"You know how to use a mobile phone. Brother, don't think too much here. Eat well, drink well and sleep well. If you need it, I can also help you call Dr. Audrey's expert account. If it doesn't work, there's more. Professor Adam, the treatment effect is 100% guaranteed, but he may charge a little extra fee, such as using you to do some."

Su Lin took a look at the mobile phone that looked like evidence at a murder scene, and immediately decided to give the mobile phone to Li Huowang.

Although he wanted to save the money and return it to Yu Feng after washing it, Su Lin gave up the idea when the person involved was here, otherwise Yu Feng would probably cry again with the look in his eyes.

"No! I'm normal and don't need to see a doctor!" Li Huowang froze and hurriedly argued.

Then he looked at the modern studio placed in the green mountain forest and the rows of seats 200 meters in front. It was a scene he had seen in the live broadcast.

‘It’s all real, not an illusion! ’

The handsome white-headed young man holding a baby in front of him looked like a fairy, and all the emotions and pains in his body were so plain that there was almost no ripples at all.

He has met many people, but only this person has the most stable emotions and sufferings.

"Where are the other people in the group?" Li Huowang shrank his hands and looked around curiously, but he only saw some monks riding the wind with swords or flying out of thin air using escape techniques. He couldn't help but feel happy. These people and their spells looked like Everything is normal.

"The movie is being filmed in the universe theater below. After all, it's coming to an end. Except for me, everyone else spends a lot of time showing their faces around the protagonist these days." Su Lin said calmly: "Of course there are also people who go back to their own world. ”

Li Huowang was stunned for a moment and said, "Isn't that a TV series?"

As soon as Li Huowang finished speaking, he saw Su Lin's body moved slightly, but then stabilized.

"..." Su Lin looked at Li Huowang and said, "You probably don't know that here, these are all movies. This is the so-called difference between the world and the world."

"Is that so?!" Li Huowang was shocked, but when he thought about it carefully, it seemed that there was nothing surprising. The differences between the worlds were often very big, just like the monks there were completely different from the monks here.

"That's it." Su Lin nodded.

"It turns out this is a movie." Li Huowang suddenly realized, thinking that the movie tickets here might be very expensive.

When he was young, his parents in the modern world took him to watch movies. The tickets were not cheap at that time. Later, before his illness became serious, he and Yang Na also watched it. Yang Na originally disagreed at the time, after all, it was Li Huowang. I spent the breakfast money I had saved for a long time.

Later, there was nothing that could be done. Li Huowang's condition had reached the point where he needed to be hospitalized for treatment. Yang Na finally watched a two-hour movie with Li Huowang.

Although I have some doubts about the movie here, such as what to do if the audience is in urgent need of urination, why shouldn't it be a TV series with so many scenes, but since the other party said it is a movie, it should have his reason.

"This movie is pretty good." Li Huowang said from the bottom of his heart: "The special effects are so cool."

"It can be a big seller, right?" Su Lin smiled and nodded.

"Absolutely." Li Huowang affirmed.

Under the leadership of Su Lin, the two walked towards the Shuijingfeng B\u0026B in the distance.

The post-editing team not far behind the two

"Who deleted the folder where I put the materials?"

"What folder."

"The one in the fifteenth episode of the TV series."

"Let me see, isn't there a movie here? I told you to play less interstellar, but you don't listen. After the movie, you can practice hard."

Li Huowang went back first because Su Lin casually asked him what he was doing now, and then suddenly discovered that this guy was currently practicing in Niuxin Village and had not experienced evil spirits yet.

After briefly talking about it, Li Huowang immediately went back with the offline cached novel. Su Lin specifically asked not to read the content at the end, otherwise it would be dangerous.

Then Su Lin gave the other party the third item (elixir, talisman, magic weapon). I don't know if it can be used, but I can take it back and try it out first.

"I'll help you heal your injuries. Maybe in the next two days, you should go back and prepare for the evil things." Su Lin's mouth twitched, resisting Li Huowang's intention to give him the Xinsu parts:

"Go back quickly. Just come back when you're done."

"You can take these fruits and eat them on the way. Let's discuss anything in the group."

Your heart is full of treasures, but brother, you really can’t show your heart and lungs like this when we first meet.

