The red color of the setting sun spreads across the earth in the dungeon, but it still cannot cover the blood-stained earth. The wind brings the smell of rust and the desolate singing.

But this is just a continental plate floating in the universe.

The body of the young Emperor was unknown, with a long blade stuck in his chest. Golden blood dripped down the long blade, generating enough energy to shatter the stars when it splashed. He still stood tall, his demonic aura overwhelming the sky.

The young man turned into a huge dragon bone cross, floating solemnly in the starry sky. The tens of thousands of miles of bone wings and the broken black sun crown were still bringing end and destruction to the remaining living beings.

Many of the creatures in the tombs of the gods could no longer tell what was reality and what was false. In the sonata of killing and lamentation, they recalled the doomsday scenes they had experienced in the ancient times. The memories of anger and grief were once again ignited, and then The blood rushes into the heart that is burning with the fire of revenge.


This is a trial, a trial to test whether they still have the consciousness to die!

Even if they spend a false second life in this world, they will always return to their own world and start a war with heaven to settle their grievances and fate.

Never joined a camp? It doesn't matter anymore, what they have to do now is to join this battle and attack those beings who can be called "strong" to their heart's content!

Even if there are former Paoze and friends opposite, they can't stop them from participating in this doomsday carnival-like feast!

Brilliant flames, like burning clouds, spread out from the void space, bursting out into brilliant fire lotuses among the many powerful men. They were neither enchanting nor lascivious. When in full bloom, they were the cleanest fire lotuses in the world. .

The thunder pool overturned by the heavenly dragon, the god-killing formation performed by the monks together, and the immortal curse chanted by the magician were all swallowed up equally in this blooming fire lotus and turned into petals of the fire lotus.

"Endless Fire Territory obeys the order!" Xiao Yan showed his imperial appearance and ordered: "Use the heaven and earth as the furnace, all living beings as medicine, refine the Hongmeng Restoration Pill!"

A huge alchemy cauldron made of flames appeared in the starry sky, and many Alchemy Alliance monks began to throw the killed enemies into the cauldron of fire.

Xiao Yan looked at this slightly terrifying scene. Although he felt a little uncomfortable, he couldn't help but think in his heart: 'Emperor Soul? If you come here now, you will definitely become Xiao’s medicine guide, Jie Jie Jie! ’

No, I almost forgot that I am the main character.

Xiao Yan turned around, coughed slightly and came to the place where Ye Fan and Lu Mingfei were fighting to the death. He shook his head helplessly and sighed:

"I originally wanted to settle my previous grudges with you, but I never thought that the former Emperor of Heaven would also end up like this."

"Life is really as lonely as snow. I don't know how many more epochs this great battle will have to be postponed."

When Xiao Yan turned around and left, he was about to recite a poem when his waist suddenly suffered a heavy blow. His whole body shot out and crashed into the continental plate in front of him.

"Mad! I can't help it anymore!" Ye Fan gritted his teeth and retracted his fist, saying to Lu Mingfei: "This thing is so good at pretending!"

He pulled off the long blade on his body, and the wound was healing quickly. Lu Mingfei opened the door from the third vertebrae of the Dragon Bone Cross, stuck his head out, and still had a sniper in his hand.

"Damn it, the scenery and props were rented for nothing." Lu Mingfei said with some regret and complaint: "I've been aiming for a long time, and I can give him a headshot soon."

Yes, Ye Fan and Lu Mingfei joined forces.

When he learned that the crew had finished filming and only the final Penglai MVP title was still undecided, Ye Fan proposed to join forces and pretend to be dead, and wait until everyone else was almost beaten before coming out to pick up the slack.

For this reason, the Zhetian Chamber of Commerce and the Nidhogg Group were broken into pieces, and they defected to various major forces on the grounds that their boss was already GG, preparing to launch a gorgeous betrayal at the last moment.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yan jumped directly onto his face and activated his taunting skills.

"It's a pity that the origin-ending bullet of the Wonderful Object of Heaven and the Moon-shaped Four Heavenly Kings was not fired." Lu Mingfei pulled the bullet out of the gun chamber, rubbed his chicken coop, and asked Ye Fan: "What should I do? Ah, boss, Voldemort can’t be trusted now.”

