I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 303 Klein: One more chat group will complete the logical closed loop

"How does this count? A rematch?" Lu Mingfei was still easing the fear of being killed just now.

No somatosensory game can compare to Su Lin's 100% restored melee. The experience of pain and death are both real. Although it is beneficial to sharpen oneself and hone one's skills, if it is not necessary, Lu Mingfei I don’t want to receive the most severe beatings one after another.

"Don't rematch. The avenue has been wiped out several times and you still have to rematch." Zhang Chulan complained.

"Didn't you fall in love online? Why are you here in the Resurrection Hall?" Xiao Yan rubbed the area of ​​his kidney. He still had some hallucinatory pain from the kidney-killer's redemption just now.

Zhang Chulan was about to cry but had no tears: "We agreed to have an online date, but it turned out that the mixed-race girl was a human resource. In order to complete the KPI, she brought me into the Nidhogg Group."

It was clearly said that there would be an endless battle of blood and tears tonight, but as soon as the weapons and uniforms were released, people were sent to the battlefield.

Lu Mingfei turned his head. As a hands-off shopkeeper, he only knew that his performance was exploding every day, and he didn't know what methods those hybrids used.

Could it be the same thing as in northern Myanmar? !

"Brother Ke Li is not from the Kongyun Sect." Ye Fan said to Su Lin, "He is a casual cultivator and has not joined any sect."

At this time, Yao Lao said something in Xiao Yan's ear and took out a token at the same time.

Xiao Yan immediately slapped Zhuo and stood up: "Brother Li is the largest supplier of our Dan Alliance and also an honorary elder!!!"

"There is only one set of rewards." Su Lin turned on the microphone and pointed at several 'Voldemorts' in the universe and said: "Unrelated personnel please leave. In the end, only one force in the Penglai dungeon can win the prize. Now there are still the Kongyun Sect and the ."


Song Shuhang was originally glad that he could win this time, but after being attracted by Su Lin's voice and listening to the rules, a long sword was suddenly inserted into his chest.

He looked behind him in disbelief at the ordinary face.

"I'm sorry Shuhang." Han Li drew out his long sword and used the Xutian Cauldron to destroy Song Shuhang's corpse and eliminate traces: "As a monk, you should always be on guard against everyone in dangerous places."

There was a private message sent by Xiao Yan in advance in his chat box:

[There can only be one winner, and there are enemies on both sides. After winning, all the tea leaves from the Enlightenment Tree will be given to you! 】

"Please advise." Although Venerable White was a little surprised, he still took out his natal flying sword, Meteor Sword, and began to take this interesting game seriously.

"Congratulations to the Kongyun Sect for becoming the MVP of this year's Penglai Ruins! Let's invite Mr. Guangming, the organizer of this year's Simulated Universe, to come on stage to deliver a speech, and at the same time award prizes to the winners' representatives."

Three tea leaves from the Enlightenment Tree, a wonder of heaven that can bring out the simulated universe (weakened version), some spiritual stone resources, a ton of sand of time, and a set of immortal techniques that have been successfully tested in the simulated universe.

"I'll just say a few words casually, the first sentence and the second sentence." After Su Lin finished speaking, he returned the microphone to the confused hostess, then picked up a pile of exchange coupons and put them in the hands of Venerable White.

At the same time, Su Lin presented a trophy made of fairy gold, with Su Lin engraved in the posture of a meditator.

"Hold the cup! Hold the trophy that belongs to the Kongyun Sect!!!"

boom! boom! boom!

Click! Click! Click!

Surrounded by fireworks ribbons and monk reporters, the award ceremony for the final winner of this Penglai Brawl was successfully completed.

Later, Venerable Bai and Su Lin passed through a space door and returned to the magnificent palace where many of the leading actors were. The aurora hung in the sky, the night blended into one, and bursts of chilling wind blew from the snowy mountains in the distance.

"Venerable White, what do you think of this simulated universe and movie?" Su Lin asked while turning on the system.

"Very good, fellow Taoist Su Lin, thank you very much for inviting us to participate in such an interesting thing." Venerable Bai chuckled.

"That's good, that's good." Su Lin responded, then clicked on the lottery function of the system, and then said in a slightly tentative tone: "Can I ask about your personal feelings?"

