Chapter 41 Anti-head. (New book development urgently needs data, please collect! Please recommend votes!)

Chen Huan is in the sixth level of Qi training. The Human Face Spider has not yet matured his mind, but he is not a fool when he cultivates to the Foundation Building stage. Will he take the lead in chasing down Xiao Tasha, who is slow?

How is this different from asking her to take the place of Huang and Zhang to die?

Upon hearing that, Huang Xian and Zhang Zhongqin’s eyes flickered, and they didn’t say anything.

Chen Huan sighed and said, “Sister Xiao, don’t worry, why would I leave you alone? Look, there’s a breath-trapping charm here. This is the last one. You are a formation repairer. You can use the formation to accelerate. How about hiding it with this talisman?”

“Is it the last one?” Xiao Tasha was originally angry and anxious, but she was a little embarrassed when she heard that. After hesitating for a while, she didn’t pick it up, but whispered, “Then…that’s Brother Chen, you take it. Well, I am a formation repairer, there may not be no other way to escape.”

Chen Huan couldn’t help but put the Fulu into her hands, and then said to Huang Xian and Zhang Zhongqin: “It shouldn’t be too late! The human face spider is afraid that it will catch up in a while, you go to the sub-array.”

Huang Xian and Zhang Zhongqin looked at each other. At the moment, both of them were exhausted and dying, and there was really no better way, so they cupped fist and said, “Yes!”

They hurried to the sub-array, and Chen Huan looked deeply at the sub-array for a while, confirming that the two juniors had gone away, and suddenly turned his head and ordered Xiao Tasha, who was still worried: “When they enter the sub-array, immediately start the formation. Practise people into the spirit-bearing banner.”

“…Huh?” Xiao Tasha was startled, but she didn’t even react for a while, rubbing the corners of her clothes and staring at him blankly.

“Zi Zhen can’t even Pei Ling, how can he trap the Human Face Spider?” Chen Huan pressed his heart anxiously and softly persuaded, “I just said those words just to stabilize them. After all, they know Daoist well. The face spiders are not what we can match, but they still drag us in, obviously with no good intentions. If we are to be honest, we can’t escape with them, instead of annihilating the army, it is better to break the arm of the strong man… But if I said that, the two of them Maybe it will fight us desperately.”

“And they are not innocent.”

“Don’t forget, Mei’er went with them just now, and now only the two of them are back. Maybe Meier was killed by them and used it to delay the human face spider.”

“If I’m the only one, it’s okay. The big deal is to run away together. I train at the sixth level of Qi, so I can run faster than them.”

“But what about you Junior Sister Xiao? You, like them, are on the fifth level of Qi training. They are not sure that they will run back to Luoshan City before the Human Face Spider catches up. How can Junior Sister Xiao escape the threat?”

“Could it be possible for me to leave you alone?”

“But if I take you, I’m afraid neither of us can escape!”

When he said this, a fierce flare flashed between his eyebrows, “For the current plan, we can only sacrifice two juniors and refine the soul-recruiting banners in advance, so that you and I can have a ray of life.”

Xiao Tasha was shocked at first, after all, in her mind, although Chen Huan was cunning and ruthless with outsiders, she always put her heart in her heart. Who would have thought that just now that Huang Xian and Zhang Zhongqin blamed her seniors, and turned around to practice these two juniors into the spirit-bearing banners?

But listening to Chen Huan’s words and beyond, it turned out to be thinking about her, Xiao Tasha was enamored of him, and at this moment, knowing that the matter was urgent, she couldn’t help but feel sweet.

Then think about the fact that Huang Xian and Zhang Zhongqin were cold words to her. Just now, they were quite blamed because of Pei Ling’s escape. Every time like this, only Chen Huan came out to help her.

Now even if he helped Chen Huan train them, it seemed to be right.

Thinking about this, Xiao Tasha no longer hesitated, nodded and said: “Okay! It’s just Brother Chen, the two of them are badly injured now, and the time is not right, I’m afraid the effect may not be as good as Pei Ling.”

“I am in a hurry, I can’t take care of so many things.” Chen Huan urged, “Human Face Spider may catch up at any time, Junior Sister, please do it as soon as possible! Otherwise, the two Junior Brothers will notice the clues and say that they can’t go wrong.”

So Xiao Tasha no longer hesitated, and hurriedly walked into the mother formation, sacrificed the formation plate, and hand seals again and again, only to see the bloody formation on the ground gradually light up, the whole ground twisted like a living thing, and then a wave The pulse is slowly but firmly conveyed…

In the gorge below, the sub-array received the call of the mother array, and the original tree illusion shattered.

Instead, countless scarlet tentacles swarmed to Huang Xian and Zhang Zhongqin who were recovering from panic.

“This?!” At first they noticed the movement. They thought it was a human face spider catching up. They hurriedly jumped up, but they couldn’t see the strange face, but there were countless tentacles, they couldn’t help being shocked, “This is The sub-array’s soul-drawing and blood-refining effect…How did the human face spider be activated before it entered the array?!”

“Chen Huan, this beast!!!” Only a little startled, the two understood what was going on, and couldn’t help cursing, “Daddy has been selling your life for so long, so why are you going to sell it when you change hands?!”

In the mother formation, Chen Huan turned a deaf ear to the anger coming from the canyon, and only asked Xiao Tasha: “How long will it take?”

“Quickly!” Xiao Tasha was also anxious. After all, the Human Face Spider could appear at any time, but the Spirit Power she had consumed before had not fully recovered. At this moment, she could only swallow a Medicine Pill and force the formation, and said, ” Brother, wait a minute, at most one cup of tea time.”

Chen Huan’s eyes flickered and said, “Okay… By the way, Junior Sister, can this mother formation trap the human face spider? I think the mother formation is more troublesome than the sub formation. If so, we may use it to calculate it. A wicked barrier?”

“Bad brother.” Xiao Tasha worked the formation with all his strength, and had no time to think, and said casually, “The soul-devouring mother-child formation, the sub-array specializing in trapping and killing, will have the effect of siege. As for the mother formation, it can only be used. Come to refine the talisman, let alone calculate the Foundation Building Demonic Beasts like the human face spider, it is impossible to trap the ordinary Kaihui Demonic Beasts, after all, the entry and exit are all clear at a glance.”

As he spoke, the lines on the ground of the mother formation trembled. Immediately, two blood lights wrapped around Hun and Po were drawn from the sub-array abruptly, and flowed into the spirit banner along the formation.

There is no wind in the soul-seeking flag, and there seems to be a wave of blood on the flag. The inner middle has scolded Hun and Po of Chen Huan and others before, and was surprised and happy: “Huang Xian, Zhang Zhongqin? Hahaha, you have today too!”

“Well, daddy didn’t know people at first, but today I can see your dog biting the dog.

“Huang Xian, you beast, daddy fights with you!!”

“The dog that bites doesn’t bark, Zhang Zhongqin, you are loyal to the outsider and the traitor to the insider, and now you have to be a ghost with me.”

The souls scrambled into groups for a time, only Xiao Tasha’s cousin stood by, sneered again and again, looked at Xiao Tasha with extremely bitter eyes, and said in a cold voice: “Ban maid! I am waiting for you to come in, and then I will I will tear you to pieces by myself!”

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