"Let me state in advance that I am a pragmatist, but this kind of magic weapon art is still too advanced for me. I am an orthodox immortal cultivator, and everything about me is normal."

"All parts of the heart can be used to refine weapons, which is quite useful, but psychologically I can't overcome it."

Under Su Lin's persuasion, Li Huowang gratefully returned with large and small bags. Although he was a little reluctant to leave the world that he had not yet had time to explore, Niuxin Village was still more important now.

Su Lin breathed a sigh of relief and murmured to himself:

"The idea of ​​equal exchange is correct, but it is not impossible to accept help from others occasionally. Li Huowang is still too polite."

The most important thing is that Su Lin really doesn't need to use Li Huowang's back molars as bullets. It doesn't help him much at the moment, and even if his combat power increases, it will have a negative impact on his positive image.

When Su Lin turned around to leave, he suddenly saw a piece of stone stacked on the stone pier beside him.

"Lying grass?! Li Huowang, you didn't take away your human skin!"

That day, a strange object of heaven named "Si Ming's Relic" was added to the monk forum of the simulated universe.

"The Thunder Department is ready!"

"Dragon monks can spray water!"

As the director shouted the start, lightning and thunder began in the sky, and strong winds raged.

On the land of the old world, countless monks began to show off various magical powers and fight together. In addition to the pregnancy gaze, which was regarded as a taboo move, there were also such things as the Five Elements Rotation, the Law of the Sky and the Earth, the Universe in the Sleeve, the Immortal-killing Flying Knife, the Monkey Stealing the Peach, and the Black Tiger Taking out the Heart. , tornadoes destroy parking lots, you can use them as long as you know how.

This is one of the filming locations in Old World Cinema City. Only participants who have registered in advance can enter this temporarily designated area.

In the area slightly outside, all monks come here as explorers of the outer world, and need to conduct immersive experience exploration in this simulated universe until they overcome many difficulties.

The strong men who were resurrected in the Tomb of the Gods now transformed into villain NPCs one after another, directing their attacks towards the monks.

These are just background panels.

The swordsman played by Shirou Emiya was quickly transformed into a "battle-damaged" version with the crew's careful makeup and dressing up. His clothes were torn and ragged, and his right arm was intercepted from space by dimensional magic, highlighting the word "tragic".

And at the suggestion of Director No. 1, he worked tirelessly to give each extra performer a projection magic weapon as a souvenir, thus achieving a 100% true and exhausted look of exhaustion of mana.

Normally, projecting souvenirs and distributing them is a follow-up process, but in order to achieve perfect results and let this body dry up, Emiya Shirou advanced this process.


"Why should I agree to this proposal?"

"I am. This is just making a movie. Why don't I take a vacation and come to make a movie?"

"It's your turn." A voice reminded in the void.

"Oh" Shirou Emiya responded dully and then fell straight onto the muddy soil mixed with "bloody water". A tractor flew by in the sky and dropped the remains of several monks around.

"Little sister, your expression is too exciting. Stop it." A voice in the void reminded: "Huh? Yes, that's it, that's all."

Unlike Shirou Emiya who was confused, Illya could not hide the joy on her lips as she lay in Shirou Emiya's arms, but she reached a weak state by letting her magic power run wild.

This is a unique memory between her and Emiya Shirou, so she must make this movie a success no matter what.

The [Swordsman] played by Shirou Emiya is in place.

The [Saint] played by Illya is in place.

[Amon] played by Klein is in place.

[Klein] played by Amon is in place.

Klein's Secret Puppet Group is in place.


The raindrops from the sky hit the face of the swordsman played by Shirou Emiya little by little. His right hand has disappeared, and there are wounds all over his body. A snow-white sword is stuck to the side.

He held the saint in his arms tightly with his left hand. She had pale lips and curled up in the sword cultivator's arms, seemingly disturbed by the chill in the spiritual rain.

This scene lasted for about ten seconds. When Jianxiu's eyelids finally closed, several figures appeared out of thin air in the air next to him.


The sword cultivator's eyes suddenly widened, and the sword next to him was instantly inserted into a person's body.

