Chapter 21 See also Free gifts… (collection! Tickets!)

The answer to him was a slightly illusory Qi blade. Although Miao Chengan was practicing Qi in the fifth level, he had used the Qi blade many times in a row, and the Spirit Power was almost exhausted!

“You guys hold on first!” Miao Chengan called out quickly, “I’ll pick up a knife and hack him to death!”

Speaking, ran towards the horrible knife that fell on the ground!

Pei Ling was shocked when he heard the words, and quickly pushed Zhou Yi away, and threw at the Knife Sword – but he was able to pounce on the Knife Sword not far away, Miao Chengan suddenly smiled secretly, and an air blade appeared again on his fingertips. Slash to the back of his head fiercely!

At the moment of the moment, Pei Ling pressed her hand on the ground and rushed forward, the air blade was able to avoid the vital point, and cut deeply into her back! He only heard a soft moan of gold and iron, and between the splashes of flesh and blood, a faint light made Miao Chengan suddenly change color, and said, “The best iron bone?!”

Seeing that Pei Ling quickly climbed forward for a certain distance, his right hand had already grasped the Yisheng Knife, Miao Chengan recovered, rushed up and kicked the Yisheng Knife away, with five fingers like claws, grabbing Pei Ling’s throat!

Peiling raised his hand to block, and quickly scuffled with him!

…After a long while, there was a mess everywhere in the room. Li Siguang, Zhou Yi, and Pei Ling were all bloodstained and fleshy. The worst was Li Siguang. His right leg was kicked off by Pei Ling during a scuffle, and his bones were white. It pierced the flesh and blood abruptly, forming a very strange angle!

Of course, when Pei Ling did this, Zhou Yi broke off the three fingers of his left hand. At this moment, it was also hanging softly on his side!

The only thing that was slightly better was Miao Chengan, who was mostly intact, with only a mass of blood stained under his nose.

However, Miao Chengan’s face was ashen!

There was no reason for him. Just now, Pei Ling relied on the best iron bones and the light gray gauze that ordinary people could not see, and he was defensively.

Pei Ling was tired of having a knife in his hand, but didn’t mean to kill him. Of course, this was not soft-hearted, nor was he afraid of fines, but he was at the end of the crossbow at this moment. , Confronted the three of them vigilantly.

For a moment, Li Siguang coughed a few times and said: “You can’t hide from the first day of the first day but the fifteenth, thinking that tonight you will lose both sides, this matter will be over? As long as you are still in Outer Sect and don’t hand over the boring knife, you won’t May have a good time! Interesting…”

“Then daddy will kill you first!” Pei Ling suddenly raised the knife and pointed at the three people violently.

Li Siguang’s face changed, Miao Chengan also subconsciously took out a talisman to activate…but the talisman hadn’t been thrown out yet, but seeing that Pei Ling had finished speaking harshly, Li Mala opened the door, turned and ran!

Pei Ling ran out of the yard. Although he did not hear the movement of catching up, he did not dare to stay at all. He recalled the approximate terrain that he saw on the sand table before, and briefly considered whether to go to Pei Hongnian, but quickly rejected this plan. And ran towards the back mountain where there are many people in Shaolin.

After all, judging from the words of the three of Li Siguang, they don’t have much respect for Zheng Jingshan, let alone Pei Hongnian?

And if Sun Yinglan is still with Pei Hongnian… it is safer to go to a place where no one is!

About half an hour later, Pei Ling, panting, stopped in a dense forest.

He has been in and out of Yuanma Mountain since he was a child, and is very familiar with spending the night in the forest. He walked around and confirmed that there was no one in the forest, and there were no threatening beasts, but some tits and worms finally felt relieved.

At this moment, Pei Ling was already very exhausted, but she was still holding on to clear out a clearing with a horrible knife, and then slowly sat down, wiping away the cold sweat with lingering fears.

However, the palm was sticky, and when I put it down and looked at the starlight, it was all blood.

“Mentally handicapped system…underworld Sect…” Pei Ling’s expression was first angry, and then turned helpless, “What’s so…If it’s not for the three-day limit, daddy will go to earn Spirit Stones tomorrow!”

He rubbed his face vigorously: “System, I want to cultivate! Choose [Blood Shaman Saber Technique], [Temporary cultivation·Intelligent duration], [One-key hosting]!”

System: “Ding Dong! The intelligent comprehension system will serve you wholeheartedly!”

He immediately lost control of his body, and saw the system instruct him to raise the horrible knife, first slowly put a hand-up position, immediately pulled away, and began to practice with a sharp eye.

At first it was a bit rusty, but after two times, Pei Ling’s body was obviously smooth.

During the leaping and running, Tisheng Knife gradually became familiar with it from the original text, under the bleak starlight, but saw a blade of light and cold, and the water was impenetrable!

And Pei Ling’s body is also familiar with this Saber Technique at an extremely fast speed!

It didn’t take long before the system suddenly said again: “Ding Dong! It is detected that the host is injured, and continuing to cultivate the blood evil Saber Technique will cause irreversible damage…”

Peiling: “Fuck?!”

He was astonished that the system was about to give it away again, ah, yeah, when he was going to steal someone’s thing, he didn’t know the system then prompted: “Ding Dong! Yang Yuan Dan detected…”

After that, the system took the suffocating Yangyuan Pill from his arms and took it, “Dingdong! I have taken the Yangyuan Pill for you, and the system will continue to cultivate for you…”

When Yang Yuan Dan entered his abdomen, Pei Ling suddenly felt a warm current rising from Dantian. With the cultivation of the system, this warmth quickly reached the limbs and limbs. The original tired and scarred body could be felt by Pei Ling. The speed of arrival quickly recovered.

At the same time, he felt that the Blood Essence condensed in his body was undergoing wonderful changes following the cultivation of the Saber Technique…

Before she knew it, Pei Ling had forgotten the pain, the hatred of Li Siguang and the three people, and even the three-day limit of Li Fairy. He was completely immersed in the joy of cultivation and the enrichment of practical progress.

Until the system doubledly reminded: “Ding Dong! It was detected that there is a lack of cultivation material, cultivator Blood Essence…”

Pei Ling’s eyes widened suddenly!

The next moment, the system calmly continued: “Ding Dong! It is detected that the host lacks the cultivator Blood Essence, and the system will give away three cultivators for free!”

? ? ? Pei Ling was horrified and dying: “Calm down the system!!! Three cultivators during the training period! 30,000 Spirit Stones started, 90,000 Spirit Stones capped the system! Daddy now has no Spirit Stones on him! You have to change the host. Let us It can be discussed…you wait! Wait! Damn you, stop!”

As he roared, the system had already manipulated his body, rushing out of the dense forest at an extremely fast speed, and headed straight to the direction where many disciples lived!

At first, Pei Ling was frightened about the huge fine that was coming, but soon, he ignored the issue of fines.

Because the system went straight to the residence of Li Siguang’s three people!

Peiling: “…Fuck!”

This mentally retarded system doesn’t care about him at all now, so he can only quickly think about what should be done in the wait?

Although the three of Li Siguang didn’t feel well just now, not to mention the three of them, he was only one. The talisman Miao Chengan took out before running away gave him a great sense of danger. This kind of thing, this kind of backer second generation ancestor, I want to know, I’m afraid everyone has their own hole cards!

Even if he recovers from his injury, what is the difference between going back at this time and delivering food? !

As soon as the thoughts turned, Pei Ling’s figure suddenly stopped at the courtyard gate, and the system neatly took out the nameplate to open the Restrictions. After entering the small courtyard, he stepped forward and kicked the door open without hesitation!

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