Chapter 15 Heavy Mingzong.

Pei Ling is like falling into an ice cellar, standing stiff behind the door, and dare not let out the atmosphere!

Across the drapery, no Li Fairy’s expression could be seen, and the needle could be heard quietly in the room for a while.

For a moment, Li Fairy suddenly raised his hand and threw something at him. Pei Ling was shocked, and quickly slapped him away with his eyesight!

However, at this moment, the long-lost system prompt went online: “Ding Dong! Unfamiliar Saber Technique has been detected, and it is being recorded…”

Peiling: “…”

He looked at the volume that he had knocked down to the ground, and then at Fairy Li, who was sitting in the same place. He had the urge to die on the spot.

“Practice it in ten days, otherwise, die!” Li Fairy spit out a word, and with a flash of sleeves, the whole person shattered like a bubble, and then disappeared.

After a while after she left, Pei Ling walked over and picked up the volume.

Seeing the cover with the words “Blood Evil Saber Technique” written in a cloud seal, his expression suddenly became serious when he saw this ancient seal character! There are only more than one hundred cloud seals collected by Pei’s ethics, that is to say…

After opening the volume and flipping it roughly, Peiling sighed.

Yes, this Saber Technique, he doesn’t know most of the words, he can’t even read it…

Fortunately, the system said at this moment: “Ding Dong! Unfamiliar with the outside world Saber Technique has been collected, please name the host.”

“Blood Fiend Saber Technique!” Pei Ling saw the system pleasingly once in a while, just pondered for a moment, or gave up the idea of ​​immediately letting the system cultivate.

After all, this Xuanguling yin ark is too dangerous. If this mentally retarded system does something else, he can hardly think of what else he will poke?

Pei Ling closed the volume and hid it in his arms. At this time, he felt the whole body of the boat shook slightly!

Not long after, Pei Hongnian came over and knocked on the door next door: “Zhanchen platform is here, pack your things and go to the deck, don’t delay, Fairy.”

Pei Ling had packed things in order to run, but when he was rushed to Biwuyuan Abode by the system, he didn’t bring anything except the Qijue Zhenhunsan that had been used. Now, in addition to the clothes on his body, there is also a nourishing pill, a blood evil Saber Technique, and a sickening knife.

Yang Yuan Dan and Xue Sha Saber Technique were both in his arms. He went in and took the Boring Knife, and followed Pei Hongnian to the deck.

There was no Jiaoni and Wuliu on this road, but the doors on both sides of the corridor were exceptionally quiet.

After leaving the cabin, Pei Ling glanced away, and couldn’t help but gasp!

Entering the eye is an unimaginable sea of ​​clouds!

The sea of ​​clouds is not calm, the waves are rolling like anger like howls, and the jagged peaks are like reefs in the sea.

In the sea of ​​clouds, in addition to the mountain peaks, there are many rare birds and animals flying freely, which Pei Ling has never heard of, and has never seen.

Especially a mountain with lush forests and a faintly flaming peak at the top, a huge body suddenly appeared in the clouds, just a tail, it stirred the sea of ​​clouds around that mountain like it was boiling, what a surging!

The Xuanguling Yin Boat was flying over this endless sea of ​​clouds, and after a short while, it sailed into a mountain that was vaguely clustered at the center.

This mountain is a bit shorter than the surrounding peaks, and the top is flat. It seems to be cut off forcibly, forming an extremely large square. At this moment, there are many flying boats and other things that are rising and falling. .

Just seeing the Xuanguling Yinzhou, one after another hurriedly backed away.

“This is Zhanchentai.” Pei Hongnian has been in the clan for a few years and has long been accustomed to the scenes of the Chongmingzong. At this moment, he is not as shocked as Pei Ling. Where there is a difference. Sect is named Zhanchen, in order to hope that I will cut off the worldly thoughts from now on, and move forward courageously, forever.”

When he said this, he suddenly realized something and frowned, “By the way, how will Senior Brother Zheng arrange you?”

At the same time, on the third floor of Xuanguling Yinzhou, inside the railing, Zheng Jingshan was also respectfully asking for instructions: “Sister, Sect has arrived, but Pei Ling doesn’t know how to arrange it?”

Li Fairy’s black dress was floating, standing not far in front of him with his shoulders. For a moment, he said coldly, “Let him go to Outer Sect!”

