Chapter 22 What is Your Saber Technique? (Brothers and sisters give a collection + ticket, thank you!)

In the room, after Pei Ling left, Li Siguang and the three helped each other up, took medicine, and walked away from the inspection disciples perfunctorily. At the moment, they are bitterly discussing how to deal with Pei Ling: “I knew this guy was like this. If he can fight, it’s better to turn his face later and start after he is asleep!”

“Anyway, I did it, and people ran away. It’s useless to say this now,” said Miao Chengan, the most grumpy one. “He is a new disciple who is unfamiliar with his life and is poor and white. Where can he go? On this Huaiyin Peak! Send some people to look for it tomorrow, and search every inch of it, and you will find it out for him!”

“After searching it out, I will personally torture how he cultivated the best iron bones!” Li Siguang said in a gloomy tone. His broken leg had been splinted. After taking the Medicine Pill given by his grandfather, he recovered extremely quickly. It will be as good as ever in a few days.

But even so, the fear and humiliation of being kicked off by Pei Ling Shengsheng made Li Siguang, who has always been the most adept at disguising himself, to express deep resentment in his tone, “This bastard is born in a humble background, but is so powerful, he must have a secret. !”

Before the words fell, the three suddenly noticed that the Restrictions had been opened, and before they had time to react, the door of the room had been kicked open with a “bang”!

They were taken aback for a moment, and they hadn’t done anything yet. The next moment, a ghostly figure flashed in and went straight to Li Siguang!

Pei Ling’s face was expressionless, her hand raised the knife and dropped, and the knife slashed at his head with a sharp whistling sound!

Although Li Siguang was seriously injured, although he was not disturbed, he quickly hand seals, two ghosts appeared behind him, and he raised his hair and let out a howl!

It’s just that this divine soul attack that caused Pei Ling to suffer a long time ago has no effect at this moment-Pei Ling did not pause at all, tired of the knife and the sword, and slashed straight down!

At the critical moment, Miao Chengan suddenly kicked Li Siguang’s abdomen and kicked him aside!

As last time, the system was withdrawn simply and neatly.

Peiling did not bother to scold the mentally retarded system, and leaped back dangerously and dangerously, and finally escaped Zhou Yi’s other punch, but there was no time to avoid the three Qi blades, and the electric light flint weighed the pros and cons. I opened my throat and knees, and hardly connected one of the air blades with my chest. Only a crisp sound was heard. The ribs that had just recovered under the nourishment of the Yangyuan Pill were broken again!

At this time, it’s useless to say more, he didn’t bother to pay attention to the three people’s scolding and cursing, his figure flickered, avoiding Zhou Yi, and slashing at Li Siguang again, just like before the system!

Take advantage of his illness to kill him!

Moreover, the howling of Li Siguang’s two ghosts made the system indifferent, he couldn’t do it!

If he was knocked out of the horrible knife at this moment like a long time ago, he can be said to be dead forever!

Li Siguang had broken his leg and just lost an arm. Even if Miao Chengan fed Medicine Pill to save his life, he was extremely weak! Seeing Tired of the sword, he subconsciously wanted to direct the ghost to continue howling to stop it, but thinking of the scene just now, he was worried that it would be useless again, and it delayed his life. He did not dare to neglect the pain, and hurried to Climbing side by side to avoid.

However, he does not repair his physique, and when he is intact, his speed is not as good as Pei Ling, who has been accustomed to traversing mountains, let alone at this moment?

After only two steps, Tisheng’s knife had already crossed the back of his neck, just like the broken arm just now, a great head flew high, and blood spurted out from the broken neck!

“Siguang!!!” Zhou Yi and Miao Chengan’s eyes were split. The three of them moved forward and retreated together since they entered Sect. Although they did nothing to cheat others, they had some real affection for each other. At this moment, Li Siguang How can you not be angry if you are beheaded in front of them? !

Zhou Yi only felt a buzzing sound, and the blood in his whole body rushed to his head, yelled, rushed up like a mad tiger, punching and punching!

However, Miao Chengan’s eyes flashed, and his face was shocked!

Not a drop of Li Siguang’s blood splattered to the ground! It didn’t fall to other places either-they all seemed to be summoned, and the blood mist wrapped in the horrible knife was sucked past!

As a result, the color of the blood fog became more gorgeous, and even suddenly he left Weishengdao and pounced on Li Siguang’s corpse. In an instant, the newly dead plump body quickly dried up and withered! The light of blood appeared again, returning to the horrible knife again, the fog was thicker, and there was even a shadow of shadows in the shadows, and the eyebrows seemed to be Li Siguang!

But soon, the blood mist surged, Li Siguang’s face was torn apart, and after a stern wailing, he completely disappeared into the blood mist!

Miao Chengan exclaimed, “What are you Saber Technique?!”

Where does Peiling have the time to answer him? Even himself was shocked by this change, secretly thinking that it was indeed Li Fairy’s shot, this blood evil Saber Technique is really cruel! He reversed the hacking and hacking he had done a long while ago, tired of slashing, and unpredictable, defeating Zhou Yi, who was trying desperately!

Seeing this scene, Miao Chengan knew that he couldn’t do good today. A cruel color flashed in his eyes, he gritted his teeth, took out the talisman that he almost used before, and began to enter Spirit Power!

When Pei Ling saw this, he was going to stop him, but Zhou Yi was crazy, trying to be cut off by his forearm, but still blocked his way!

In just two short breaths, Miao Chengan yelled: “Get out of the way!”

Zhou Yi looked up, smiled blood-stained at Peiling, and jumped to the side at the same time! But Pei Ling is the soul of the dead: Miao Chengan’s Sword Qi, the Talisman Sword Qi, is about to send a terrifying blow!

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