"What to do?" Ye Fan's fists bloomed with holy light, and the vision went directly to the center of the continent below, and the flying fire light soaring into the sky crushed him: "It's over for him!"

"Ma'am, please calm down a little. You couldn't get over what you just did." The director's voice came from the side.

Because the magic cultivator was no longer around, in order to join the fight as quickly as possible after the filming of the final video, several monks directly found the monks who played the main roles and summoned a bunch of monks who had been eliminated from the final battlefield and had just been resurrected. When acting as an extra, prepare to add logic according to the settings in the script.

Now is the penultimate act, the main participants are Su Lin, Irena, and Klein.

"I said." Irena held the script tightly with both hands, picked up the folds of the white paper, twitched the corners of her mouth, and said with a hint of reluctance in her expression:

"With this character setting, you don't really like me, do you? You don't really have interest in me, do you? Why don't you consider those peers?"

"The price is easy to talk about...forget it, let the two people you rescued repay the favor."

All Mr. Bright dolls are special products made by the witch who is obsessed with Mr. Bright. Through some special methods, the witch confirmed that the fallen God was not just a simple fusion of his residue, but that there was a secret between the two in the extremely distant past. .

The resurrected witch still used dimensional magic to crash the entire old world into the new world, and the fallen God and Fool played by Su Lin stood up.

When the Fallen God was trying to turn the tide, the puppets staged a sneak attack, which expanded the influence of the inversion, allowing the Fallen God to decide to fall according to the law.

During this time, Su Lin would caress the other person's cheek with one hand, and the witch would look yandere and heartbroken.

At this time, the Fool took out a monocle in Source Castle.

In order to thank the other party for his help, he took advantage of the fact that Qu Yanping once wore a monocle, and used a loophole to pull the remaining souls of the other party and Gu Yue Fang Yuan back from the Huan Yu Realm (special effects dolls), and Yang Jian's personality and origin were used as a sacrifice for the resurrection of Mr. Guangming's body, forcing the fallen god to completely reverse his position and break the laws set by the body.

"Yes, yes!" Su Lin took the phone and pressed the camera's shooting button: "That's the expression!"

He widened his eyes, turned his head to the side, his expression was extremely mocking, and said happily: "I just want to see your nervous and worried expression, hahahaha!"

"." Irena clenched her fist and resisted the urge to punch the opponent directly in the face. She smiled and said: "The several hot short videos and photos I saw in the past few days were indeed done by you. Bar?"

"The income is quite high, and a lot of people are calling me "wife" online." Su Lin did not hide it: "In just a few days, the number of fans has reached millions."

"Several seniors," the director team reminded.

"Wait a moment." Irena smiled sheepishly towards the director team and said.

Irena stared at Su Lin, took out her mobile phone, pointed at the short video account, stretched out her hand and made a five.

Su Lin shook his head and made a three sign.

Irena shook her head and prepared to leave, pretending to tear up the script.

Su Lin sighed and made a sign of four.

Irena nodded, and the two parties shook hands to make peace.

Klein stepped forward, used the faceless man's ability to eliminate the mouth, made a zipper movement, and made a "1" sign.

"Senior Su Lin, the witch is the villain! Why are you and the witch joining forces to attack the Fool?!" The director team is about to collapse, and their plan to earn points is about to fail.

This last scene could only be shot separately

"Emperor, I'm extremely sorry!" Mandrill knelt down on one knee and said to the twisted figure looking at the bloody sunset: "It's my incompetence that can't break through the third layer of defense."

Liyue Xianting built a Liyue-style grand palace hundreds of meters high in the clouds. To celebrate the emperor's return, they used golden rocks and amber embellishments.

"The sudden resurgence of the Nidhogg Group is something you didn't expect." Zhong Li clasped one hand behind his back and was reading a book of exercises in the other hand, "To be honest, you are used to this picture. What does it look like?”

"I'm not used to it. It's even worse and more chaotic than before." Mandrill lowered his head. He was disgusted by the taste of flesh and blood replacing wings.

"We may encounter such enemies in the future." Zhongli changed back to his own appearance, with some apology in his tone: "I'm sorry for making you feel this attitude."

"No!" Mandrill quickly denied, with a firm look: "If one day I really turn into such a creature, I will fight for the emperor until the last moment! If I become an enemy of the emperor, I will kill myself first!"

