I join the chat group as the protagonist of the system stream

Chapter 278 One sword, one realm, unlimited sword control

"I see, then it's all thanks to you." Su Lin rubbed his chin, understanding what was going on. He didn't expect that this kid Shirou Emiya had learned how to be human.

How should I put it? He is indeed a businessman, but his painting style has gradually become a bit crooked.

Su Lin secretly observed this guy's current situation. He was walking down the street holding his little hand, followed by a big bodyguard.

Wait a minute, why did you buy her red clothes? Berserkar probably doesn't know how to use laser attacks.

Su Lin complained in his mind and looked away.

Tun Yun said with a smile: "It's nothing, it won't affect the previous main settings anyway."

"No." Su Lin raised a smile, patted Tun Yun on the shoulder twice, and whispered: "My suggestion is to increase the intensity and add more emotional scenes and sadomasochism."

"Um, Senior Su Lin, Donor Wei seems to have said that the young lady is his sister." Tun Yun looked hesitant and said, "It's not good, after all, I am a disciple of the Buddhist family. Things related to relationships are detrimental to merit. "

He was vaguely aware that senior Su Lin wanted to watch the fun, but out of the bottom line of a Buddhist disciple, he felt that he should not join in the fun. After all, the workload would be heavy.

"They are not brothers and sisters, they are just filming. Merits, what merits?" A bright round light lit up behind Su Lin's head and said, "To be honest, Buddhism and I also have some fate."

"Amitabha, Master, you have good intentions, and a good relationship is also a meritorious deed."

Until Su Lin left, Tun Yun still had his mouth open. He rubbed his eyes, wondering if he had seen it wrong.

Is that the halo of merit and virtue that can only be possessed by Buddhist great masters? The intensity of the light of merit.

But he is wearing a Taoist robe? ! That's not right, his clone also has three pairs of wings. This senior's business seems to be very extensive.

"Master Tunyun, I told you earlier. I can't run with this amount of work, so why put me in a sack?" Gao Moumou walked out with the script and said easily: "Okay, replacement It’s a supporting role, please modify the details. It’s quite common these days to bring people into the group. Master Tunyun, why are you in a daze?”

"Buddha said that working overtime is a blessing." There was obvious doubt in Tunyun's voice: "Gao Donor, I want you to help me practice."

Gao Moumou: "?"

Is this monk being PUAd?

[In the Far East, when some forces were sailing in the sea of ​​​​stars, they discovered a new world. It is said that magical weapons are everywhere, and endless fairy swords, magic swords, and divine swords are inserted into the dry land like tombstones. Therefore, people give that Fang Shijie took a name - Jian Tomb]

Under Gao Sheng's hospitality, everyone took the star boat to a sea of ​​stars. The stars are intertwined, and there is a big blue sun in the middle of the huge galaxy clouds. It is bigger than any star. Ordinary stars are like grains of sand in front of him. In this case, countless stars are like the sea level, blue The great sun rises and sets in this sea of ​​stars.

In this shocking scene, there is also an extremely huge door, and tens of thousands of starships and monks are rushing towards it, including an organized army.

Qu Yanping watched this scene for a long time and was unable to recover. It was not simply shock, but this army of immortals made him feel as small as an ant.

All the smugness and pride were shattered at this moment, and his strength was not even as good as one of the soldiers.

"Brother Qu, the origin of your magical power is extraordinary. In this world, except for those powerful people, few ordinary immortals can see through the secrets of heavenly objects, let alone be directly devoured like that after they see through them." Gao Sheng laughed. He said nervously.

"Brother Gao, please stop teasing me." Qu Yanping apologized quickly, looking embarrassed. He used to often interact with people at home in the chamber of commerce, and he knew that Gao Sheng mentioned this at this time to comfort him.

Not long ago, he did a small favor to Gao Sheng's elder, at the cost of death.

At that time, the other party's words, "My little friend is not from this world," scared Qu Yanping to death. Fortunately, he later said the same thing to those in the Church of the Fool.

Only then did he understand that this place itself is bordered by many worlds, and it is not uncommon for visitors from outside the world.

During this time, Gao Sheng and Qu Yanping visited the Holy City. Judging from their travel experience, Qu Yanping became more determined in his thoughts.

