Chapter 42 Live up to the affectionate! (New book recommendation period asks for collection! Ask for recommendation ticket!)

Xiao Tasha frowned slightly, and Chen Huan quickly said: “Junior sister, don’t be familiar with this cheap maid. When the spirit-calling flag is finished, I will hand her to you to concoct it when I turn back.”

Yupai glanced at the cousin extremely coldly, and said coldly, “When Junior Sister Xiao fell in love with me, I was the unintentional love between men and women in the beginning. As time goes by, who can be ruthless than the grass and trees? How can I bear the heart to disappoint her kindness? If you are so unreasonable, you only know the low-handed maids who are pursuing the avenue, and how can you understand the truth.”

The cousin “ha” sneered, but said nothing.

Xiao Tasha only thought she was speechless, and her heart was happy. She tried to burn a drop of Blood Essence, urging the mother formation to speed up the refining. She saw a flash of brilliance on the soul-recruiting banner, and the breath was also up and down. She hurriedly shouted: “Brother! Quickly drop into Blood Essence, and then you will be the master of the soul-seeking banner, in which ghosts can hardly resist!”

“Okay!” Chen Huan had been planning for many years. Once everything was done, his heartbeat couldn’t help speeding up a bit. He quickly pierced his fingertips and forced a drop of Blood Essence into the spirit banner, only to see that the spirit banner got the drop of Blood Essence. , Quickly stabilized. At the same time, Chen Huan only felt that he was connected with his mind, and he knew all the functions of his thoughts.

Among them, the ghost, even if a moment ago, still had a deep hatred against him, but at this moment, he was all obedient, and could not even rise to the idea of ​​resisting him.

“Good! Good, good!” Chen Huan stretched out his hand, and the spirit-calling banner left where it was and flew into his palm automatically.

He rubbed the banner face, overjoyed.

Xiao Tasha was faltering, panting, but seeing that he didn’t come to help herself as before, she felt a bit resentful in her heart. She just thought about it. In order to make this holy spirit flag, their group of people have almost been busy from entering the sect until now. , Now that the long-cherished wish is fulfilled, it’s okay to ignore oneself under ecstasy.

So she leaned over and Jiao Didi called out “Brother”, waiting to remind him of his own hard work, who knew that Chen Huan had already raised his head, smiled at her, and said: “Junior sister, I almost forgot you.”

“It’s okay…” Xiao Tasha thought he was apologizing to herself. She was sweet in her heart and spoke softly. However, before the voice fell, there was a movement of a giant tree falling to the ground not far away, and immediately a cobweb covered the mother formation-people. The face spider is chasing over!

Xiao Tasha’s expression changed, and despite her severe damage, she urged Chen Huan: “Brother, hurry up! I will manipulate the formation to cover up for you for a while, and then I will use the interest-trapping talisman to reconcile with you…”

Before I finished speaking, I suddenly felt a cold in my chest!

She was stunned for a moment, before reacting: Chen Huan was holding a holy spirit banner in one hand, and a beating heart was being pulled out of her chest with the other hand.

“Brother…you…you…” Xiao Tasha was horrified and confused. What she wanted to say, but blood had already flowed from the corner of her mouth, and people fell softly.

“Sister Xiao, don’t blame me.” Chen Huan urged the spirit banner to turn into a black cloud and flee towards Luoshan City. While grabbing her body and swallowing it with talisman, he said faintly, “You said it yourself, Huang Xian followed Zhang Zhongqin’s vitality is now badly hurt, and the time is not right, I’m afraid the effect may not be good.”

“It is indispensable to use the flesh and blood of Junior Sister’s soul to nourish her.”

“Junior sister is so affectionate and righteous to me, even the cousin who has always treated you kindly cheated into the hoisting banner, I must not bear my hard work over the years, at the last minute?”

“Moreover, the spirit-calling banners have been with me day and night, and I will stay there for a while. The younger sister is a ghost, and being able to accompany me all the time, I must be happy in my heart.”

“In this way, I haven’t let down the junior sister after all.”

“Chen Huan, thank you Junior Sister for her love in this life.”