When Zhong Li heard this, a faint smile appeared on his lips and he said:

"You don't have to fight for me. After this scene is over, I will still be the same Zhongli. I will only occasionally share my journey's gains and interesting experiences with my friends in the Immortal Courtyard."

As he spoke, the bottle of strange fire pill cauldron on the horizon shattered. Emperor Yan Xiao Yan held the pure white flame of light in one hand, and the colorful strange fire in the other hand. The flames burning the sky were like wings spreading out, covering the fading day. .

"But if it's possible." Zhongli took out a curved spear in his hand, wearing a golden black armor, with dragon horns manifested on his head, "I want you to go and see it with me."

This extremely dangerous and wonderful world of heaven and earth.

The center of the hall at the headquarters of the Church of Fools.


"Illya, I seem to have reached my limit." Shirou Emiya panted heavily, blood flowing from his head. He knelt on one knee, holding the sword in both hands on the ground to support his exhausted body.

"No." Illya stood up from the altar, jumped down from above with her bare feet, and stared at Shirou Emiya quietly with her scarlet eyes.

"You don't need to stay with me until the end. The filming is over. Let's quit this game first." Shirou Emiya looked at the girl in front of him and persuaded: "The taste of death, even if it is simulated, is not pleasant."

Outside forces are attacking the center of the Fool's Church round after round. In the setting, after the swordsman played by Emiya Shirou was rescued by the Fool, the two reached cooperation and became an alliance.

Therefore, the Church of Fools, to which Shirou Emiya belongs in this final battle, must help the other party defend its headquarters until the arrival of the Source Castle.

The hands of the clock above the church stagnated. This was the last defense. The church frozen by the law had the highest level of defense.

"Shirou." Illya brushed the dust off Emiya Shirou's face and gently held Emiya Shirou's face: "I want to stay."

"Why?" Emiya Shirou asked puzzled.

What answered him was pure and powerful magic. It was not the additional power brought by the simulated universe, but Illya's own power as the Holy Grail.

But by simulating the system given by the universe, Illya transferred her own magic power into Shirou Emiya's body through skin contact.

"I never understood why my mother sacrificed herself for Kiritsugu's ideals. I hate the kind of guy who abandons his family for some justice."

Violent vibrations came from the church. The stone pillars and glass were shaking. Illya's white hair fell down on her shoulders. Pure white flames burned in the sky. The flames illuminated the darkness around the two of them through the enamel glass of the church.

"Partners of justice? Are they more important than family?"

Illya held Emiya Shirou's face, and her clear voice was like the gurgling water flowing down the snow-capped mountains, echoing in the empty church and in Emiya Shirou's mind.


Shirou Emiya couldn't avoid this issue. When he and Illya watched the "FATE/ZERO" anime together, Illya would watch the anime in silence as long as it involved Kiritsugu. Then he talked to Emiya Shirou about other things as if nothing happened.


Emiya Shirou has always subconsciously not thought about this issue. Unlike himself in games and anime, he now has a lot of time and will not be forced to make a choice by sudden events.

"I have never forgiven someone like Kiritsugu."

Emiya Shirou saw his reflection in Illya's burgundy eyes. He looked a little uneasy?

"What a righteous partner! That kind of person." Illya's voice was a little unsteady, but she tried her best to suppress herself: "But my mother is obsessed with him, sacrificing herself for his ideal choice! I know this is Ai Yin The Fate of the Holy Grail of the Zibelun Clan"

There was only silence between the two, and there was even a crunching sound from the violently shaking church.

Looking at Shirou Emiya who was at a loss, Illya hugged him, put her cheek against Shirou Emiya's ear, and said softly:

"But now, I seem to be able to understand my mother."

Emiya Shirou's pupils shrank.

"If the most important person can be happy, if that person can realize the ideal he has been pursuing, if that person can be satisfied."

"Then that's fine, as long as you can always be by each other's side."

"I still can't forgive Kiritsugu for looking like that. But if Shirou wants to pursue his ideals."

"I want to be with you until the end."

"Even if there is hell ahead."

