Chapter 16 Accident.

When he went out, Pei Hongnian couldn’t help snickering when he saw Pei Ling treat the door like a treasure.

“Brother, is this rule just a decoration?” His attitude made Pei Ling’s heart suddenly burst, and he asked quickly.

Pei Hongnian showed a weird expression and said: “How is it possible? Shengzong worked so hard to compile these many frames, how can it be just a display.”

He raised his hand and patted Pei Ling on the shoulder, “It’s just…well, you’ll know after reading it anyway.”

Without giving Pei Ling a chance to ask more questions, Pei Hongnian pointed to a short distance, “After lighting the life soul lamp, you are the Outer Sect disciple of the Holy Sect. The next step is to go to the General Affairs Hall to receive the Outer Sect disciple’s clothing nameplate. We. Go faster, after all, Shuwu Peak does not stay with outsiders. After nightfall, people who are not from the Shuwu Hall stay here, and they will all be regarded as violating the door rules! That is not a joke.”

Pei Ling suddenly became awe-inspiring when she heard this, and said hurriedly: “Yes!”

The brothers quickened their pace to the entrance of the General Affairs Hall, and saw that the General Affairs Hall occupies a vast area and was built to be quite tall and majestic, with some plants planted around it, and many people came and went.

The most striking thing is that there are two ghosts floating at the door.

He looked like a sturdy man with a big waist and a height of three feet. He was dressed in battle armor. He held a hammer and a knife. There was no expression on his pale face. He used only dark eyes, watching the crowd coming and going coldly. .

When Pei Ling saw them, she thought of Jiaoni and Wuliu, and she couldn’t help but twitched. She didn’t dare to look more, and walked in behind Pei Hongnian.

Entering is a very wide hall, the hall is bustling, quite lively, but everyone is coming and going in a hurry, it seems to be very busy.

Pei Hongnian didn’t have much time to delay. Meteor took him to the corner and found a disciple in charge to explain the situation. The other party quickly fetched a set of Outer Sect disciple’s clothes, a fist-sized storage bag, and a phalanx. .

The clothes and the storage pouch are nothing more than that, the finger bones are like real people, they are warm at first, and even move slightly, which makes people feel creepy!

“This is your nameplate.” Pei Hongnian picked up the finger bone, pointed to the word “Peiling” engraved on it, and cautiously exhorted, “This is the most important thing on your body. Don’t get it at any time. Lost! After all, Sect’s magic circle recognizes the brand but does not recognize people. If you accidentally break into some places without a nameplate, you will die in vain!”

Peiling couldn’t help being solemn, and quickly hid it in his arms.

“Okay, it’s not early now.” After leaving the General Affairs Hall, Pei Hongnian looked up at the sky and said, “Let’s find a place for you first.”

With that said, he carefully drew out a two-inch paper boat from his sleeve, like an ordinary child stacking for fun, but when he throws it in front of him, the paper boat quickly grows in size, just two breaths, and it becomes easy. It is the size of a folk awning boat.

After Pei Hongnian took Pei Ling up, as soon as he pinched the law, the paper boat slowly left the ground, wandering away from Shuwu Peak, and flew towards a thin mountain not far away!

The speed and stability of this paper boat is very different from the Xuanguling Yinzhou, and it is completely incomparable, but Pei Ling is in the Xuanguling Yinzhou and has no mood and no chance to watch the scenery. At this moment, although the ten-day limit is high above his head, but there is a systematic base, Pei Ling is not guilty in his heart, but he has a leisurely mind to look around.

“Brother, what does it look like under the sea of ​​clouds?” Pei Ling admired the sea of ​​clouds for a while and couldn’t help but point to his feet and asked, “Where is it?”

Pei Hongnian glanced at him with a weird expression: “You are so interested, can you just go and see for yourself in the future?”

Peiling noticed it was wrong, and turned the subject off with a smile: “Yes, brother, does the mountain we’re going to have a name? What’s it called?”

Pei Hongnian smiled weirdly and was about to answer. At this time, a colorful feathered phoenix bird suddenly rushed out of the oblique thorn, and slammed its head into the paper boat, recklessly!

“My boat!” Pei Hongnian suddenly changed his expression. While hand seals the paper boat that had lost its stability due to the sudden attack, he shouted, “Whose phoenix bird is this, so reckless?!”

The phoenix bird seemed to be a little dizzy from the bump. After shaking his head, it fluttered its wings suddenly. The speed was surprisingly fast, and it disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds in a blink of an eye!

It came and went quickly, if it weren’t for the paper boat to break a big clear hole, it would be suspicious whether the scene just happened actually happened?

Pei Ling looked frightened and said, “Brother, these birds are so careless?”

He just thought that Pei Hongnian’s paper boat was actually not bad.

At this moment, I discovered that the paper boat is just a paper boat, which is too unsafe!

“…” Pei Hongnian looked unhappy, and said, “I don’t know how to tune these flat-haired beasts with the waste of Yu Beast Peak?”

The words were not finished, but the hull shook for a while!

The brothers turned their heads subconsciously, and were surprised to find that the phoenix bird had just arrived again!

This time it was even more treacherous than before, but it quietly lurked to the vicinity, only then did it outrageously, and once again crashed part of the paper boat!

“Damn it!” Pei Hongnian saw that his complexion changed suddenly, and he was surprised and suspicious, “Who is deliberately targeting me?!”

He swam around, but saw that there was only a sea of ​​clouds nearby. After a blow, the phoenix bird quietly disappeared again.

With Pei Hongnian’s Cultivation Base, he couldn’t find the trace of the other party for a while!

“Clan brother can hurry up?” Pei Ling was shocked to see. After all, although he has practiced the fourth level of Qi, he can’t fly. Now there is still some distance from the mountain in front. I know, he can only fall with him anyway!

“Asshole! Can be fast, daddy will be happy to be slow?” Pei Hongnian’s face was pale, and he shouted, “You…”

Without finishing speaking, the hull shook violently again!

But the phoenix bird is here again!

This time it even pecked the boat gang hard after the impact, and Shi Shiran flapped its wings and flew away.

Pei Hongnian looked at the scarred paper boat, his eyes were cracked! However, he was not a fool for all these years in the Chongming Sect. At the critical moment, he was not without the ability to make decisions. At the moment, he calmly thought for a moment, and suddenly said, “Peiling, you are sitting down!”

Without waiting for Pei Ling to speak, he continued to pinch the law, only to see the paper boat, regardless of the injury, suddenly forcibly accelerated, and rushed to the front mountain!

The phoenix bird was hiding on the side so graciously, but when he saw it, he immediately slapped his wings and chased after him!

During this process, Fengniao relied on the advantage of racial talent and frequently attacked the paper boat, as if he had a deep hatred. Soon, the paper boat began to teeter, and Pei Ling could even hear the sound of the paper boat falling apart in a hurry-he My heart is extremely anxious, but I can’t do anything right now, I can only watch the paper boat burst open suddenly as it passes over a mountain forest!

Both he and Pei Hongnian were pushed up high by a wave of air, and then fell heavily!

I didn’t know how many branches and leaves were broken all the way, and finally fell heavily on the soft woodland!

“Bah, ah ah… ah… ah…” Pei Ling was embarrassed, got up from the ground coughing, and made sure that his own things, especially the nameplate, were there for the first time.

I was breathing a sigh of relief, and I heard a mess of footsteps not far away!

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