Clouds rise from the top of the mountain, and everything appears exquisite. The dazzling rainbow light penetrates the sky, trying to cover up the brilliance of the sun and take away the brightness of the world when the morning sun rises.

As the Taiyi-level blood food was swallowed and absorbed by Qu Yanping, the divine light illuminated by the Eye of God showed a hint of blood.

"He shouldn't sneak out to eat people anymore, right?" Song Shuhang looked at the divine light that was gradually fading on the top of the mountains a hundred miles away: "This guy is a Hannibal. Senior Tong Gua works very hard. He has to work every day. Become a different person and feed him.”

But there was no way around it. I was originally looking for extras to serve as blood food. Who would have thought that Tong Gua would wrap up the job for remuneration? Men, women, old and young, fat, thin, tall and short

"A dog can't change its habit of eating shit." Xiao Yan had just complained when he saw Song Shuhang's expression was strange: "Ah haha, I'm sorry, I'm not referring to the copper hexagram."

"Brother Li, what are you studying?" Ye Fan took a few bites of the work meal "Charcoal Grilled Monster Legs" sent by Emiya Shirou.

As a vegetative character, he can only move around when the lead actor is away, even though the lead actor is away most of the time.

During this period, the mystery of the ruins of Heaven was also filmed, during which Ye Fan served as a 'prop' to resist the weirdness deep in Heaven.

Since then, the starring actor has been avoiding Ye Fan's existence, because in the setting, Ye Fan is an inverted emperor. Due to the sneak attack of the ancient enemy, he currently exists in a state of sleep between unknown old age and inverted state.

"The spiritual plant seeds of Hengyu Realm are probably not rare seeds in Hengyu Realm, but cultivating them may be useful." Han Li received the few herbs into the storage bag. These were obtained from Qu Yan. Things found in Ping's lost storage bag.

In terms of elixirs, elixirs from different worlds may be able to be combined into interesting formulas. This is not his first attempt.

"Brother Li, I wanted to ask you before. Are you obsessed with farming now?" Xiao Yan unwrapped the plastic bag of the take-out lunch box and sat on the ground. "You were holding a copy of "Cultivation and Management Science" before. Look there, by the way, where did you get it?"

"I ordered online. One of the benefits of technological civilization is that it is easier to obtain some knowledge." Han Li smiled and said:

"As for the mystery, I can't talk about it. I just have time recently to cultivate some resources from other worlds for backup. But to be honest, I can really get some fun from it."

Han Li had no idea of ​​competing with his friends to see who could advance faster or who could cultivate to the strongest level. His pursuit had not changed from beginning to end, and that was the freedom of the road.

Now that I can have some quiet leisure time, I don't have to be in such a hurry as before.

Now that the Chaotic Sea of ​​Stars has been cleansed by Zhongli, he can expand his knowledge reserve in a leisurely manner and continue to enrich his accumulation.

As for the so-called Time Dao Ancestor, that is not something worth caring about and looking forward to. If we stay where we are and hope for the future, hoping to enjoy the success and achieve great success, then why are all living beings struggling in the sea of ​​suffering?

"He seems to be on his way here." Han Li frowned, then changed into a handsome face and changed his clothes accordingly.

"Ah?" Song Shuhang was stunned and said in confusion: "I just broke the chopsticks."

In the experience in the simulated universe, food-related posts are the most common on the monk forum, apart from dungeon guides and NPC favor guides. Due to the interaction of several worlds, the area of ​​taste enjoyment has ushered in explosive development.

"I'll help you." Ye Fan took the spiritual mushroom set meal from Song Shuhang's hand that was incompatible with the painting style here, and lay directly into a golden coffin full of talismans and seals: "The taste is okay, let me cover the coffin board. "

"After eating mushrooms, lie down on the coffin board." Song Shuhang looked at the sky sadly, then closed the coffin board and said to Su Lin in the group: "Senior Sanlang can come over."

To keep Kuangdao Sanlang in one place without moving around at will would be even more uncomfortable for him than killing him.

As Song Shuhang's message was sent out, within two seconds, a monk fell from above who was suppressed by Buddhist mantras, had a ten thousand-character seal on his body, and his soul was like a candle in the wind.

Song Shuhang walked forward in confusion, only to find that Kuangdao Sanlang was rolling his eyes and drooling. Although his body was fine, his spirit had dissipated.

According to the agreement, Qu Yanping came to a small monk town thousands of miles away from the ruins of Heaven to look for Gao Sheng and others.

It wasn't until he learned from a certain blood-eater that Qu Yanping learned that there were many monks in the outer world who poured into the Penglai ruins through the bronze door connecting heaven and earth.

With the spread of the Purple Gold Dragon, almost all outside forces participated in this exploration.

This is not good news for Qu Yanping now, because it means that more beings will come to the old world. What he is about to do will be harmful to this world. If he is not careful, he will be ganged up on. And attack it.