Emiya Shirou wanted to speak, but at this time he felt as if his throat was blocked by a foreign object and he could not make a sound. His body instinctively wanted to hug the girl, but his arms suddenly trembled, and he recalled his childhood in his mind. In that fire that burned everything, what could be heard was the screams of people in the fire, and the almost charred bodies fell to the ground along with the broken walls.

The cold raindrops hit my face, but they couldn't extinguish the fire of karma in hell and people's screams for help.

"My ideal is just for self-satisfaction." Emiya Shirou struggled to squeeze out a sentence, his voice was not loud, and it was almost drowned by the shaking sound of the church.

"It's not important." Illya hugged Emiya Shirou tighter:

"For Shirou in the game, they are your soul mates who also pursue your goals without giving up. They can also guide you to stay on the ideal path. Sakura can also help you become an ordinary person again and gain a new life."

"Originally, I wanted to change Shirou, but in the final analysis, it was actually me who was changed by Shirou..."

"So it doesn't matter, whether it's carrying out my ideals or saving everyone, even if it's this fake drama, I want to be with Shirou all the time!"

"Shirou, can you let me accompany you to the end of hell?"

With hope in mind, the girl mustered up the greatest courage in her life. She didn't know how she could surpass Rin Tosaka, whom Shirou Emiya had always had a crush on. She didn't spend as much time with him as Sakura Matou, and the impression she had when they first met was not as good as being with him. Rated as Bai Yueguang's Saber.

However, if she could escape the fate of the Holy Grail and live forever, she would not want to hand the boy over to anyone.

Even Sakura...

Boom! ! !

The long and melodious bell rang, and the hour hand no longer stood still and began to turn.

"Thank you..." Emiya Shirou's hands no longer trembled, the hell scene in his mind disappeared, and the fear of the future was like an anchor dropping, and he felt extremely calm deep in his heart.

Emiya Shirou held Illya tightly in his arms, feeling her body temperature, stroking her smooth, silk-like hair, and gently smelling the fragrant orchid-like fragrance.

"Even if everything is false, I know what to do. Until then, stay with me until the end."


The moment the enamel glass broke, Emiya Shirou soared into the sky with the edelweiss-like girl in his arms.

The spiritual power is exhausted, the magic power is replenished, it's enough...

"This body is made by the sword!"

When Emperor Yan fell, the light of the setting sun was edited into the night sky. Under the shining wings of the stars, boys and girls are surrounded by immortals and gods. In the colorful world of Penglai, the sun, moon and stars turn into sword blades...

Bang bang bang bang!

"Wonderful." Su Lin said to Xiao Yan: "The last to enter the field to collect the remaining blood, the first to be eliminated."

In the majestic building with a unique divine style, there are many mottled long tables in the ancient style. As the number of people in the knockout round continues to increase, the filming crew gradually enters.

Zhongli, Su Lin, Xiao Yan, Emiya Shirou, Ruffian Dragon, and many other major and minor characters are all in the lobby.

"Isn't it the same for you?" Xiao Yan pointed at Su Lin and said.

"Me?" Su Lin laughed: "I am a historical projection, look at the big screen over there."

Xiao Yan turned around, and on the screen, in the deep sky of the dead sea of ​​stars, countless remains of gods and demons were floating.

The fierce battle is not over yet. Su Lin, Irena, and Ye Fan are fighting fiercely with Yuzhe, Lu Mingfei, and Xing.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time passed, the picture was played back at double speed, followed by a dazzling white light. The avenue was wiped out, the starry sky was shattered, and everything returned to nothingness and tranquility.

There is nothing left in the original universe.

"It seems they died together." Su Lin shook his head regretfully.

Just when he thought it was over, he suddenly frowned and asked beside him:

"Are there two people still alive in our group? These two people have a relatively low sense of existence..."

After hearing this, everyone looked at the screen.

In the starry sky, the bronze coffin of the Three Generations floated, and a corner of the coffin lid was lifted from the inside.

A face that eclipsed the stars appeared first. After he walked out, he looked at everything around him, was stunned, and said, "Are we late?"

Song Shuhang and Han Li followed closely behind them, followed by a team of photographers headed by True Lord White Crane.

Winner: Kongyun Sect

The next volume will be Shaoyue, and then there may be one or two chapters dedicated to Emiya Shirou alone. It will be noted at that time...

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