"Personal feelings?" Venerable White was a little confused. His black hair was blown by the frosty wind. He straightened it slightly and said, "I am very happy."




"Just be happy, just be happy!" Su Lin closed the lottery interface directly, without even watching the cutscene or what he had drawn. He wanted to test the water first. If it worked, he would find a way next time.

When the two walked into the hall, everyone had been waiting for a long time. They saw cameras and lights surrounded by high-backed stone chairs copied from Klein's Source Castle, but the Tarot symbols on them had been replaced by some mysterious ones. of runes.

On the screen not far away, "Three Worlds" was playing on the third floor of the copper coffin. Countless illusory and transparent figures walked out of it. These figures were all kinds of existences, and many of them were even familiar faces.

When two of the figures reached the second level of the world, they merged with Venerable Bai and Han Li.

"It's the last few lines."

The screenwriters and directors stood behind the stairs. When they saw Su Lin and Venerable Bai walking in, they signaled to all units to get ready.

After Su Lin and Venerable Bai reached the designated positions, black mist emerged from the venue, turning the originally sacred hall into something strange.

Su Lin took out the projection stone that Meng Qi had used to record the video, projected Meng Qi dressed as Yuanshi Tianzun, and then nodded and looked at the staff on the other side.

Su Lin sat in the center on the left side and said in a clear voice: "It seems that both the guys who should be awake and those who shouldn't be are here."

"After several epochs, it seems that you haven't gotten rid of this posture." A star appeared in Zhongli's hand, with his legs crossed and an arrogant expression: "Even if you are not a remnant, will you choose this kind of existence after returning? ?”

"It seems that I have done something bad with good intentions." Klein removed the gray fog on his face, pushed up the monocle carved from crystal, and said, "Isn't it just reverse position? What's the big deal? Is it possible? Are you angry because the good relationship between you and the Dimensional Witch was ruined by me?"

"I have been completely reversed, so I naturally want to get rid of you as an obstructionist." Su Lin smiled slightly and said: "Without the constraints of past responsibilities, the me in this posture now may be the answer itself."

Tun Yun was stunned for a moment, and he quickly looked through the script to make sure that this sentence was not in it.

"Fortunately, nothing happened in this melee in the new world." Venerable White said with a smile on his face: "What a pleasant dream."

"Thanks to you, this new world that has finally survived is about to be destroyed again." Ye Fan sneered, "Even if we no longer cling to the grievances of ancient times and intend to maintain the existence of the new world, it is meaningless. .”

"Hmph, wouldn't it be enough to create the world again in the future?" Xiao Yan smiled evilly and said, "And a new world is not enough for our bodies to divide."

"In that case, I will definitely start a war with you again." Lu Mingfei pretended to be fierce.

Fortunately, the makeup team tidied up his common crotch and prepared a designer suit and calfskin boots of the same style as the domineering president according to his personality.

"There is a lion in your eyes." Xiao Yan raised his eyebrows and said, "Mr. Nidhogg."

Tun Yun on the side confirmed again that there was no such thing, so he simply threw the script back and let these seniors be happy.

Anyway, the mission of this humble monk is over. I won’t go to work tomorrow, so you can do whatever you like.

"Are you satisfied with this situation, Yuanshi Demon?" Su Lin secretly pressed the remote control and played Meng Qi's lines on the video player.

Meng Qi said loudly under the shroud of mist:

"Hahaha, after Yang Jian disappears, our bodies will return from history. Although we did not intend to do so, we have been severely damaged, and our soul, strength, and body have been divided into three parts. We cannot control the physical instinct to devour the origin of the world to nourish the ancient times. heavy damage."

"But the new world has a different meaning to many of the beings present. The birth and existence of this world is a miracle. If it is destroyed, we may not be able to go back in time and make up for our mistakes after returning completely."

"In this case, I'm afraid the old war of destruction will start again. You kill me, I kill you, but we existences can't be completely destroyed at all, can we?"

"Then what do you think we should do?" Ye Fan said coldly: "Originally, Yang Jian and I suppressed one world each, which was enough to make everyone sleep in a dream. Now you are good, planning this turmoil, harming all of us. Efforts come to nothing.”