"Even though you have obtained some relics from your previous life, it's incredible that you still have strength now." Klein pushed the monocle on his right eye socket, the smile on his face remained unchanged, and he slowly pulled out the long sword in his body:

"When you rebelled against the Supreme Sword Sect and refused to reverse the throne, you certainly seemed to be able to stand alone."

Merlin Hermes took over from the side and said, "But do you still remember what I once said?"

Gehrman Sparrow said: "In the fate I have seen, you cannot escape the fate of separation."

Amon finished wiping the crystal-carved monocle, put it on his right eye socket, and continued without any gaps: "Idealism like faith alone can cut off the destined outcome."

Klein took a look at the snow-white long sword, and took out the scabbard with the pattern of the double trees on it from the side: "I was lucky, I picked up your scabbard, and it was with the monk named Baiyun."

The next moment, his face turned into a white cloud, and his body was covered with cracks and began to disintegrate at an extremely fast speed.

And in the air, a man wearing a top hat and a black dress walked out again. He sighed and said in unison with everyone around him: "It's a pity that we finally found the high-level marionette."

An extremely strange scene unfolded next to Jian Xiu. His eyelids moved, and then he said in surprise: "Blind...stupid Azathoth, you are still alive."

After saying these words, the swordsman played by Emiya Shirou finally completed his mission, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"Strictly speaking, Azathoth has long been dead, the moment he was reversed while sleeping." Klein smiled and said, "I am hello now, are you listening?"

Everyone said in unison:

"My current name is"

"The Fool."

"Cut!" A voice came from the void: "Perfect! Hey, don't let the monks over there die. There are group performances elsewhere!"

Penglai ruins and Yuxu Palace, under the gaze of many floating cameras.

Su Lin did not act as Gu Yue Fang Yuan at this time. Instead, he came to the Western-style library in the image of his own clone of the God of Light, which was incompatible with this place.

As he walked, he brushed the books on the bookshelf with his fingers. As he moved forward, the place originally illuminated by light turned into darkness, and in this darkness, only the six wings behind him were scattered. Brilliant flakes.

"Long time no see." Su Lin's clone of the God of Light raised his head, looked at the character played by Irena who was nailed to the cross by the red spiral god-killing gun, and said: "Dimensional Witch."

"What a rare visitor." Irena, playing the dimensional witch, opened her eyes with a smile: "Why do you think of coming to me, Mr. Fallen God?"

"Because you are planning something dangerous." The fallen god played by Su Lin created things out of thin air, creating a table of exquisite pastries and fragrant afternoon tea.

"Do you have any evidence? Don't talk nonsense when you have lost your omniscience." The dimensional witch played by Irena said with a little teasing:

"Thanks to the gift of the God of the past, I can only maintain this immortal appearance now. What a heartless man, he can bear to allow a beautiful girl like me to be cut into pieces and scattered to different dimensions."

"Otherwise, if you help me pull out this gun so that I can come back again, then I will tell you everything, okay?"

"Haha." The fallen god did not answer immediately. He just tasted the exquisite refreshments leisurely. After sweeping away the refreshments, he was ready to get up and leave.

At this time, on the dome of the library, the kaleidoscopes composed of layers of different dimensional spaces shattered one after another, piercing toward the fallen God who was about to leave like broken glass.

At the same time, a set of oriental-style purple imperial robes appeared on the fallen god. He looked back, and all the dimensional fragments were consumed by his eyes.

The Dimensional Witch's voice became extremely irritable: "You are just the fusion of the residues of the two, fused into this monster that is no one! What is the meaning of everything you are doing now?!"

"God loves all living beings, God loves the world, and God does not like disorder." The face of the fallen God merged with another man who was very similar to him: "The emperor should defend the order of the three realms and guard all living beings."

"What does that have to do with you?" The Dimensional Witch sneered: "You are just a product of them preventing their own return in order to suppress the inversion! Are you going to give up on yourself like Yang Jian did?"

"Yes, it has nothing to do with me, so I hate this kind of shackles." The Fallen God nodded, turned and left. As he left, the light reappeared: "But as long as I still exist, this world will never be the same." It’s not just Yang Jian’s wall.”

"Cut!" A voice came from the void: "Perfect!"

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