“Yes.” Zheng Jingshan nodded, and then the sound transmission instructed Pei Hongnian, “Take Peiling to Outer Sect!”

After a while, the Xuan Gu Ling Yin Boat flew into the sky again, and shot into the depths of the sea of ​​clouds. Pei Ling, who was placed on the dust-cutting platform, couldn’t help but look in that direction for a while and asked, “Where is the Inner Sect? It looks so far.”

Pei Hongnian was in a bad mood, ignored him, just said: “Keep up!”

He took Pei Ling to a small two-story building on the side of the square. After entering, he saw that it was empty inside. Among the simple furnishings, there was only an old woman with chicken skin, holding a hip flask in his hand, and fainted. Sleepy crooked on a recliner, sipping a few times.

Hearing that someone came in and didn’t mean to move, Pei Hongnian stepped forward and smiled: “Senior, Senior Brother Zheng Jingshan, the master of Inner Sect, is entering Outer Sect with Junior brother Pei Ling!

“These juniors, look for things for the old man.” The old woman’s voice was hoarse, and sighed without embarrassment. She slowly sat up, revealing a face full of wrinkles, but her eyes seemed to have magical powers. She couldn’t move away after a glance, and the brothers couldn’t help but lose their minds, staring at her blankly, unable to speak.

The old woman looked at them for a moment, and said lightly, “Come with him.”

Pei Ling and Pei Hongnian only woke up, and their expressions were a little unnatural when they came back to their senses.

I followed the old woman out of the small building, but saw that there was a building behind. The exterior didn’t look big, but after entering, I found that the space inside was surprisingly large!

There are countless lampstands floating in the air. In each lampstand, there is a blood flame, scattered high and low, densely packed. The blood flames vary in size. The smallest is just like a mung bean, and the largest is floating, like a scorching sun. With a glimpse from the corner of your eye, you can feel the terrifying power contained in it!

And further away, there are hundreds of portraits, all lifelike, including men, women, old and young, and even some people who don’t seem to be pure.

The old woman beckoned, and did not know where to fly a lampstand, just like many floating lampstands, said lightly: “Since it is a member of the Pei clan and is endorsed by Zheng Jingshan, there is no need to waste your tongue during the interrogation, you And go up to worship the ancestor, bring a drop of Blood Essence, and light this fateful soul lamp, and then you will be the person of the reigning sect.”

One hundred thousand Pei Ling didn’t want to enter this kind of underworld Sect, but now, it is impossible for him to escape thousands of miles away.

I can only bite the bullet and step forward, according to the instructions of the old woman, respectively to Chuang Zong Zu Shi Ye, past ancestors, the current retired elder, the current Sect Leader… Kowtoes one by one, and finally, cut through the fingertips, forcing a drop of Blood Essence.

Blood Essence fell on the lampstand and instantly turned into a little flame, slightly larger than mung beans, about the size of soybeans.

The old woman asked Pei Ling’s name, birth date, and eight characters, and a line of detailed information appeared below the lampstand. Finally, a sentence of when and when and who led into the Chongming Sect appeared, which immediately turned into a streamer and got rid of the old woman’s hand. , Fly into the air and blend into many lampstands!

“Since I have entered the Holy Sect.” The old woman glanced and ignored it, but beckoned Pei Ling to come to her, weakly confessing, “In the future, you should be cautious in your words and deeds, and abide by the rules, especially you. From his background, once the rules are violated, the consequences would be disastrous… understand?”

Pei Ling said cautiously: “Dare to ask senior, Zhongmingzong… What are the rules of the Saint Zong?”

The old woman said, “This is too much, you can go back and see for yourself.”

Speaking, he pulled out a three-inch-thick book from behind, stuffed it into his hand, and said earnestly, “You must keep it in your heart from beginning to end. Remember, the Holy Sect is no better than yours. The rules are strict and the clan system is ruthless! ”

“Yes!” Pei Ling heard the words, but the heart that had been hanging down fell.

As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of many rules, you are afraid that there are no rules.

For a person like him, it doesn’t matter if there are more rules and regulations, as long as there is evidence to follow, it can give him more sense of security; I am afraid that there are no rules, everyone does whatever they want, unscrupulous, and disaster comes at any time, anywhere!

He thanked the old woman gratefully, and cherished the door rules.

It’s so thick and so many, it can be seen how careful and detailed the Zhongmingzong’s consideration is, it is almost at ease in my heart!

PS: Ask for a ticket~

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