"Indeed, it is a pity that the new world that was born from the fragments of all realms was destroyed like this." Han Li said, "The souls of many of our old friends are still sleeping in the new world."

"Won't you set your sights on other worlds?" Ji Li, played by Li Huowang, turned his head, his copper coin mask clanking: "If you don't want to leave this world, go devour other worlds. Our awakening is inevitable and the only result."

"The small thousand worlds are meaningless, the middle thousand worlds have very little effect, and the big thousand worlds, haha, I don't know how many of those big thousand worlds that are different from our origin can satisfy the most basic instinct of the body." After Su Lin finished speaking, he pressed Putting off the remote control: "What on earth are you planning?"

"It seems that you still haven't noticed that Yang Jian has given us a reminder by assimilating his power with the world." Meng Qi's projection returned to the appearance of a young man and said:

"In this new world, the origins of all of us can be synchronized with the world. No matter where we were in the past, we can all be in the same boat now and work together."

"What you mean is that everyone takes the initiative to integrate with the new world. In this way, others can devour a world with the same origin, and everyone can benefit." Zhongli's majestic voice sounded: "Interesting, in this way, not only can When we return to our heyday, we all have the same Tao principles and can explore a more powerful path!"

"But in this case, most of us need to establish a new reincarnation, reincarnate as soon as possible, and integrate our power into the new world while delaying time." Su Lin said.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I can continue to practice my destiny of destruction, I'll be fine no matter what." Xing waved his hand.

"You are crazier than me in the past." Lu Mingfei cursed.

"Interesting." Li Huowang said: "I remember, including me, many people came to this world alone in ancient times. If we return, devour these worlds that have left our power or origin to nurture this new world, wouldn't it be Is there a faster recovery efficiency?”

Su Lin nodded and said: "Azathos, Time Dao Ancestor, and that later sword cultivator over there, your world still exists, right?"

"It seems that this is your plan." Klein took a black top hat from the air and put it on his head: "But it sounds very interesting. I will participate, although I don't know how long it will take to find the past world. "

The scene fell silent for a while.

After about ten seconds, Su Lin continued to speak: "We can act separately and devour other heavens and worlds while looking for the worlds where we left legends and the world where we were born."

"Although I don't like it, this seems to be the only way to preserve the new world." After Venerable White frowned, he made up his mind with difficulty: "Ah, the bad consequences of the past."

"What will happen to those worlds that are swallowed up?" The swordsman played by Emiya Shirou did not speak. He had been holding the phantom of the girl in his arms and lowered his head to ask. His voice was low and seemed to be entangled.

Su Lin continued to press the switch.

"We are not devils." Meng Qi's shadow said with a smile: "Although the process is a bit cruel, in the end these worlds will become part of the new world, and the creatures will be reborn, but they will no longer be their past selves."

"Bringing the end of the era to countless worlds, and then re-becoming the symbol of the birth of the era on the day of its birth, is a good plan." Su Lin smiled and said to Shirou Emiya:

"You can choose to refuse to participate, but in this case, the girl in your arms will completely disappear in the world. Even I in my heyday cannot find her back. After all, she has endured many wishes that exceed the limit. , originally there was still a chance for reincarnation this time, but she chose to continue to push herself for you."

"We appreciate what you did on the Day of Destruction. We can send you back to your previous world to reincarnate again."

"After countless reincarnations, the origin of the world engraved with her soul information will subtly repair some scars, and your memories will gradually revive at a certain point in time in countless world lines."

"Then." Emiya Shirou paused: "What is the price?"

Su Lin opened his hands, and the shadow of the dark cross appeared behind him. It seemed that the light of countless worlds was shining, but it was swallowed by the black cross:

"Join us and become a member of the Devourer of Worlds."

Because of the mistaken entry of an outsider demon cultivator, the established time and space of reincarnation was broken. After the seal of the restricted area was lifted, the disaster of destruction of all heavens and realms

has arrived.

"I think you are having a hard time making a decision." Klein walked over with a cane and said with a smile on his face: "Before the destruction, a certain clone of mine told you in the Supreme Sword Sect that you cannot escape the fate of separation."

"But destiny may not have no chance of breaking. It depends on how you choose."