Fantasy? All the items here are real. Even an ordinary monk has a real destiny. The past and present are extremely real.

The only thing that makes Qu Yanping regretful is that he can't see clearly the future of these people, even monks or animals whose cultivation is not as good as his.

The third eye can foresee the future to a certain extent, just like the eyes of the sky observing all living beings. Logically speaking, even if his cultivation level is not strong, he can still see some pictures of the future. However, after arriving here, even one second of the future cannot be seen. Seeing, including his own related future.

One thing that can be considered good news is that his Celestial Eye supernatural power still has a certain value. Since this world involves many powerful people, the secrets of heaven have long been confused, and many great powers who are good at deduction have been ordered to rule. , so having a secret technique of deduction can be very popular.

"I wonder if this so-called sword tomb is the same place as what Brother Gu Yue said." Gao Sheng walked to the bow of the star boat and said, "Maybe we can see Brother Gu Yue inside."

Qu Yanping nodded: "It's very possible."

"My junior brother who doesn't make anyone feel reassured." Gao Sheng looked at the door known as the Realm Gate, sighed, and said, "I've been looking for him for several years, but I didn't expect him to go to the Sword Realm again. By the way, Brother Qu, let me ask you something, please don’t misunderstand me.”

Qu Yan was stunned and said, "Brother Gao, it doesn't matter if you say it."

"You don't have Long Yang's skills, right?" Gao Sheng asked.

"The virtual star god has been loaded. Look up at the stars and light up your destiny with your own beliefs."

As Su Lin's message was transmitted to the eyes of all extraordinary beings in the Sword Tomb, the Star God version previously posted on the forum had been updated.

Whether it is the starry sky, the secret realm, or the divided small world, at the initial starting point of the long river of time, there are several majestic beings in various postures.

Except for the fact that there is no reward for logging into the system, everything else can become key evidence in court.

"If you don't pay me the copyright fee, I'm going to sue you." Xing spread his hands and said to Su Lin: "Credit points or items of equal value."

"Who in the hall is suing me?" Su Lin took a bite of popcorn while watching the attack on Qu Yanping in the video, and said, "Why don't you call the Star Gods over, they are the plaintiffs. "

"Then what do you say about this?" Xing took out a baseball bat and put it in front of Su Lin's eyes, and said scornfully: "Why is it that my bat is included in the auction of Tiandao rare items, even the relics of the city builders."

"Just treat it like a museum exhibition. Okay, I haven't done it yet." Su Lin took out a map from his arms and threw it to Xing: "I put some trophies and went to open the box myself. Bar."

Xing glanced at the marked location on the map. The distance was measured in planets. The corners of her mouth twitched and she said, "It's really annoying."

"Don't look at the way he is making jokes now, he has probably reached his limit." Ye Fan and Pang Bo dragged a black coffin and passed by the center of the teleportation node where Su Lin was. "Do you want to lie down in? I'll take you there. The sword tomb is just right for you to be buried in, so that you don’t end up with red hair.”

Irena wore a red spear on her chest, her face was pale, and she said, "Is the so-called blessing of God so strong?"

"It has reached the limit that my light god clone and main body can bear." Su Lin climbed up from the wide chair with difficulty, his legs were like lead, and walked heavily towards Ye Fan: "I would have known better. So big”

Su Lin is now like a computer, and loading these maps and the monks in the maps to upgrade, resurrect, and refresh monsters all require him to withstand God's will, that is, computing power.

If someone wants to ask him how he feels now, he can only answer: Thank you, it is 1000%.

"Wasn't it still fine before?" Lu Mingfei felt that Su Lin was moving like a stumbling centenarian. Sorry, all the thousand-year-olds in the group walked faster than Su Lin.

"After God's will was fully activated, I studied how far the authority could go." Su Lin said slowly, and at this time Pang Bo lifted Su Lin and placed it on the black coffin, "I stacked the parallel worlds, A lifeless primitive universe comes here and almost burns out my CPU."

Everyone: "."

It's a miracle you can still talk.

"Cancel some copies later, Shuhang, help me send a message to the monks." Su Lin felt that he didn't even want to raise his hands now: "Enter Penglai world for me, there are dozens of monks on the earth." This copy may be about to collapse. I have to spare some space for God’s will, and there is probably 1 more.”