According to Gu Yue Fang Yuan, the fundamental reason why the power gained in the other world cannot be taken away is that this is the fusion of the remains of countless worlds after their destruction, and the remaining parts are constantly reappearing the original people and things, performing the fate of the past. .

The people in the outer world are the beings who escaped before the collapse of reincarnation. After coming to this world, they will regain the remnants of their former power, but as long as they leave the inner world, their power will not exist, because the former Yang Jian blocked any The remnants of the old world left.

Except for the wonders of heaven.

"The so-called wonders of the way of heaven are themselves the materialized laws or the legacy of the fruits of the path. Regardless of their strength or weakness, the wonders of the way of heaven as entities have the special characteristic of being immortal for all eternity."

"Therefore, the wonders of heaven are the only things that can be taken away. No, for you, everything about Yang Jian can be taken away."

"Yang Jian's body is buried in the world behind the three-generation copper coffin. The second copper coffin must not be opened, and I can't tell you what is in the second copper coffin."

Qu Yanping recalled what Gu Yue Fang Yuan said to him. He must have something to hide, and even had a big conspiracy.

But he has no other good way now, except to make compromises with the other party. After all, under the current situation, he has become the key to the return of many powerful people.

At least there is no need to consider safety issues in a short period of time, or it is useless to think about it.

Regardless of whether what the other party said was true or not, at this point he had no choice but to keep going. Now he could only hope that there would be a "weak period" after those powerful people returned, otherwise he would be overthrown by the other party before he could digest it.

If the opponent is a righteous powerful person, then he will definitely be eradicated, but now the group of powerful people who have completely accepted the reverse pollution may have turned into peerless evil spirits, and the devil is even more untrustworthy.

"What smells so fragrant?" Qu Yanping came to the pavilion where Gao Sheng and others were. As soon as he entered the door, he asked about the smell of oil and aura mixed: "Guys, I haven't seen you for a while, but you know Enjoy life."

He first looked at Han Li. According to Gu Yue Fang Yuan, in the future he had been in contact with, Han Li was the reincarnation of a Taoist-level figure in the immortal world. If he used it well, he might be able to be used in dangerous places. .

"Brother Qu was joking. After staying here for a few days, the hospitable Taoist friends provided us with spiritual food." Gao Sheng smiled slightly and said, "Is there any new news recently?"

"Yes, about the ruins where the copper coffin was suppressed." While Qu Yanping was talking, he saw Kuangdao Sanlang lying on the bed and said in surprise: "Senior, is this?!"

"He looked like this when he came back from exploring. He seems to have gone crazy. He doesn't know what happened." Gao Sheng smiled apologetically, "Don't worry about him, maybe he will be fine after a while."

"What are you talking about?" Qu Yanping retorted: "Senior Sanlang and I are also life-and-death friends. I came to see what happened to Senior Sanlang. Maybe I can be of some help."

As the reincarnation of a Confucian saint, the Three Waves of Kuangdao can also come in handy. It can help him get close to Yang Jian's true form in the Jedi he is about to enter. Now that he sees the other person turning into this look of neither human nor ghost, he is quite shocked.

The old world is indeed full of dangers. In addition to the hidden time monsters, are there dangers that can turn the reincarnation of a Confucian saint into this? !

But fortunately, he has the eyes of the gods and can ignore the causal connection. Just taking a look at what problems the other party has encountered should not be a big deal.

Qu Yanping passed by Gu Yue Fangzheng, who was still melancholy. This powerful man from Gu Tianting had not yet come out of Gu Yue Fang Yuan's incident.

"Senior Sanlang, I'm offended." Qu Yanping apologized, and then a vertical pupil appeared between his eyebrows. The divine light swept over Kuangdao Sanlang, and what happened to him gradually appeared in his mind.

["Isn't this Master Tunyun? You have also come to the Penglai ruins~ Hahaha, long time no see. How are you~"

"Me? I've been doing well recently, but why do you have dark circles under your eyes? Do you still have to work overtime? I still want to thank you for what happened before. If it weren't for your help, I would have given myself a cool song. ”

It was a monk who looked a little fat. He was wearing a cassock and had obvious dark circles under his eyes. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked like he had not slept well.

Kuangdao Sanlang greeted the other party, and the other party smiled very kindly.


The golden chain condensed by the mantra shot out from the void, and a golden body of Tathagata the size of a star appeared behind the opponent. The Three Waves of Crazy Sword were not very strong in themselves, but they possessed the wonders of heaven, so it was difficult to fight with the opponent. point.

Along the way, the two destroyed countless stars, and the black hole in the beginning reappeared in the world.

In the end, the monk named Tunyun exchanged his injuries for injuries and bound himself and Kuangdao Sanlang in a Buddhist altar. The two were tied together. A ten thousand-character seal appeared on Kuangdao Sanlang's mouth, preventing him from wanting to Cursing movements.