"I feel sympathy for you. This is a sentiment worth remembering. Let me give you a chance to ask her what she wishes. After all, the Holy Grail that can fulfill the wishes of all living beings, but the Holy Grail that interferes with endless time and space has not been realized. It would be too miserable to live up to your own wishes."

Klein snapped his fingers, and the girl briefly gained a physical body, but her eyes were a little confused when she opened them.

"Illya" Emiya Shirou was stunned and asked, "What is your wish?"

At this time, a smile appeared on Klein's lips, and the camera gave a close-up.

"I want to...live with Shirou."

Emiya Shirou knelt on the ground, hugged the girl in his arms, and cried: "I promise you!"

After a moment, he stood up and walked unsteadily towards the road opened by Su Lin, which seemed to penetrate endless time and space. On the stairs made of condensed light, there was a dark door in front of him.

"This experience is very interesting." Klein gently pressed the top hat on his head and smiled at Su Lin: "Can Mr. Qu's remnant soul be given to me? I want to extract these memories and film them into the human world. A very popular movie right now.”

Su Lin placed his index and middle fingers together, pulled out a shadow from his body, and threw it to Klein.

"Mr. Emiya seems to have gone away." Klein crushed the light and shadow into pieces. Many light groups floated in the oppressive hall. All the memories of Qu Yanping's life were displayed in front of everyone: "I will find a way then. Send it to his world."

"Of course, after he wakes up."


The crew walked down the stairs and began to pack up their equipment one after another. A monk picked up a magic weapon and took back the black mist.

"What do you have for dinner?" Ye Fan asked.

"Whatever." Su Lin said, "I won't pick your treat. Lu Mingfei, go wake up Luffy. He has been sleeping with his eyes closed."

"Isn't it your turn to treat us? Where's the celebration banquet?" Xiao Yan glanced at the opposite side with greedy eyes. Over there, Venerable White was dividing the reward with Song Shuhang. They were just on the verge of a comeback from the Dan Alliance.

"The day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow at night." Su Lin clicked in the void and distributed an activity reward to all the monks. He was itching now, as if he had to finish everything quickly to see what he had drawn.

"There really is a celebration banquet. It's okay. The boss is very generous." Xiao Yan whistled and said.

"Then you might as well come to Liyue as a guest tomorrow night." Zhongli looked at everyone with his gilded eyes and suggested: "In total, it's almost the Hai Lantern Festival. If you are interested and have nothing else to do, you can come to Liyue to gather. Get together."

"That's fine." Han Li nodded and said.

Su Lin thought about it, and a cost-saving method suddenly flashed in his mind: "How about we do it together? I'll provide things like Drunken Immortal Brew."

Zhongli pondered for a moment, then measured the size of the Xinyue Pavilion or Liuli Pavilion, and said, "It should be no problem if we reserve the venue."

"That's good." Before Su Lin finished speaking, Song Shuhang on the side asked a question.

Song Shuhang asked: "Is the finance of the Rebirth Hall sufficient?"

Su Lin: "."

Zhongli: "."

Otherwise, forget it.

Su Lin felt annoyed for his poor thinking. He turned his eyes to the side and tried to move the topic away, but saw Klein sitting on a chair, staring at the shooting equipment, saying nothing.

"Old Zhou, what are you thinking about?" Su Lin greeted quickly.

"I'm wondering if I can add a setting," Klein said.

Tun Yun, who was carrying and storing the set props, felt his feet go weak, swallowed his saliva, and looked from afar in surprise.

"What setting?" Su Lin asked.

"You see, we are reincarnated and go to other worlds to devour all the heavens and worlds. There is a loophole in this, that is, how should we contact us?" Klein analyzed:

"In my opinion, it is better to join a chat group in the heavens. When we are reincarnated and re-experience the past events, we will be pulled into the group. Our memories will gradually recover, and we will unknowingly snatch the origins of many worlds, and finally recover."

The more Klein analyzed, the more enthusiastic he became, and he felt inspired.

"This completes the logical loop."

"Why are you looking at me like this? Su Lin, why are you holding the sword?"

He suddenly saw everyone staring at him with a particularly strange look, especially Su Lin, who took out the Azure Jade Void Sword in his hand.

"Gag his mouth!!!"

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