"One day?" Song Shuhang quickly took out the simulated universe's special mobile phone and started editing the message.

Su Lin: "One minute."

"Why are you saying it now!!!"

In order to restore the story to this point, I don’t know whether to call him persistent or stubborn.

It was a scene that had never been seen before. There were so many weapons that were pierced into the earth, and they were still rusting in the absence of their holders. It was a world of ruins that could be described as countless swords.

"The third impact of the long river of time is coming! Form an formation!!!"

I can't understand why such a world exists. The scenery reflected in my eyes is infinitely desolate.

Every sword here has its own history. Every one is not an ordinary thing. Every sword placed in the world of cultivation can cause a fight. There are even swords that always have magical powers and sharp sword energy. Pierce into the sky.

"Sword Tomb."

What do all the things I heard and experienced along the way count in front of this world where the sword is the ground and the sword energy is the sea? What he heard and saw, even the Golden Immortal with the power to destroy heaven and earth, was too insignificant in front of this sword tomb.

"Everyone, calm down! There are still 321 days until the impact arrives!"

The five Golden Immortals were located at the extreme edge of the fleet, forming a time formation, guarding the fleet against the impact and heading towards the world deep in the Sword Tomb.

But even if the five golden immortals took action, the riots were all-pervasive. Occasionally, one or two starships would still be there, but the people inside would suddenly disappear.

It was not that the five Golden Immortals were unwilling to return. In fact, they were not afraid of time. Dragging a large group of burdens would affect the efficiency of exploration. However, it was not until about a month after the Three Realms United Fleet entered the Sword Tomb that they discovered that the long river of time here was actually Manifest and riot.

At that time, the fleet that was too late to prepare had already lost less than half of the starship, and the time and space they were in had been affected to a certain extent. They could not locate the world gate at all, and naturally they could not return.

This is the most terrifying part of the long river of time. Even if there is a great formation of time that blocks the long river of time, if the historical scenes in the long river of time cause waves in the mind when the long river of time seeps in, the soul and body will be inadvertently destroyed. Carrying the river of time, rushing towards the unknown history, I don’t know if I can return to the other side.

Forget it, Qu Yanping's third eye can still allow him to clearly see the historical time and space he is in, so that he will not be confused by the pictures in the long river.

But when the river of time hit for the second time, in the illusory and real river of time, some ancient dead creatures broke free from the river of time, snatched away a female cultivator, and unknowingly transformed the monks on hundreds of star boats. Eat blood.

Therefore, all people on the star boat must separate themselves from others, leaving only some food to satisfy their appetites, living in different rooms, and carving killing patterns outside the rooms. In this way, even if there are monks The incomplete and weak existence that was taken away by misfortune cannot be replenished immediately.

All the scenery disappeared, there was no sound, no vision, just nothingness.

It seemed like countless years had passed, and the sense of time was completely lost at this moment. Every second seemed like he had been sitting for a long time. Qu Yanping concentrated his mind, and only a rune-shaped Third Eye lit up on his forehead.

An ancient sacrificial music sounded in his ears, and in a daze, he saw the chimes moving in the wind.

‘It’s just the reverberation of time, don’t pay attention to it. ’

He tried his best to synchronize his sight with the Third Eye on his forehead, focused his attention on the present, and quietly waited for the impact of the long river of time to pass.

"That eye on your head."

His whole body was covered with chills, and he instantly looked behind him. A cold air rose uncontrollably from the tail cone and rushed straight to the top of his head. There was an extra "person" there.

"Is it the Eye of Heaven?"

She had slanted hair on her forehead, long black hair that reached her waist, and was wearing simple, yet yellowish white clothes. Her face was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen in his life.

The moment Qu Yanping lost consciousness, he quickly bit the tip of his tongue, and then the third eye on his head lit up brightly, and runes emerged from the three eyes, but even so, the other party was still there.

He was so shocked that he moved his gaze to the side, quietly waiting for the passage of time.

Even if it is a lost power, as long as the other party does not find the gap in their mind and seize it, they will not be able to break free without a carrier.

"How rude, I'm asking you something."

Qu Yanping didn't answer, as if he hadn't heard anything.

"Are you waiting for the river of time to pass?" The woman smiled and said, "Unfortunately, you probably won't be able to wait, because I have made the river of time stay at this moment forever."

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