Then, a human black record flew out and landed on an ancient gramophone.

(Kill! Kill! @! # Praise the light @! # ————————)]


Qu Yanping suddenly stood upright, rolled his eyes, and then fell straight to the ground.

Li Huowang, who returned to Niuxin Village, saw the disappearing portal behind him, and then looked at the large and small bags on his body. After standing there and thinking for a while, he immediately stopped smiling and solemnly asked to the side of the air:

"Brother Zhuge, is what I just experienced real? These things in my hand are not stones, are they?"

"Boss Hongzhong! It's true! It's true! It's all true!" Hallucination Hongzhong answered first, and he came to Li Huowang with a dog-legged look on his face:

"It's such a fun thing, boss, you must let me out in the future! Do you need any information about other Zhiwangdao? Is it enough to sell them?"

"If it's not enough, let me out, and I'll cheat a few more."

Facing Balabala's hallucinatory Hongzhong, Li Huowang said to Zhuge Yuan: "Brother Zhuge, help me slap him."


Huan Huan Hongzhong was slapped aside, but the monk came up and said happily: "The Taoist priest is so good, your illness can be cured now."

"I'm not sick!" Li Huowang said with a smile: "Brother Zhuge, it seems that they are not interested in Xinsu either!"

Zhuge Yuan said that it is necessary to be on guard against others, not to mention the unheard-of bizarre events in "another world". The other party seemed to know Li Huowang well, but Li Huowang knew very little information. He said that he had heard about it in the previous hallucination world. Without the existence of some people, it would be too passive.

In this case, Zhuge Yuan came up with a plan. He observed from the sidelines, while Li Huowang gave the other party Xinsu's body. It turned out that the monk named Su Lin was not only not interested, but also gave Li Huowang a bunch of money. things.

"So far, he seems to be a good man." Zhuge Yuan commented: "The spells used by the monks over there do seem to be fundamentally different from ours."

"Yes." Li Huowang felt a little regretful when he saw that the other party was taking care of him so much, while he was still quietly testing him. He specially left a human skin magic weapon there. Xin Su's human skin magic weapon had the function of surrogate death.

That is a normal reaction. After learning that he is a xinsu, he has no reaction to his body, but avoids it.

Li Huowang suddenly felt a little happy. After so many years, only his master and brother Zhuge were so kind to him in this world.

"By the way, we have to prepare for defense quickly." Li Huowang hurriedly walked outside the house: "There is also the matter of the Xian family. We must find a way to kill them in the future."

Li Huowang came downstairs and came to the courtyard and shouted: "Li Sui!"

A figure wearing a bamboo hat and a raincoat ran over from the bun's kennel: "Dad."

"You stay in my room these days and you are not allowed to go anywhere." Li Huowang thought for a while and added: "I will take you out to play in a few days. Just be patient and don't play with Steamed Buns."

"Okay." Li Sui's tentacles emerged from under the raincoat and squirmed twice.

Li Huowang walked out of the hospital and used his own blood to draw a piece of talismans to ward off evil spirits. Then he summoned Yang Zizi and others, took out a bunch of yellow talismans and said, "Stop what you are doing and stick these talismans on them." Go to every courtyard, and if you encounter a Tengu eclipse in the past two days, immediately hide in the nearest courtyard."

Although everyone was confused as to why Li Huowang knew about the Tengu Eclipse, the other party's prestige was here, so they followed suit.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, Li Huowang is a capable person, and it is correct to listen to what he says.

After that, Li Huowang made some arrangements, then sat down quietly and took out his mobile phone, "Miaomiao, can you see what this is?"

"I've never seen it before. Where did you get it?" Bai Lingmiao looked at the black smooth object and wondered.

"It seems to be true." Li Huowang felt that he didn't need to confirm it anymore, otherwise he would really become a madman: "I will tell you later."

It didn't take long for the evil thing to happen. Noon came just two days later.

With sufficient preparation, these evil spirits born in the darkness did not cause any trouble at all.

But Li Huowang was not very happy. Things about Gao Zhijian, things about Da Qi, Daliang, and the disappearance of Brother Zhuge made him more and more uncomfortable. He was even more uncomfortable because today's movie was not shown.

He really wants to split the dice right now!

But he only saw this. Su Lin told him that there were some things that he couldn't know, so he didn't have too much curiosity. The other party would not harm him in this matter.

Li Huowang: "Aren't you going to watch a movie today? Didn't you say it's about to end?"

Ye Fan: "There was an accident on site, we have to wait."

Su Lin: "We are rescuing the camera. What did you do? Just scrap it."

Song Shuhang: "."

Xiao Yan: "Cameras may not be the only ones that are scrapped. The monk forum said that there are many monks being used as garbage in space today."

Su Lin: "I didn't receive the resurrection application?"

Han Li: "I just checked, maybe the body is still alive."

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