power?”

He frowned and gave a one-star negative backhand.

Immediately afterwards, Pei Ling took out a bone-hardening pill and placed it in front of him, ready to be used for the next cultivation, while the remaining bone-hardening pill was all put into a jade bottle, which he would sell to Baidu in a while. Baoge’s.

After completing these preparations, Pei Ling said in her mind: “I want to cultivate! Choose [Bone Forging Jue], choose [Smart Duration], [One-Key Hosting].”

No way, since the mentally retarded system has such a BUG, ​​Pei Ling originally wanted to collect some Spirit Stones for cultivation, but now he can only cultivate it first, otherwise the efficiency of pill refining will be too delayed.

“Ding Dong!” The system immediately began to operate, “The intelligent comprehension system will serve you wholeheartedly!”

Then the operation that made Peiling speechless appeared again!

System: “Ding Dong! It is detected that the host’s Spirit Power is insufficient, and continued cultivation will cause damage to Meridians…”

“Ding Dong! Pei Yuan Dan detected…”

“Ding Dong! I have taken Pei Yuan Dan for you, and the system will continue to cultivate for you…”

The system operated Pei Ling’s body and poured the remaining half of Pei Yuan Dan into his mouth.

Not long after, the system began to “dingdong” again: “It has been detected that pill refining is needed…”

The system grabbed the Medicine Pill in front of him, “Ding Dong! Bone Tempering Pill was detected…”

The system was operating Pei Ling’s body, swallowing the bone-hardening pill he had prepared into his mouth, and then turning out the bottle of bone-hardening pill he was going to sell to Baibao Pavilion, and poured it into his mouth. Dingdong! I have already taken Bone Tempering Pill for you, and the system will continue to cultivation for you…”

Peiling: “…”

Daddy’s Spirit Stones!

The system is indifferent to the host’s heartache. According to the Cultivation Technique of the bone-building exercise, the whole body’s bones are shattered conscientiously, Impurities are removed, the surrounding Spiritual Qi is extracted, strengthened, and reorganized… As the cultivation deepens, the cadaver is gradually filled with peculiar smell.

And Pei Ling also unknowingly immersed in the pleasure of getting stronger a little bit.

I don’t know how long it took, the system finally stopped: “Ding Dong! This cultivation has been completed, thank the host for using the intelligent cultivation system, one-click hosting, soaring Wu You! Looking forward to your sharing of cultivation evaluation, please give five-star praise for satisfaction!”

Pei Ling stood up, he could feel that the Spirit Power in his body had become significantly stronger, I was afraid that he was not far from the fifth level of Qi training, but he was not happy at all now, this mentally retarded system!

He actually used all the Medicine Pill he had every time.

Fortunately, he found it early.

Otherwise, if he had collected all the Spirit Stones and refined them, and then ordered another cultivation, wouldn’t it be a trusteeship and bankruptcy?

Thinking of this, Peiling decisively gave the system a one-star bad review. Seeing that there is still some time, he called out in his mind, “System, I want to pill refining, choose [pill refining technique·Bone Tempering Pill], one Key escrow.”

System: “Ding Dong! The intelligent comprehension system will serve you wholeheartedly…”

After Cultivation Base Ascension, the effect was immediate. This time the system refined three Medicine Pills at one go, and it failed because of insufficient Spirit Power when refining the fourth one.

“The mentally retarded system…” After regaining control of the body, Pei Ling cleaned up the mess silently, “Why can’t you stop before the Spirit Power is insufficient? You have to burn a batch of materials?”

Backhand gave the system a one-star bad review again, and carefully put away the three furnace top-grade bone quenching pills. Pei Ling went out, but was stopped at the entrance of the pill room, saying that he had timed out for a few hours and had to make up for it.

Peiling: “…”

After making up dozens of Spirit Stones, he rented a corpse cloud first, randomly found an unfamiliar mountain, went to the market to buy some disguise items, found a corner to dress up, and deliberately adjusted his voice. After several peaks, he returned to Huaiyin Peak.

The main purpose of Pei Ling’s visit to Huaiyin Peak was to find Pei Hongnian. To be precise, he used Pei Hongnian to judge his degree of disguise.

Facts have proved that he lingered in front of Pei Hongnian for a while, and the other party did not recognize his clan brother at all.

Pei Ling was relieved. After tossing around a few peaks again, she found a Baibaolou on an unfamiliar peak to sell Medicine Pill.

The appraiser in the Baibaolou is a middle-aged man who looks more than 40 years old, with a reticent expression and a gloomy expression.

After identifying Medicine Pill, he didn’t ask anything. He only looked at Pei Ling deeply, and directly ordered the person beside him: “Take two thousand one hundred and forty-five low-grade Spirit Stones to him.”

Hearing this, Pei Ling’s heart suddenly sank!

He produced 39 top-grade bone quenching pills in total from the three furnaces of medicinal materials.

According to the last transaction price with Baibaolou, it was exactly 2,145 yuan for the low-grade Spirit Stones.

Is he still exposed in such a disguise?

The question is, how is it exposed?

PS: Don’t forget to vote after watching! Seeking collection! Ask for votes! Seeking investment!

PS: Thank you book friend 331152937 for your monthly ticket!

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