“When I go back to Sect, I must look for a treasure of Feng Shui in the mountains behind Huaiyin Peak, and set up a burial mound for my junior and sisters as my husband, and pay memorial service every year!”

After the words were finished, there was no blood on Xiao Tasha’s body, and the soul-inspiring flags rippled like water, and Xiao Tasha appeared in it like a raw face.

Chen Huan raised his hand into the face of the banner to touch its face, and said slowly, “Good sister, you stay in it, and brother will fulfill your promise and take you away from birth.”

At this moment, Pei Ling had fled to the edge of the mountain forest, but because of the complete exhaustion of Spirit Power, not only did he use the non-bleeding screw escape method, his brain was dizzy, and the objects in the foreground were rotated and ghosted, almost fainting.

He knew that if he lost consciousness here, he would probably die without life. He would pull out the horrible knife and just hit his arm!

The pain made Pei Ling awake a little bit, but this situation could not last… Pei Ling forced herself to calm down and took a deep look at Luoshan City in the distance. Memories, changed directions, and forced to go to the nearest official road leading to Luoshan City.

Luoshan City is much larger and more prosperous than Luquan City. Not long after Pei Ling waited on the bank of the official road, a team of motorcades passed by.

Seeing him embarrassed, they were a little surprised, and the team’s guards even held their swords around their waists, casting vigilant gazes.

“I am a disciple of the Chongming Sect!” Pei Ling is already at the end of the force, even standing with a stubborn knife. He raised the nameplate aloft and shouted, “I have something to report to City Lord Duanmu, and you will send it as soon as possible. I entered the city… I will never be merciless if I violate the Sect Decree!”

Everyone in the team changed their faces when they heard the words. The famous guard received a signal from the leader and said “offensive”. He bit his head and rushed forward and checked the nameplate. He immediately got off his horse and knelt down on the ground: “Shen’s firm would like to comply. Jun Ming!”

A group of people heard a “plop” before they finished kneeling. When they looked up, Pei Ling had already fainted to the ground, feeling unconscious.

At the same time, in the mountains and forests, Chen Huan was rolling out for several feet, hitting a towering ancient tree heavily, spitting out a big mouthful of blood, and falling to the ground.

He didn’t even dare to even turn his head, and ran away with the hoisting flags!

Almost the moment he left the place, a pool of venom fell, and the contaminated vegetation instantly withered, and even the muddy ground was full of miasma.

“Damn…what the hell did that little beast Pei Ling do to this evil barrier?!” At this moment, Chen Huan is completely no longer able to calculate his companions before, his face is pale, describing the embarrassment, he runs wildly in the forest, while thinking about it. “He was on the fourth level of Qi training, even if he made a mistake to hit the human face spider and attracted the attention of the human face spider, he should almost give up after chasing it so far. Why does this human face spider seem to have a common hatred, not only has he not returned yet? , More crazy?!”

“Didn’t it come out to lay eggs? Isn’t it afraid of leaving the nest for so long?!”

At this moment, the top of his head was dark, but a spider web covered it!

Chen Huan changed directions in a hurry, who knows, just avoiding, the human face spider’s abdomen was raised high again, suddenly it was another spider web.

After all, after hunting down these cultivators for so long, even if the Demonic Beasts in the Foundation Building period are still inferior to humans, they are enough to figure out some strategies.

“Nicky barrier!” Chen Huan was frightened and furious, unable to dodge, and had to hold back his heartache, and set up a hoist flag to block it.

Hearing only a wailing, the newly-finished Spiritual Beasts after all the hard work can be considered strong during the Qi training period. Facing the angry blow of the Demonic Beasts in the Foundation Building period, a crack appeared almost without the power to fight back! According to Chen Huan’s induction, two ghosts in Lian Nei disappeared in an instant.

After doing this a few more times, I’m afraid this top-grade talisman, which is rare during the Qi training period, will be scrapped on the spot.

Chen Huan’s heart dripped with blood, and he hated Pei Ling to his bones: “This little beast would better return to Luoshan City peacefully, and arrange him personally when Daddy goes back!”

PS: During the new book recommendation period, grades are very important! Seeking collection! Ask for a recommendation ticket! Seeking investment!

PS: Thank you Ji Ying for giving the protagonist a reward.

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